LAB LUXURY and RETAIL ® : MARKETING & COMMUNICATION : Retail - Expérience Client - Luxe - Digital in Store - Future of Retail - Commerce Connecté - Omnicanal - Social Marketing - Influence - Réseaux Sociaux -Transformation Digitale
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Ce que l’expérience client signifie vraiment - 


Elle est primordiale, car elle construit la fidélité et la recommandation. Pourtant, l’expérience client est trop souvent mal comprise. Le concept de « customer experience » est né à la fin des années 1990 avec l’ouvrage de Joseph B. Pine et James H. Gilmore, « The Experience Economy » (l’article fondateur de HBR date …
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Quelles stratégies pour une expérience client parfaite ?


Chief Digital Officer, Directeur de la Customer Experience Digitale... Avec le digital, de nouveaux postes 'Customer Centric' apparaissent dans les entreprises. 5 'adorateurs' de l'expérience client témoignent de leurs stratégies à l'occasion de l'iMédia Brand Summit, les 1er et 2 juin 2016.
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Les réseaux sociaux n’influent pas sur les actes d’achat [Infographie]


Marketing digital :
Twitter, Facebook ou encore Snapchat annoncent tous leurs velléités de devenir marchand et comptent sur le fort trafic qu’ils... Articles liés Commerce connecté Solutions & Techno, Marketing & Conso - Enquêtes sur la consommation en France
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Customer Experience vs. User Experience: What’s The Difference?


A practical explanation of the difference between Customer Experience (CX) and User Experience (UX) in terms of virtual only and bricks & mortar businesses
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What Causes Consumers to Lose Trust in Digital Brands?


A majority of consumers don’t trust websites that suffer from security and usability issues, says Neustar in recently-released research [pdf], although inaccurate content is the most common complaint of those identified.
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Stores Suffer From a Shift of Behavior in Buyers


As Americans prioritize spending their money on experiences, not objects, department stores and other retailers are struggling with sales.
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'La convergence entre la publicité et le CRM peut changer la donne dans l'exercice du marketing'


L'alliance entre big data et marketing semble aujourd'hui incontournable. Roland Koltchakian, responsable Business development sur l'offre Customer Experience d'Oracle, analyse les changements liés à la digitalisation du marketing. Interview.
LA FABRIQUE DU RETAIL's curator insight, June 8, 2015 5:18 PM

A l’heure de l'optimisation des dépenses média,  la convergence on line  entre  la publicité  et le CRM  présente une véritable opportunité.

Le phénomène de "datafication"  permet en effet d’identifier et d'activer les audiences, d'inciter les internautes à s'identifier, de basculer les informations vers le CRM et de s'adresser à eux par mail ; à telle enseigne qu’on peut  parler de  « cookie relationship management » ! 

Three ways companies are building customer loyalty


Here are three recent tactics brands have taken in order to win (or in some cases, to regain) the business of the empowered customer.
Eric_Determined / Eric Silverstein's curator insight, April 2, 2015 3:31 AM

Do you agree with this Forrester Research statement:

“Your customers have fewer reasons to be loyal than ever before and are really less loyal than they’ve ever been before,” 

 “They have a voice that’s loud and far reaching and they have heightened expectations for the way companies interact with and serve them.”


That’s why ongoing two-way #engagement and iterative learning is what truly drives brand #loyalty. The need to collaborate with consumers and to tap into their insight has never been more urgent for companies seeking to prosper in the age of the empowered customer.

How are you engaging with your favorite brands?

Satisfied vs. Delighted: Raising the Customer Experience Bar


Mere customer satisfaction is now a commodity consumers can get anywhere, and they expect no less.

Ipsos reports that customers you delight are five times more likely to give you repeat business than the ones you simply satisfy.

Jérôme MONANGE  

Marketing/Cross Canal & Retail/Shopper/Luxe & Communication/Veille




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La modélisation du parcours client, première étape vers une ...


Le parcours client est l'un des outils essentiels à définir pour établir une stratégie Customer Experience, mais pourquoi ?
levine's curator insight, August 12, 2014 3:01 AM

Le faSt : drive, pré commande chez macdo par iPhone,...

Lise Déchamps's curator insight, August 12, 2014 3:09 AM

Lors de la mise en place d’une stratégie commerciale ou marketing, la définition du parcours client est essentielle puisqu’elle indiquera les différents canaux où les interactions client/entreprise auront lieu. - 

Sébastien Carensac's curator insight, August 12, 2014 5:11 AM

add your insight...

Predictions For The Future Of Customer Experience


Things never thought possible before will become the norm for customers. Here are our top 10 predictions for the future of customer experience. (#100whatifs: What if you could shop, buy and return without associates?
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LE BUSINESS DIGITAL , livre référence sur le marketing et le numérique


J'ai été invité à participer à la rédaction du livre

" Le BUSINESS DIGITAL  vu par 58 experts" ,

 livre référence sur le marketing et le numérique  ... 



Jérôme MONANGE ;  

Marketing/Cross Canal & Retail/Shopper/Luxe & Communication/Veille




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What do customers really want? The top five most important things revealed


A few weeks ago, I decided to conduct some independent research. I have always been intrigued to know exactly what is most important to us as consumers, and up until now have used my professional experience, personal experiences and gut feel to assess what I thought to be the most important things. Thanks to friends, contacts and acquaintances, I am delighted to be able to put a little more ‘flesh on the bones’ to determine what is important – based on fact!

Vimal Rai's curator insight, November 11, 2013 2:16 AM

I have my reservations about such customer research, and especially one that is generic. It almost invites the obvious - that "value for money" is the greatest concern etc. Yet, something to think about.

Martine Coutu's curator insight, November 11, 2013 12:04 PM

Offrez-vous de la valeur? Un service à la clientèle hors pair? Votre parole est d'or? Tout dans les règles de l'art? Est-ce facile de faire affaire avec vous?

Eric_Determined / Eric Silverstein's comment, November 11, 2013 9:22 PM
Thanks Vimal and Martine for your input and comments. This article just validates some of the big points which businesses need to address.