YouTube Tips and Tutorials
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Curated by Ileane Smith
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Scooped by Ileane Smith
December 7, 2014 4:55 AM!

ReEmbed Tutorial How To Track YouTube Videos Embedded On Your Blog - YouTube

ReEmbed is a tool you can use to track the performance of any YouTube video you have embedded on your blog or website. This is really helpful in tracking how...
Ileane Smith's insight:

I love sharing new tools with you guys! You'll love this one for tracking how people are consuming YouTube videos on your site! Check out this ReEmbed tutorial! 

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Scooped by Ileane Smith
September 14, 2014 1:11 PM!

YouTube Video Analytics Behind the Scenes at Ms. Ileane Speaks

Behind the scenes look at the YouTube traffic and Analytics on the Ms. Ileane Speaks Channel. Learn how to grow your channel with the 

YouTube Rankings Report

Ileane Smith's insight:

I had some fun making this video. There are so many facets of the YouTube Analytics dashboard, much like Google Analytics, that I only covered the top 3 reports we should look at. 

More to come in the next traffic report!

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Scooped by Ileane Smith
September 6, 2014 6:13 AM!

Quick Tip to Increase YouTube Audience Retention [VIDEO]

Quick Tip to Increase YouTube Audience Retention [VIDEO] | YouTube Tips and Tutorials |
Think your viewers are watching your whole video? There may be something simple you’re doing that turns them away early. Increase audience retention with this quick tip. Watch Quick Tip to Increase YouTube Audience Retention: Meeting with a new client made me think of today’s video because it’s such a simple thing that seems like no [...]
Ileane Smith's insight:

So many YouTubers make this mistake. Get to the meat and potatoes of the content before you go on and on about YOU!! 

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Scooped by Ileane Smith
August 15, 2014 8:09 AM!

Ultimate Guide to Ultimate Guides - Videofruit

Ultimate Guide to Ultimate Guides - Videofruit | YouTube Tips and Tutorials |
The Ultimate Guide to Ultimate Guides Everything you need to know about online marketing Download The internet is awesome. You can learn how to do anything. This collection of guides will teach you anything you need to know about online marketing. I have organized them all into easy to browse section so you can find …
Ileane Smith's insight:

 Fundamentals of Video Marketing

Dead Dog Designs

Author: Garen Arnold

Published By: BasicBlogTips

Description: Diving off the deep end into the world of video marketing, Arnold’s guide shows readers how to drive up website visibility, direct web traffic, get high rankings, and build a sustainable viewership basis. Utilizing YouTube as a free video marketing platform, this guide explores the mechanics and value of marketing in a video-centric age.

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Scooped by Ileane Smith
August 8, 2014 6:18 AM!

Start Making YouTube Videos Today - YouTube

Don't put it off another day. Start Recording YouTube Videos Today. Let go of your fear of being in front of the camera. Find out how you can record YouTube videos quickly and cost effectively with my free report here:

Ileane Smith's insight:

Just a short but sweet way to offer encouragement to my fellow content creators. 

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Scooped by Ileane Smith
December 21, 2013 3:22 PM!

5 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Being on Camera

5 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Being on Camera | YouTube Tips and Tutorials |

If you knew me a few years ago I was so hesitant to be on camera. I may look comfortable now, but I was just like you, not wanting to “put myself” out there online.

I saw every flaw I was spending too much time shooting multiple takes of my video blogs and doing many retakes. I remember one video specifically—it took me 12 takes to get one to make it right. I almost gave up on video blogging because it was too stressful and I was spending too much time just trying to get a 2 minute video done.

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Scooped by Ileane Smith
December 9, 2013 1:58 AM!

Video Basics: 5 Tips for Recording Outstanding Video Blogs

Video Basics: 5 Tips for Recording Outstanding Video Blogs | YouTube Tips and Tutorials |

I have to admit, when I recorded my first video I was so nervous.  I was scared that I would have many takes and never get it right. I went in with that mindset and came out more discouraged than ever.  I eventually met  Amani Channel as my on camera mentor and he taught me how to be comfortable by giving me some valuable tips and like most things in life, you learn by trial and error.

Ileane Smith's insight:

This is a real treat for me. Chip Dizard is an expert video blogger who has created content exclusively for Basic Blog TIps. This is the first in the series with more to come.

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Rescooped by Ileane Smith from Digital & Internet Marketing News
November 29, 2013 2:39 PM!

YouTube Admits Google+ Comment Integration Boosted Spam

YouTube Admits Google+ Comment Integration Boosted Spam | YouTube Tips and Tutorials |
YouTube's new Google+-powered comments have reportedly caused an uptick in spam messages.

Via Kimberly Castleberry
Kimberly Castleberry's curator insight, November 28, 2013 5:19 PM

Google's recent attempt to fix spam on YouTube is currently flopping due to the arrival of link spam in the G+ style comment forms. The company is working to solve this but at the moment it would be wise to check on your active videos to ensure you don't have spam you need to delete.

Scooped by Ileane Smith
November 8, 2013 12:58 PM!

How to Create a Webinar Using Go To Webinar How to schedule a webinar using GoToWebinar. You'll see how you can enter description details such as times, date and time zones speci...
Ileane Smith's insight:

When you're done watching this, you won't even need to check out the FAQ's! Jo has covered it all. Time to start doing webinars.....

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Scooped by Ileane Smith
July 17, 2013 6:03 PM!

YouTube Annotations Part 2 Add Video Annotations That Link To Your Website One way to get more views on YouTube is by using YouTube Annotations. This is part 2 in a video series about how to use ...
Ileane Smith's insight:

Please give this one a thumbs up!

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Rescooped by Ileane Smith from Video Marketing & Content
June 24, 2013 5:39 AM!

Video Content Channels: Which Should You Use?

Video Content Channels: Which Should You Use? | YouTube Tips and Tutorials |
Have a sneaking suspicion that you're missing out on a world of video opportunity? Limiting your brand to YouTube without combing through the other available options may curb your video content mar...

Via Video Marketing Journal
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Curated by Ileane Smith
Blogger, Podcaster, YouTuber, Social Media Diva! Get ready to learn with Ms. Ileane
#blogtips #youtubetips