Web 3.0
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Web 3.0
Futures of the Web: semantic/symbiotic/ubiquitous web, internet/web of things, artificial intelligence, singularity, internet 3.0...
Curated by Pierre Tran
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
November 9, 2015 4:39 AM

Skynet Lives! Google RankBrain Is A Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Which ‘Loves’ Stephen Hawking And Elon Musk

Skynet Lives! Google RankBrain Is A Neural Network Artificial Intelligence Which ‘Loves’ Stephen Hawking And Elon Musk | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it

The Terminator’s Skynet has always served as a cautionary tale of what could happen if a neural network-based Artificial Intelligence were ever given access to the entire internet along with the world’s weapons. Well, the future is now, and Google’s RankBrain has been secretly crunching search data for almost all of 2015.

Patrick Frye, 06/11/2015
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
March 25, 2013 6:38 PM

Google and Neural Networks: Now Things Are Getting REALLY Interesting,...

Google and Neural Networks: Now Things Are Getting REALLY Interesting,... | Web 3.0 | Scoop.it
Back in October 2002, I appeared as a guest speaker for the Chicago (Illinois) URISA conference. The topic that I spoke about at that time was on the commercial and governmental applicability of ne...
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