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Virology News
Topical news snippets about viruses that affect people.  And other things. Like Led Zeppelin. And zombies B-)
Curated by Ed Rybicki
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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
May 6, 2013 4:23 PM!

Rising measles outbreaks threaten vaccine-averse

Rising measles outbreaks threaten vaccine-averse | Virology News |

Seven confirmed cases of measles in Toronto, Ontario, so far this year, for a total of 12 in Canada to date, are prompting public health officials to remind doctors that the once-common childhood illness risks establishing a foothold again.

Ed Rybicki's insight:

And why?  Because risk-averse parents aren't vaccinating their children against the things THEY were vaccinated against, which means we're back in the 1950s again as far as morbidity / mortality figures are concerned.


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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
April 12, 2013 9:41 AM!

An open letter to my dad on the occasion of his recent anti-vax Facebook postings

An open letter to my dad on the occasion of his recent anti-vax Facebook postings | Virology News |
Dear Pa, I know you care deeply about many issues, especially social justice.
Ed Rybicki's insight:

Thanks Chris Upton for originally posting this!  Great post; very thoughtful.  JUST the thing to give to denialist family members....

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
April 15, 2013 5:12 AM!

A pox on both your parents

A pox on both your parents | Virology News |
Kids' lives are at risk as science is ignored on immunisation.
Ed Rybicki's insight:

Why oh why does anti-vaccination propaganda have such an effect??  Undoing decades of progress because of bullshit.  Aaaaarrrrgh!!

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Scooped by Ed Rybicki
April 11, 2013 9:18 AM!

Infographic: Measles cases in England and Wales

Infographic: Measles cases in England and Wales | Virology News |
In light of the recent outbreak of measles in Wales, I have put together an infographic on measles cases in ...
Ed Rybicki's insight:

It's shameful that there should be ANY!

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