#eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
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#eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial
E-Health promotion. #web2salute. Health 2.0
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from green infographics
November 24, 2012 7:35 AM

Guide to Greener Electronics [Greenpeace]

Guide to Greener Electronics [Greenpeace] | #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial | Scoop.it

Consumers have expressed their desire for greener electronics, and the industry has shown that improvements are possible, but only if leading electronics companies apply the sector’s know-how and innovative spirit within the sustainability arena.

Via Lauren Moss
Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from green infographics
October 14, 2012 5:30 PM

Infographic: Making Internet Data Centers Green

Infographic: Making Internet Data Centers Green | #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial | Scoop.it

With mobile communications more pervasive than ever, it seems is everyone is talking about cloud computing. While “the cloud” seems intangible, it is actually connected to a global network of physical data centers which are relatively high energy consumers.

Take a look at this infographic to learn more about data centers, their contributions to global CO2 emissions and how to make this rapidly growing industry cleaner and safer for the environment...

Via Lauren Moss
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from green infographics
November 18, 2012 5:01 AM

World Supplies of Non-Renewable Resources, Visualized [Environmental Infographic]

World Supplies of Non-Renewable Resources, Visualized [Environmental Infographic] | #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial | Scoop.it

Politicians and oil companies might waste time debating whether or not we’ve reached peak oil. What they ignore is that we run out completely in under 40 years’ time, by which time a third of the planet’s biodiversity will be lost.

Via Lauren Moss
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Rescooped by Giuseppe Fattori from green infographics
October 7, 2012 5:04 PM

Infographic: Save Energy, Save Green

Infographic: Save Energy, Save Green | #eHealthPromotion, #SaluteSocial | Scoop.it

The greening of IT systems coincides with the arrival of Cloud computing. Both share common traits of reducing costs, energy consumption & carbon emissions.

It enables on-demand network access to a shared pool of resources such as servers, storage, applications and services...

Via Lauren Moss
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