WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing
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WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing
WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Professional Journal Publishing with multiple authors and peer-reviews as also Knol to WP Migration...
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 28, 2018 12:48 PM

Announcing Free .blog Subdomains | #Blogs #Blogging #WordPress

Announcing Free .blog Subdomains | #Blogs #Blogging #WordPress | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on WordPress.com has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique wordpress.com address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available.

Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: free .blog subdomains.

What’s a subdomain?
Glad you asked! This site’s address is is blog.wordpress.com. Here, wordpress.com is the domain and blog is the subdomain.

Say your name is Molly and you’re starting a food blog. The domain mollysfoodblog.wordpress.com — that is, the subdomain “mollysfoodblog” on wordpress.com — is already taken by someone. Or you’re starting a website to offer tech advice; but there’s already a site using techadvice.wordpress.com, drat!

Now you have more options: you can choose to use a free subdomain with a .blog address, like mollys.food.blog or advice.tech.blog. There’s a list of popular .blog domains we’ve reserved just for this:


These .blog subdomains work just like the regular wordpress.com subdomains — they don’t expire, they’re free to use for the lifetime of your site, and you can always replace them with a custom domain at any time.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Over the last thirteen years or so, the number of sites on WordPress.com has grown — a lot. Every one of those sites gets a unique wordpress.com address. And since there are millions of sites created each year, it means the address you’d like isn’t always available.

Today, a whole new range of possibility opens up: free .blog subdomains.

What’s a subdomain?
Glad you asked! This site’s address is is blog.wordpress.com. Here, wordpress.com is the domain and blog is the subdomain.

Say your name is Molly and you’re starting a food blog. The domain mollysfoodblog.wordpress.com — that is, the subdomain “mollysfoodblog” on wordpress.com — is already taken by someone. Or you’re starting a website to offer tech advice; but there’s already a site using techadvice.wordpress.com, drat!

Now you have more options: you can choose to use a free subdomain with a .blog address, like mollys.food.blog or advice.tech.blog. There’s a list of popular .blog domains we’ve reserved just for this:


These .blog subdomains work just like the regular wordpress.com subdomains — they don’t expire, they’re free to use for the lifetime of your site, and you can always replace them with a custom domain at any time.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 2, 2018 11:15 AM

WordPress | Introducing: A Diverse, Free Stock Photo Library | #Blogs #Blogging

WordPress | Introducing: A Diverse, Free Stock Photo Library | #Blogs #Blogging | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it

As many site creators know, it’s daunting to find images to represent the message you’re trying to put out into the world — especially if you don’t have the equipment or time to make your own.

At WordPress.com, we’re constantly striving to make it as easy as possible to create beautiful websites that represent who you are and what you stand for. We’re excited to announce that we’ve been working hard with Pexels and other diversity-focused image-library partners so that everyone with a WordPress.com or Jetpack-connected site can realize their vision with the right stock photos.

To use these images, just head to your Media Library and select Free Photo Library before searching for any image you need. You can also do this from the Add Media option within a post or page:


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Gust MEES's insight:

As many site creators know, it’s daunting to find images to represent the message you’re trying to put out into the world — especially if you don’t have the equipment or time to make your own.

At WordPress.com, we’re constantly striving to make it as easy as possible to create beautiful websites that represent who you are and what you stand for. We’re excited to announce that we’ve been working hard with Pexels and other diversity-focused image-library partners so that everyone with a WordPress.com or Jetpack-connected site can realize their vision with the right stock photos.

To use these images, just head to your Media Library and select Free Photo Library before searching for any image you need. You can also do this from the Add Media option within a post or page:


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Scooped by Gust MEES
February 7, 2018 4:34 PM

WordPress update stopped WordPress automatic updates from working. So update now | #Updates

WordPress update stopped WordPress automatic updates from working. So update now | #Updates | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it
Automatic updates are a great thing. Just so long as they actually automatically update.


Why the rapid release of a new edition? Well, it turns out that version 4.9.3 of the popular website CMS didn't just fix 34 bugs. It also introduced a honking great big bug that means sites that support automatic background updates will fail to update automatically.




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Gust MEES's insight:
Automatic updates are a great thing. Just so long as they actually automatically update.


Why the rapid release of a new edition? Well, it turns out that version 4.9.3 of the popular website CMS didn't just fix 34 bugs. It also introduced a honking great big bug that means sites that support automatic background updates will fail to update automatically.




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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 12, 2018 2:16 PM

Try Simplenote, Our Fast and Easy-to-Use Notes App | #WordPress #Blogs #Blogging 

Try Simplenote, Our Fast and Easy-to-Use Notes App | #WordPress #Blogs #Blogging  | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it

A great note-taking app can helps with all kinds of daily routines like taking class notes, writing a shopping list, or jotting down ideas for your next great blog post.

At Automattic, we love using Simplenote, which is an easy way to create notes, lists, and more. Our favorite part? It’s backed by a powerful sync engine that syncs notes across all of your devices swiftly and smoothly — and for free! — so our notes are accessible everywhere.

The Simplenote experience is all about speed and efficiency. Open it, write some thoughts, and you’re done — saving and syncing happens automatically. As your collection of notes grows, find what you need fast by searching, and keep them organized with tags and pins. You can also share notes and publish them for other people.


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Gust MEES's insight:

A great note-taking app can helps with all kinds of daily routines like taking class notes, writing a shopping list, or jotting down ideas for your next great blog post.

At Automattic, we love using Simplenote, which is an easy way to create notes, lists, and more. Our favorite part? It’s backed by a powerful sync engine that syncs notes across all of your devices swiftly and smoothly — and for free! — so our notes are accessible everywhere.

The Simplenote experience is all about speed and efficiency. Open it, write some thoughts, and you’re done — saving and syncing happens automatically. As your collection of notes grows, find what you need fast by searching, and keep them organized with tags and pins. You can also share notes and publish them for other people.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
May 10, 2018 6:49 AM

Find the Perfect Image with the Free Photo Library | #WordPress #Blogs #Blogging #Photos #Apps

Find the Perfect Image with the Free Photo Library | #WordPress #Blogs #Blogging #Photos #Apps | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it

You’re finishing up a blog post and want to add a photo, but you don’t have the right image. There’s a solution right in your WordPress mobile app: the Free Photo Library.

As part of our never-ending mission to improve Media in the WordPress apps, you now have access to over 40,000 free, high-quality photos (courtesy of Pexels) right from the WordPress mobile app. It’s available to every WordPress.com member.

(Did we mention that they’re free? And so are the WordPress apps, if you still haven’t downloaded one!  They’re available here.)


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Gust MEES's insight:

You’re finishing up a blog post and want to add a photo, but you don’t have the right image. There’s a solution right in your WordPress mobile app: the Free Photo Library.

As part of our never-ending mission to improve Media in the WordPress apps, you now have access to over 40,000 free, high-quality photos (courtesy of Pexels) right from the WordPress mobile app. It’s available to every WordPress.com member.

(Did we mention that they’re free? And so are the WordPress apps, if you still haven’t downloaded one!  They’re available here.)


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