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[Infographie] Quels sont les points clés pour obtenir un habitat plus responsable | Build Green

[Infographie] Quels sont les points clés pour obtenir un habitat plus responsable | Build Green | information analyst |

Construire écologique ou rénover de façon pertinente est encore une démarche très marginale pour un particulier, un maître d’ouvrage. Il est, le plus souvent influencé, par les discours commerciaux (quelquefois greenwashés) ou techniques (imposés par les normes) qui ne prennent en compte qu’une partie infime de l’impact environnemental de ses choix. On lui indique rarement les véritables les consommations en énergie grises du matériau choisi, les polluants que génèrent tel revêtement ou les possibilités d’aller vers plus d’autonomie.


Via Build Green
Build Green's curator insight, February 21, 2017 4:24 AM

L'association Build Green aspire à un Habitat plus responsable et détaille les points clés pour y parvenir ...

La Bièvre - SMBVB's curator insight, February 21, 2017 5:15 PM
L'habitat écologique ne se limite pas à la question de l'énergie, les points clés sont présentés sur cette infographie, mais il faut aller plus loin et prendre connaissance des contenus de ce site qui présente les avantages et inconvénients des solutions proposées. L'importance de la gestion de l'eau, de la place laissée à la nature est abordée. La gestion des eaux pluviales à la parcelle pourrait cependant être mieux présentée.
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Veille CDI!

Victoria Shi, la nouvelle porte-parole ukrainienne générée par IA

Victoria Shi, la nouvelle porte-parole ukrainienne générée par IA | information analyst |
Victoria Shi, la nouvelle porte-parole du ministère ukrainien des Affaires étrangères, a été générée par intelligence artificielle. Elle sera chargée de commenter les affaires consulaires en lisant des textes qui devront néanmoins toujours être rédigés par des humains.

Via cdi
cdi's curator insight, Today, 1:53 AM
Dangereux ?
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Renseignements Stratégiques, Investigations & Intelligence Economique!

L’Europe veut espionner toutes vos conversations en ligne à la recherche de contenus illégaux ...

L’Europe veut espionner toutes vos conversations en ligne à la recherche de contenus illégaux ... | information analyst |

La proposition controversée des législateurs de l'Union européenne d'obliger légalement les platesformes de messagerie à analyser les communications privées à la recherche de matériel pédopornographique (CSAM) fait face à une nouvelle vague de réactions négatives de la part des experts en sécurité et en protection de la vie privée.

Via Intelligence Economique, Investigations Numériques et Veille Informationnelle
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Trucs et astuces du net!

How to Get a Truly Clean Install of Windows 11

How to Get a Truly Clean Install of Windows 11 | information analyst |
Tiny11Builder is a third-party script that can take a Windows installation ISO, which you can get from Microsoft, and strip it of all of the annoying extra features. Install Windows using this tool and you'll have a truly clean installation: no News, no OfficeHub, no annoying GetStarted prompts, and no junk entires in the start menu.

Via Philou49
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iPads, MakerEd and More in Education!

The Curated Content Revolution: How to Stay Relevant in the Information Age

The Curated Content Revolution: How to Stay Relevant in the Information Age | information analyst |

Content creators understand the significance of creating quality content and the results it can help them generate.

However, they are also aware that creating relevant content and sharing it with the intended audience consistently can be daunting and time-consuming. This has given rise to an era of content curation.

Since access to relevant information is now available at our fingertips, content creators have started leveraging third-party sources to keep the needle moving.

Curation has made it easier for us to publish more content with ease. The problem is that it may also have caused information overload, making people easily distracted and quickly hopping from one information source to the next.


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Via Gust MEES, John Evans
Gust MEES's curator insight, May 1, 2:11 PM

Content creators understand the significance of creating quality content and the results it can help them generate.

However, they are also aware that creating relevant content and sharing it with the intended audience consistently can be daunting and time-consuming. This has given rise to an era of content curation.

Since access to relevant information is now available at our fingertips, content creators have started leveraging third-party sources to keep the needle moving.

Curation has made it easier for us to publish more content with ease. The problem is that it may also have caused information overload, making people easily distracted and quickly hopping from one information source to the next.


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Isela Gomez's curator insight, May 1, 10:52 PM

Aunque la creación de contenidos es valiosa para la educación, el consumo de información debe mantener un equilibrio saludable.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, Today, 9:31 AM

"[C]reating relevant content and sharing it with the intended audience consistently can be daunting and time-consuming. This has given rise to an era of content curation."

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

OpenAI is rumored to be dropping GPT-5 soon — here's what we know about the next-gen model

OpenAI is rumored to be dropping GPT-5 soon — here's what we know about the next-gen model | information analyst |
OpenAI is working on GPT-5 and is expected to launch it this year but it is unclear when it will arrive. Some suggest sooner than expected.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, April 30, 12:03 PM

"It is very likely going to be multimodal, meaning it can take input from more than just text but to what extent is unclear."

Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Les outils du Web 2.0!

Un moyen simple et gratuit pour transférer des fichiers entre appareils

Un moyen simple et gratuit pour transférer des fichiers entre appareils | information analyst |
Découvrez Pairdrop, un outil gratuit open source pour transférer des fichiers facilement entre appareils. Simple, rapide et sécurisé, sans installation.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Guía de 4 puntos para navegar las tendencias tecnológicas en un mundo digital en constante evolución

Guía de 4 puntos para navegar las tendencias tecnológicas en un mundo digital en constante evolución | information analyst |
En un panorama digital en constante evolución, donde las nuevas tecnologías emergen a un ritmo acelerado, los gerentes generales y de tecnología se encuentran en una encrucijada: ¿Cómo discernir entre las tendencias pasajeras y las tecnologías con potencial transformador?

Via Ramon Aragon, Mariano Ramos Mejia, juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Time to Learn!

Cascadeur - the easiest way to animate AI-assisted keyframe animation software

Cascadeur - the easiest way to animate AI-assisted keyframe animation software | information analyst |
Cascadeur is a standalone software for 3D keyframe animation of humanoids or other characters. Never before making animation from scratch or editing one has been so easy and fun. Thanks to its AI-assisted tools, you can make key poses really fast, instantly see the physical results and adjust secondary motion. All while retaining full control at any point.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Time to Learn!

NOOR : Un Chat d'équipes nouvelle génération

NOOR : Un Chat d'équipes nouvelle génération | information analyst |
📌 NOOR est une application de chat d'équipes nouvelle génération qui combine collaboration asynchrone et discussions haute fidélité dans une interface rapide, proposant une expérience fluide sur macOS, iOS et le web, avec d'autres plateformes à venir.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Renseignements Stratégiques, Investigations & Intelligence Economique!

Les escroqueries à l'offre d'emploi explosent en France ...

Les escroqueries à l'offre d'emploi explosent en France ... | information analyst |

Ces arnaques, qui consistent à faire croire à une personne qu'elle est embauchée dans une entreprise pour lui soutirer de l'argent ou des données personnelles, enregistrent une hausse vertigineuse. Et cela risque d'empirer après le piratage de France Travail (ex-Pôle Emploi), qui concerne les données de 43 millions de personnes.

Via Intelligence Economique, Investigations Numériques et Veille Informationnelle
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from 21st Century Learning and Teaching!

The Impact of Content Curation on User Experience

The Impact of Content Curation on User Experience | information analyst |

When it comes to online marketing, user experience (UX) drives conversion rates and customer loyalty. 

User experience comprises design, content, the speed of a website or application, and more. 

However, content influences UX more than most other factors. If leveraged well, it motivates users, guides them, and converts them. 

In this post, I’ll share how content curation can improve user experience for your audience. 


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, April 23, 5:27 PM

When it comes to online marketing, user experience (UX) drives conversion rates and customer loyalty. 

User experience comprises design, content, the speed of a website or application, and more. 

However, content influences UX more than most other factors. If leveraged well, it motivates users, guides them, and converts them. 

In this post, I’ll share how content curation can improve user experience for your audience. 


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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Time to Learn!

AI Math : AI-powered math homework helper designed for students, providing quick answers by scanning text of math problems

AI Math : AI-powered math homework helper designed for students, providing quick answers by scanning text of math problems | information analyst |

AI Math is an AI-powered math homework helper designed for students, providing quick answers by scanning text of math problems.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Renseignements Stratégiques, Investigations & Intelligence Economique!

Des Français "plus sensibles à la protection des données" : la Cnil a reçu plus de 16.000 plaintes en 2023, un record ...

Des Français "plus sensibles à la protection des données" : la Cnil a reçu plus de 16.000 plaintes en 2023, un record ... | information analyst |

Les plaintes reçues par la Cnil, la Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés, ont augmenté de 35% en an un, selon un rapport du gendarme de la vie privée sur le numérique. Un tiers de ces plaintes sont liées à l'utilisation d'internet.

Via Intelligence Economique, Investigations Numériques et Veille Informationnelle
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français!

Originality. Un détecteur efficace des contenus créés avec ChatGPT

Originality. Un détecteur efficace des contenus créés avec ChatGPT | information analyst |
Comment savoir si un texte a été rédigé par un rédacteur ou un journaliste et non par l’iA de Chat GPT ? L’irruption de

Via Elena Pérez
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from iGeneration - 21st Century Education (Pedagogy & Digital Innovation)!

Perplexity AI Is the Best AI-Powered Google Search Tool You're Not Using

Perplexity AI Is the Best AI-Powered Google Search Tool You're Not Using | information analyst |
Done with Google? Want to try something new and AI-powered? Perplexity could be just what you're looking for.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Trucs et astuces du net!

Use These Google Tools to Tell If a Photo Is Fake

Use These Google Tools to Tell If a Photo Is Fake | information analyst |
It's getting more and more difficult to spot a fake photo online. Fortunately, these Google tools can help you tell the difference between a fake and a real image.

Via Philou49
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Veille CDI!

The Phone : Le fléau de la surexposition des enfants aux écrans bientôt résolu ?

The Phone : Le fléau de la surexposition des enfants aux écrans bientôt résolu ? | information analyst |
En plein débat sur la surexposition des jeunes aux écrans, The Phone, qui sortira cet été, propose une solution radicale

Via cdi
cdi's curator insight, May 2, 3:00 AM
Contrairement aux allégations du constructeur, les enfants devraient très bien savoir "ringardiser" les possesseurs de ces appareils...
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Renseignements Stratégiques, Investigations & Intelligence Economique!

Pourquoi Emmanuel Macron et le gouvernement continuent-ils d’utiliser des smartphones, malgré les risques d’espionnage ?

Pourquoi Emmanuel Macron et le gouvernement continuent-ils d’utiliser des smartphones, malgré les risques d’espionnage ? | information analyst |

Un ex-militant d’En marche a réussi à laisser un message sur un des portables du président. Si le chef de l’Etat a à sa disposition des moyens de communication sécurisés, il continue, comme les ministres, d’utiliser des téléphones grand public

Via Intelligence Economique, Investigations Numériques et Veille Informationnelle
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from NewSpace!

Comment calculer (vraiment) l'impact carbone de ChatGPT ?

Comment calculer (vraiment) l'impact carbone de ChatGPT ? | information analyst |
Quelle est la consommation d'une requête sur ChatGPT ? Combien de CO2 est émis pour générer une image avec une IA ? J'ai compilé toutes les données concrètesà disposition pour mieux cerner les enjeux et les usages.

Via Bruno Renkin
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Time to Learn!

ULTIMAKER : Slicer gratuit pour impression3D

ULTIMAKER : Slicer gratuit pour impression3D | information analyst |
📌 ULTIMAKER Cura est un logiciel d'impression 3D gratuit et simple d'utilisation qui a fait ses preuves auprès de millions d'utilisateurs. Si vous êtes amateur d'imprimante 3D et que vous ne connaissez pas encore Ultimaker Cura, je pense qu'il deviendra rapidement votre slicer de prédilection !

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Educational Technology News!

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) Faces an Unclear Future

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) Faces an Unclear Future | information analyst |

"In early 2024, the Senate garnered enough support to potentially pass the Kids Online Safety Act—a major privacy law focused on content moderation for minors. Though the bill does not seem to cover higher education institutions, the EDUCAUSE Policy team will be asking for clarification about whether certain scenarios would create compliance concerns for colleges and universities."

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, April 25, 12:56 PM

"KOSA mandates that platforms offer options to limit the amount of time a minor can spend on a covered platform, parental tools to manage a minor's account, and a reporting mechanism for users to report harm to a minor."

Ashish Kumar's curator insight, April 28, 7:47 PM
Only work and no play will make your child dull. But only playing and no work will bring in devastation. But again the fifty-fifty scenario will make him jack of all trades and master of non. Now if like two decades before I would have been a school boy the plrthro of emotions would have been different but the truth is how much time a person should spent on leisure/co-cirricular activities follows the same set of arguements from time to time since ages. The beggining of social platform from Orkut to Facebook to Insta Reels to Dark and Mariana Trench Web had been remarkable and the ground reality is that it is not a welcoming arena where everyone is invited to share their thoughts and ideas. A highly charged up atmosphere that causes a discomfort to the internet users and abundance of restrictions also is followed by a competitive structure that always tries to expel the online writers to leave the platform only never to return. The online mailing system which initialky resisted junk and spam mail has now alltogether distant itself from this discussion and question beforehand is how many offices or instituitions are using online mailing platform to send and recieve official letters.
Here we have to keep in mind that the senators are using the legal remedy to provide the online security to the kids. Their are lots and lots of online teaching websites that now a days are considered necessary for the overall individualistic development of child. Concept based learning has finally found it's niche and even after so much effort it is still at present is marked with those segments that could harm your child the process of their development is now to be put under matter of investigation. As I could tell you that these spotted webcasts will also readily defend themselves that being governed by experts we do not venture in uncharted spheres. So on the whole the legal gaurdian can found themselves in tight spit that wether this symbiotic relationship is in actual terns is not a selection based process from where the unknown neighbourers are luring their child for dubious roles in society.
From the preseption of surroundings one thing is sure that governmental agencies can not seep in through the whole online/internet facility how so ever hard they try because from the beggining their approach was to tackel all together different elements to use internet facility to be used as medium for spreading their propaganda. Now will the investigating agencies or law makers will say that all along they missed ir ignored boigeyman as their were spellboynd to entrap nit highlight which could have been much more worthy. They have drained their ebergy so very much that the close vigil will ve only on those webcasters that had invited them to do so. I do not know the status of blame game that must be taking place within in which arguements unsurmountable must have been given by people among the colored and painted communities that are to resolve their own personnel intrests.
If this is true that time wasted and the cyst firmed by those who were to nabbed has caught the security giving segment napping. Now when nobody is innocent and heavy discussion has already been taken which reconfirmed the hypocracy of those who reap the goodness but claim to be simple. When a class outcast knows that lawmakers are not dutybound I doubt the purpouse of saying caught unawared. Straightaway this time the creaters of loop are given task to build fort. Ashish . India . Area Pincode 134102
Rescooped by michel verstrepen from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Stanford University - New AI Index Report 2024 – Artificial Intelligence Index

Stanford University - New AI Index Report 2024 – Artificial Intelligence Index | information analyst |
The demographics of AI developers often differ from those of users. For instance, a considerable number of prominent AI companies and the datasets utilized for model training originate from Western nations, thereby reflecting Western perspectives.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa) , juandoming
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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Les outils du Web 2.0!

Recall. Une solution intelligente pour synthétiser les ressources web.

Recall. Une solution intelligente pour synthétiser les ressources web. | information analyst |
Recall bouscule l'apprentissage en ligne avec l'IA : résumés automatiques, graphe de connaissances et quiz. L'outil idéal pour les enseignants et apprenants.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Time to Learn!

Open Agent Studio : The Most Powerful No-Code Agent Editor

Open Agent Studio : The Most Powerful No-Code Agent Editor | information analyst |

The Most Powerful No-Code Agent Editor On The Planet
Learn new RPA concepts to build future-proof agents that are impossible in other RPA tools.

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Rescooped by michel verstrepen from Time to Learn!

Chaturji - AI-Enable your team with the best AIs. A team sharing focused AI assistant

Chaturji - AI-Enable your team with the best AIs. A team sharing focused AI assistant | information analyst |
Chaturji is an AI assistant to use the world's best AIs from one interface. Prompt sharing, team workspace, prompt library, cost controls, and more.

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