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Rescooped by Nicolas Prigent from M-CRM & Mobile to store
May 2, 2013 10:21 AM

How Seamless are You? Retail research findings from Accenture

How Seamless are You? Accenture went on a journey to understand consumer preferences to shop seamlessly across channels and the ability of retailers to deliver

Via Bertrand Jonquois
Bertrand Jonquois's curator insight, April 26, 2013 7:08 AM

Consumers Increasingly Expect Integration of the Big Three (Product, Promotion, and Price) and expect a fully integrated and connected shopping experience.

sophiedesc's curator insight, May 1, 2013 2:11 PM

Go Shop l Digital for Retail 's insight:

Consumers Increasingly Expect Integration of the Big Three (Product, Promotion, and Price) and expect a fully integrated and connected shopping experience.

Rescooped by Nicolas Prigent from M-CRM & Mobile to store
August 28, 2012 12:50 PM

Les Retailers devraient "penser mobile" à l'occasion de la rentrée des classes...

Les Retailers devraient "penser mobile" à l'occasion de la rentrée des classes... | Web-to-Store | Scoop.it

-L'usage des smartphones pour rechercher des produits et comparer les prix est en plein essort.
-58,7% des possesseurs de smartphones vont l'utiliser pour rechercher des fournitures scolaires...

Via Bertrand Jonquois
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