Applied Data Science Open Online Course - iSchool - The School of Information Studies - Syracuse University | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) |

As the world's data grow exponentially, organizations across all sectors, including government and not-for-profit, need to understand, manage and use big, complex data sets—known as big data, a term spreading through forward-thinking business dialogue and building job market demand. Data science is the answer to optimizing (or, for starters, simply dealing with) big data. However, the iSchool’s distinct perspective approaches data science with a view of the full data life cycle, going beyond what most discuss as data analytics. iSchool Offering Open Online Course In Applied Data Science Earlier this year, the iSchool successfully ran its first introductory-level MOOC—the popular term for free, massive, open, online courses. Its next offering, called Applied Data Science: An Introduction, introduces similar content in a new format: self-guided learning. Participants will be able to work their way through the course at their own pace without the constraints of deadlines. This course is free of charge and a select number of participants will be invited to try it on October 28. Successfully completed MOOC coursework results in a certificate of completion. For more information, please complete the form below: Questions? Contact

Via Karen du Toit, Beth Kanter