Web 3.0
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Web 3.0
Futures of the Web: semantic/symbiotic/ubiquitous web, internet/web of things, artificial intelligence, singularity, internet 3.0...
Curated by Pierre Tran
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 19, 2016 8:58 AM

«Un avenir déconnecté nous attend»

«Un avenir déconnecté nous attend» | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Invité par la Maison d’Ailleurs, l’auteur de science-fiction Alain Damasio y discute du futur de la société. Interview.
Pierre Tran's insight:

"A un moment donné, on arrivera à un niveau de cynisme tel que les gens trouveront la financiarisation de la moindre de leurs activités numériques insupportable. [..] Pour contrer la nature excessive de la médiation technologique, des mouvements importants de déconnexion vont apparaître"

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 4, 2016 3:38 AM

7 grands futurologues nous livrent leurs surprenantes prédictions pour la prochaine décennie

7 grands futurologues nous livrent leurs surprenantes prédictions pour la prochaine décennie | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
C'EST DEMAIN - Des applis multitâches aux voitures autonomes en passant par des robots un peu trop humanoïdes, ces dix dernières années ont connu de nombreuses révoluti
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
September 10, 2015 9:48 AM

Envisioning the World of Tomorrow: a catalog of future-looking web sites

Envisioning the World of Tomorrow: a catalog of future-looking web sites | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

What technologies are currently shaping our world…and which will continue to mold our future? In this special posting, we'll take you on a tour of many wondrous web sites and other resources that aim spotlights at the future

David Brin , 04/09/2015

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
February 7, 2015 2:00 PM

The Acceleration of Acceleration: How The Future Is Arriving Far Faster Than Expected

The Acceleration of Acceleration: How The Future Is Arriving Far Faster Than Expected | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

One of the things that happens when you write books about the future is you get to watch your predictions fail. This is nothing new, of course, but what’s different this time around is the direction of those failures.

Used to be, folks were way too bullish about technology and way too optimistic with their predictions. Flying cars and Mars missions being two classic—they should be here by now—examples. The Jetsons being another. But today, the exact opposite is happening.

STEVEN KOTLER, 07/02/2015

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
December 11, 2014 1:49 PM

The Future Arrives in 2045

The Future Arrives in 2045 | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

One expert predicts—or should we say, warns—that artificial intelligence will be fully operational in just 30 years.For years, the development of full artificial intelligence has been the brass ring of computer science. So many of our machines already “think” for themselves in terms of repetitive duties based on human programming, of course. But when the day comes when computers can actually interpret our emotions, or get the punch line about the chicken and the road without our help, we’ll know the future has truly arrived.


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Scooped by Pierre Tran
September 11, 2014 11:03 AM

10 mindblowingly futuristic technologies that will appear by the 2030s

10 mindblowingly futuristic technologies that will appear by the 2030s | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Two decades is not a lot in the grand scheme of things, but owing to accelerating change we can expect to see the emergence of some fairly disruptive technological innovations in the coming years. Here are 10 mindblowingly futuristic technologies that should appear by the 2030s.

George Dvorsky, 05/07/2013

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
May 7, 2014 7:58 AM

A History of Books that Forecast the Future

A History of Books that Forecast the Future | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

They say life is stranger than fiction.  But, in fact, it is astonishing how often life is almost exactly the same as fiction.  Whether it is a matter of books influencing inventors, simple coincidence, or some authors having supernatural abilities to foresee the future; the number of books that have managed to paint hauntingly accurate pictures of technologies that didn't arrive until decades after their publication is uncanny.

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 21, 2014 1:57 PM

Google’s Ray Kurzweil predicts how the world will change

Google’s Ray Kurzweil predicts how the world will change | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Ray Kurzweil is sitting in an office in San Francisco’s tallest building overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. Over 45 minutes, speaking rapidly in monotone sentences dense with facts and ideas, Google’s director of engineering has outlined a future for the world that would seem incredible, were it not that this man has a 30-year track record of making seemingly bonkers predictions that have proved to be accurate. Among other things, Kurzweil predicted that the internet would become central to our lives when it was still a niche and unreliable network in the Eighties...

Pierre Tran's insight:

Les prédictions de Ray Kurzweil, jusqu'en 2040. L'apôtre de la singularité nous dévoile qu'en 2029, Google sera en mesure de créer un ordibateur capable de comprendre le langage naturel et les émotions humaines.

Marta Torán's curator insight, January 21, 2014 3:02 PM

Las predicciones de un ingeniero de Google que acostumbra a acertar.


Google del Cerebro - que entenderá las emociones y el lenguaje natural.

Coches autodirigidos

Un mundo sin obesidad

Detener el envejecimiento

Ropa que se imprime en casa


Y más...


Michael Ravensbergen's curator insight, January 21, 2014 4:22 PM

Stay forever young!!!

Scooped by Pierre Tran
June 28, 2013 10:20 AM

Sexbots, Ethics, and Transhumans

Sexbots, Ethics, and Transhumans | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Sexbots, or sex robots can come in two forms. Fully digital incarnations with AI, viewed through Augmented Reality visors, or as physical robots — advanced enough to pass off as human surrogates. The porn industry has always been at the fore-front of video and interactive innovation, experimenting with means of immersing the audience into the “action”. Gonzo Porn [3] is one such technique that started off as a passive linear viewing experience, then progressed to multi-angle DVD interactivity and now to Virtual Reality first person point-of-view interactivity.

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
March 30, 2013 3:46 PM

Predicting the future of artificial intelligence has always been a fool's game

Predicting the future of artificial intelligence has always been a fool's game | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
From the Darmouth Conferences to Turing's test, prophecies about AI have rarely hit the mark. But there are ways to tell the good from the bad when it comes to futurology
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
March 8, 2013 12:57 AM

Jaron Lanier on the future of the web

"Digital prophet" Jaron Lanier speaks to Channel 4 News about making money from the web, giving power back to the average user - and why we should take a break from social media.

PlasmaBorneElectric's comment March 8, 2013 2:48 PM
yep, let's evolve the Capitalist system at all cost. We must never abandon 'Profit Before People'. Typical Micro$oft
Joyce Valenza's curator insight, March 10, 2013 2:27 PM

add your insight...


John Shank's comment, March 13, 2013 4:35 PM
Interesting piece and great content for my CAS 283 course, thanks!
Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 13, 2013 6:39 AM

LiveLab Network

LiveLab Network | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Inventing the Future is a live news program featuring coming trends that will shape society. In today's world, success means knowing 'What's Next After What's Next?
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 12, 2013 6:06 PM

The World In 2030

The World In 2030 | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
What will the world look like two decades from now? Obviously, nobody knows, but some things are more likely than others. Companies and governments have to make informed guesses, because some of their investments today will last longer than 20 years.
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 10, 2016 7:43 AM

Twelve Critical Skills for the Future

Twelve Critical Skills for the Future | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

Equally as important as our Dunbar number or the place we call an office are the rules we live by. We currently have very few rules for how to live our lives in a fully immersive world where explosive amounts of information and technology are flowing around us on a second by second basis.

Since neither colleges nor traditional schools have come to grips with the unusual number of challenges lurking, like landmines, in the world ahead, it is up to us to master the “new rules of engagement.”

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
November 12, 2015 1:24 PM

Ctrl+Alt+Orgasm: A Futurologist Imagines Sex in 2050

Ian Pearson describes the concept of "active skin," which could enhance and expand human sensations.

In the future, a smart “skin” that slots seamlessly over and under your own could give you access to sensations that you can only dream of now. It could sync your nervous system up to the information network, allowing you to record and replay senses, experience orgasms on demand, and switch genders as you wish, according to one futurologist.

EMIKO JOZUKA, 12/1/2015

Laborious Cretin's comment, November 12, 2015 7:16 PM
They already have version and this is like the article in 2011. From vibrating panties and bras to heated bras and remot controlled dildo's and such. If your brave enough you can search for them and see they already seem to have real products out there. VR emersion still needs to come a ways and sonic hepafeedback needs to develop out more. I can't tell you anything about the items except I have seen the adds for them a while back and new they had that stuff. Also the awkward dolls for VR emersion. Ref.s http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011-10/27/ian-pearson-future-of-sex and for the awkward japanes video http://www.esquire.com/entertainment/a37495/virtual-reality-sex-oculus-rift/ and to show they have the products. One just needs to search for them and probably have a partner willing to use them. http://www.amazon.com/Berman-Center-Astrea-Remote-Vibrating/dp/B000C9PS6A . Still waiting to hear of some ones vibrating panties or bra to be hacked. Though they might not report it. LOL
Malu Oliveira's curator insight, November 13, 2015 6:05 AM

O sexo nunca mais será o mesmo depois das redes digitais.

Scooped by Pierre Tran
March 1, 2015 11:12 AM

Human Life and the Quest for Immortality

Human Life and the Quest for Immortality | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Human beings have long desired immortality. In his book on the topic, cleverly-titled Immortality, Stephen Cave argues that this desire has taken on four distinct forms over the course of human history. In the first, people seek immortality by simply trying to stay alive, either through the help of magic or science. In the second, people seek resurrection, sometimes in the same physical form and sometimes in an altered plane of existence.

John Danaher, 01/03/2015

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 7, 2015 12:32 PM

10 Diseases That Might Afflict Us In The Future

10 Diseases That Might Afflict Us In The Future | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Today, humans suffer from a wide range of diseases and disorders that didn't exist in the past, a trend that will likely continue well into the future. Here are 10 unexpected and wholly unpleasant diseases we'll eventually have to contend with.

George Dvorsky, 04/12/2014

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
December 11, 2014 1:38 PM

2030, l’Horizon H+

2030, l’Horizon H+ | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Sommes-nous prêts pour la révolution technologique à venir ?

Il y a tout juste deux ans paraissait Global Trends 2030 : Alternative Worlds, un rapport très attendu de 160 pages rédigé et publié par le National Intelligence Council. Formé en 1979, le National Intelligence Council est une agence de renseignement qui produit des analyses stratégiques à moyen et long terme destinées à la communauté du renseignement américain.

Thierry Berthier, 11/12/2014

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
June 19, 2014 3:01 PM

Holodecks, Satellites and Semantic Web: Five Innovators Foresee the Network’s Global Future

Holodecks, Satellites and Semantic Web: Five Innovators Foresee the Network’s Global Future | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

The Internet is a moving target, constantly changing and evolving. As I contemplate its likely trajectory over the next 10 years, I hope whatever form it takes, it continues to exhibit the original values we established in its earliest years. These include the principles of ethics, trust, openness, free access, and shared content. However, I do fear and worry that we are already seeing trends toward certain governments controlling Internet access, conflicts between privacy and security, content and pricing control by a few large players, and more.


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Scooped by Pierre Tran
April 29, 2014 4:28 PM

Holodecks, Satellites and the Semantic Web: Five Innovators Foresee the Internet’s Future

Holodecks, Satellites and the Semantic Web: Five Innovators Foresee the Internet’s Future | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

The Internet is a moving target, constantly changing and evolving. As I contemplate its likely trajectory over the next 10 years, I hope whatever form it takes, it continues to exhibit the original values we established in its earliest years. These include the principles of ethics, trust, openness, free access, and shared content. However, I do fear and worry that we are already seeing trends toward certain governments controlling Internet access, conflicts between privacy and security, content and pricing control by a few large players, and more.

Dr. Leonard Kleinrock, 24/04/2014

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
December 23, 2013 6:01 AM

A Scientist Predicts the Future

A Scientist Predicts the Future | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

When making predictions, I have two criteria: the laws of physics must be obeyed and prototypes must exist that demonstrate “proof of principle.” I’ve interviewed more than 300 of the world’s top scientists, and many allowed me into laboratories where they are inventing the future. Their accomplishments and dreams are eye-opening. From my conversations with them, here’s a glimpse of what to expect in the coming decades:

Pierre Tran's insight:

Le physicien et futurologue Michio Kaku prédit le futur pour la prochaine décade  :

  • Les ordinateurs vont disparaître : informatique ubiquitaire et pervasive, cloud ambiant
  • La réalité augmentée sera la réalité quotidienne : internet accessible via des lentilles de contact
  • Les réseaux de cerveaux augmentera l'internet : ordinateurs pilotés par le cerveau, télépathie, télékinésie...
  • Le capitalisme se perfectionnera : après les médias, l'industrie va se dématérialiser (éducation, médecine, transports...), l'offre et la demande vont s"adapter
  • Les robots et l'intelligence artificielle seront monnaie courante : médecins, avocats, voitures autonomes...
  • Les organes défectueux seont remplacés
  • Les parents pourront concevoir les caractéristiques génétiques de leur progéniture
  • La cybermédecine, les nanotechnologies allongeront l'espérance de vie
  • Les dictateurs seront les grands perdants, Internet libèrent la prise de conscience des gens qui n'ont plus à vivre comme des esclaves
  • Le capitalisme intellectuel remplacera le capitalisme des marchandises
Teresa Lima's curator insight, January 10, 2014 4:38 AM


I think the future is unpredictable, and no one  can predict the future!

Carlos Polaino Jiménez's curator insight, January 16, 2014 7:38 AM

Predicción científica del futuro, esto es un tema a leer por lo menos.

Jesús Martinez's curator insight, January 18, 2014 8:07 AM

add your insight...

Scooped by Pierre Tran
March 30, 2013 4:41 PM

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Artificial Intelligence | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Robots are here to stay. They will be smarter, more versatile, more autonomous, and more like us in many ways. We humans will need to adapt to keep up.
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
March 25, 2013 11:42 PM

From 3D graphics to biometric scans: How your smartphone will get smarter

From 3D graphics to biometric scans: How your smartphone will get smarter | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Today's smartphones are much more than phones -- they are powerful, networked multimedia computers, and over the next 10 years they'll get far more advanced.
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 14, 2013 9:00 AM

The AI Singularity and Other Futurism

The AI Singularity and Other Futurism | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
From Paul Allen, Raymond Kurzweil, Vernor Vinge
Pierre Tran's insight:

Compilation d'articles au format Readability exportable en ebook

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 12, 2013 6:07 PM

National Intelligence Council - Global Trends

National Intelligence Council - Global Trends | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

The National Intelligence Council's (NIC) Global Trends Report engages expertise from outside government on factors of such as globalization, demography and the environment, producing a forward-looking document to aid policymakers in their long term planning on key issues of worldwide importance.

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