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Webzine dédié au Web-to-Store, comportement ROPO / ROBO (Research Online, Purchase Offline / Research Online, Buy Offline), crosscanal et omnicanal
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Rescooped by Nicolas Prigent from M-CRM & Mobile to store
December 22, 2012 1:22 AM

Les photo de Google Indoor Street View disponibles sur les pages de résultats

Les photo de Google Indoor Street View disponibles sur les pages de résultats | Web-to-Store | Scoop.it
A while back, Google started bringing its Street View technology indoors under the name Google Business Photos. These images, however, were often hard to find and somewhat buried on Google's local listings and Google Maps.

Via Bertrand Jonquois
Rescooped by Nicolas Prigent from M-CRM & Mobile to store
June 26, 2012 4:07 PM

La bataille de la recherche localisée a démarré : préparer votre magasin, réseau

La bataille de la recherche localisée a démarré : préparer votre magasin, réseau | Web-to-Store | Scoop.it

The battle to dominate the local search space intensified these past few weeks as Apple and Google both announced new initiatives designed to capitalize on this rapidly growing market.

Via Linda Buquet :: Catalyst eMarketing, Bertrand Jonquois
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