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Rescooped by Gust MEES from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)
June 2, 2015 1:28 AM

How to Be a Better Listener

How to Be a Better Listener | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it

Couples often come in and say, “We need help with our communication,” and the presumption is that they need to become better communicators–by which they mean better talkers. But the best thing you can do for your relationship is become a better listener.

Here are some tips for improving your listening with everyone in your life–your partner, friends, colleagues, kids. They’ll all benefit, and so will you.1)  Notice when you’re just waiting to talk.

Learn more:

- http://www.scoop.it/t/21st-century-learning-and-teaching/?tag=Listen+to+Me+with+Your+Eyes

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
Gust MEES's insight:

Couples often come in and say, “We need help with our communication,” and the presumption is that they need to become better communicators–by which they mean better talkers. But the best thing you can do for your relationship is become a better listener.

Here are some tips for improving your listening with everyone in your life–your partner, friends, colleagues, kids. They’ll all benefit, and so will you.1)  Notice when you’re just waiting to talk.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 4, 2013 7:58 PM

Listen to Me with Your Eyes

Listen to Me with Your Eyes | 21st Century Learning and Teaching | Scoop.it
"The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard." - William Hazlitt


How many times have you sat through a seminar or webinar discussing the fine art of verbal comm


I learned that the true power of developing myself as an educational leader came when I discovered that listening was the key to building passionate, meaningful relationships.


It was also the key to ===> better understanding <=== the needs of those I served.


Gust MEES's insight:


I learned that the true power of developing myself as an educational leader came when I discovered that listening was the key to building passionate, meaningful relationships.

It was also the key to ===> better understanding <=== the needs of those I served.

Learn more:


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