Virology News
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Virology News
Topical news snippets about viruses that affect people.  And other things. Like Led Zeppelin. And zombies B-)
Curated by Ed Rybicki
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
May 29, 2013 10:48 AM!

In Memoriam - Hilary Koprowski

In Memoriam - Hilary Koprowski | Virology News |
Hilary Koprowski: A Renaissance scientist

Hilary Koprowski died on the 11th of April 2013 at the age of 96 from respiratory complications...
Ed Rybicki's insight:

I met him a few times - he endeared himself to me as he was one of the only people who knew how to pronounce my name without me telling him - and he was a MOST impressive man.  Productive to the end, and right into new technologies such as plant production as well.  We will miss him.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
April 29, 2013 7:35 AM!

Polio vaccine is safe, Sultan reassures - Premium Times Nigeria

Polio vaccine is safe, Sultan reassures - Premium Times Nigeria | Virology News |
The Sultan made the statement in Sokoto on Sunday. ({Premium Times} Polio vaccine is safe, Sultan reassures
Ed Rybicki's insight:

He shouldn't HAVE to!!  This kind of pernicious nonsense really, really needs to stop - but the CIA didn't help any.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
May 10, 2013 3:27 AM!

Picornavirus interactions with cellular membranes and vesicles

Picornavirus interactions with cellular membranes and vesicles | Virology News |
The entire replication cycle of picornaviruses takes place in the cytosol. Or does it?
Ed Rybicki's insight:

But wait, there's more...nice paper, with some intriguing possibilities raised around how some viruses may have acquired an envelope.

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
April 29, 2013 7:32 AM!

Carlos Slim Joins Bill Gates, Other Billionaires, With $100 Million To Fight Polio

Carlos Slim Joins Bill Gates, Other Billionaires, With $100 Million To Fight Polio | Virology News |
The move marks the highest-profile joint philanthropic effort so far by the world's two richest men.
Ed Rybicki's insight:

So, Tokyo S and various Oppenheimers: time to GIVE!!!

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