WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing
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WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing
WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Professional Journal Publishing with multiple authors and peer-reviews as also Knol to WP Migration...
Curated by Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 15, 2016 11:16 AM

Introducing VR and 360° Content for All WordPress.com Sites | #WordPress #Blogging #VirtualReality

Introducing VR and 360° Content for All WordPress.com Sites | #WordPress #Blogging #VirtualReality | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it
Create and publish 360° videos and photos right on your site.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Create and publish 360° videos and photos right on your site.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
November 25, 2016 2:44 PM

#WordPress: Your Site, Now in Other Languages: Introducing the Google Translate Widget | #Blogs #Blogging

#WordPress: Your Site, Now in Other Languages: Introducing the Google Translate Widget | #Blogs #Blogging | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it
Internationalization is very important to us, and we’re striving to make sites across WordPress.com accessible to all, such as your international followers and multilingual readers.

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce the Google Translate Widget, which allows you and your site visitors to instantly translate your content into 103 languages currently supported by Google Translate.


[Gust MEES] Check out my Blog to give it a test:




Gust MEES's insight:
Internationalization is very important to us, and we’re striving to make sites across WordPress.com accessible to all, such as your international followers and multilingual readers.

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce the Google Translate Widget, which allows you and your site visitors to instantly translate your content into 103 languages currently supported by Google Translate.


[Gust MEES] Check out my Blog to give it a test:





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Scooped by Gust MEES
August 11, 2016 2:36 PM

Three Ways to Showcase Instagram Photos on Your Website | #WordPress #blogs #blogging 

Three Ways to Showcase Instagram Photos on Your Website | #WordPress #blogs #blogging  | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it
Discover how WordPress.com can help you share your beautiful snaps -- complete with video tutorials!


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Gust MEES's insight:
Discover how WordPress.com can help you share your beautiful snaps -- complete with video tutorials!


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Scooped by Gust MEES
January 7, 2016 10:34 AM

ALERT!!! Jetzt Update installieren: WordPress behebt XSS-Lücke | Blogs | Blogging | CyberSecurity | Updates

ALERT!!! Jetzt Update installieren: WordPress behebt XSS-Lücke | Blogs | Blogging | CyberSecurity | Updates | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it
Über eine Cross-Site-Scripting-Schwachstelle können Angreifer WordPress-Installationen kompromittieren. Betroffen sind alle Versionen bis einschließlich WordPress 4.4.

Mit einem Wartungs-Update beheben die Entwickler des Content-Management-Systems WordPress insgesamt 52 Bugs, die seit erscheinen Version 4.4 gefunden wurden. Admins, die Auto-Updates deaktiviert haben, sollten WordPress 4.4.1 schnellstmöglich manuell installieren, da das Update auch eine Cross-Site-Scripting-Lücke (XSS) behebt, über die Angreifer das CMS kompromittieren können.
Gust MEES's insight:

Über eine Cross-Site-Scripting-Schwachstelle können Angreifer WordPress-Installationen kompromittieren. Betroffen sind alle Versionen bis einschließlich WordPress 4.4.

Mit einem Wartungs-Update beheben die Entwickler des Content-Management-Systems WordPress insgesamt 52 Bugs, die seit erscheinen Version 4.4 gefunden wurden. Admins, die Auto-Updates deaktiviert haben, sollten WordPress 4.4.1 schnellstmöglich manuell installieren, da das Update auch eine Cross-Site-Scripting-Lücke (XSS) behebt, über die Angreifer das CMS kompromittieren können.

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Scooped by Gust MEES
December 1, 2016 4:11 PM

WordPress: New Theme: Ixion | #Blogs #Blogging #Themes #EDUcation #Schools

WordPress: New Theme: Ixion | #Blogs #Blogging #Themes #EDUcation #Schools | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it

Howdy all! Today I’m happy to present a new free theme in our collection:


Ixion is a professional theme designed with schools, non-profits, and organizations in mind.


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Gust MEES's insight:

Howdy all! Today I’m happy to present a new free theme in our collection:


Ixion is a professional theme designed with schools, non-profits, and organizations in mind.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
September 8, 2016 12:24 PM

WordPress bloggers 'strongly encouraged' to immediately apply security update | #Updates #CyberSecurity #blogs

WordPress bloggers 'strongly encouraged' to immediately apply security update | #Updates #CyberSecurity #blogs | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it
With the huge number of sites running WordPress, and the frequency with which attackers exploit vulnerabilities on the platform to launch malicious attacks, it makes sense for self-hosting bloggers to update their systems as soon as possible.

Security vulnerabilities are frequently uncovered in third-party WordPress plugins, but the above fix addresses bugs in the main WordPress content management system itself. Meaning that just about any site running WordPress could be at risk.

Fortunately, updating is pretty easy. Go to your WordPress admin panel and choose Dashboard > Updates.

Of course, it's always good practice to test a new version of the software on a non-live version of your site first (often known as a staging site) - just in case.

Since WordPress 3.7 was released in October 2013, the software has come with the option of automatic security updates - hopefully ensuring that many site admins won't have to worry so much about whether they have kept their software updated or not.

But, of course, there will always be those who don't have automatic updates enabled and may miss the news.


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Gust MEES's insight:
With the huge number of sites running WordPress, and the frequency with which attackers exploit vulnerabilities on the platform to launch malicious attacks, it makes sense for self-hosting bloggers to update their systems as soon as possible.

Security vulnerabilities are frequently uncovered in third-party WordPress plugins, but the above fix addresses bugs in the main WordPress content management system itself. Meaning that just about any site running WordPress could be at risk.

Fortunately, updating is pretty easy. Go to your WordPress admin panel and choose Dashboard > Updates.

Of course, it's always good practice to test a new version of the software on a non-live version of your site first (often known as a staging site) - just in case.

Since WordPress 3.7 was released in October 2013, the software has come with the option of automatic security updates - hopefully ensuring that many site admins won't have to worry so much about whether they have kept their software updated or not.

But, of course, there will always be those who don't have automatic updates enabled and may miss the news.


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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 27, 2016 2:56 PM

Podcasting on WordPress.com | #Blogs #Blogging #Podcasts #Writing

Podcasting on WordPress.com | #Blogs #Blogging #Podcasts #Writing | WordPress and Annotum for Education, Science,Journal Publishing | Scoop.it
Podcasting on WordPress.com

While many podcasters are using self-hosted WordPress.org sites, some attendees did not know that WordPress.com also supports podcasting.

Did you know: according to Todd Cochrane from Blubrry, creators of the PowerPress podcasting plugin for self-hosted WordPress sites, there are over 200,000 active podcasts in iTunes. Since Blubrry powers over 60 thousand of them, at least 30% of all currently active podcasts are running WordPress!

WordPress.com makes it very easy to get started with podcasting. All you need to do is create a new post category, change a few settings in your dashboard, and submit your podcast to iTunes and other catalogs. Just follow these steps to launch your podcast (if you don’t have a WordPress.com site yet, get one here).

Some of the advantages of podcasting with WordPress.com:

Simplicity: Both your website and your media are hosted in the same place, making it easier to manage your content.
Security: Your podcast and site will be protected by WordPress.com against attacks and spam.
Backups: All content published on WordPress.com is protected and backed up so you don’t have to think about it.
Maintenance-Free: Your WordPress.com site is always running the latest version of WordPress, and you will never have to worry about updates.
We continue to work on tools for podcasters here at WordPress.com, and would love your input on how we can make them better.


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Gust MEES's insight:
Podcasting on WordPress.com

While many podcasters are using self-hosted WordPress.org sites, some attendees did not know that WordPress.com also supports podcasting.

Did you know: according to Todd Cochrane from Blubrry, creators of the PowerPress podcasting plugin for self-hosted WordPress sites, there are over 200,000 active podcasts in iTunes. Since Blubrry powers over 60 thousand of them, at least 30% of all currently active podcasts are running WordPress!

WordPress.com makes it very easy to get started with podcasting. All you need to do is create a new post category, change a few settings in your dashboard, and submit your podcast to iTunes and other catalogs. Just follow these steps to launch your podcast (if you don’t have a WordPress.com site yet, get one here).

Some of the advantages of podcasting with WordPress.com:

Simplicity: Both your website and your media are hosted in the same place, making it easier to manage your content.
Security: Your podcast and site will be protected by WordPress.com against attacks and spam.
Backups: All content published on WordPress.com is protected and backed up so you don’t have to think about it.
Maintenance-Free: Your WordPress.com site is always running the latest version of WordPress, and you will never have to worry about updates.
We continue to work on tools for podcasters here at WordPress.com, and would love your input on how we can make them better.


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