Vintage Living Today For A Future Tomorrow
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Vintage Living Today For A Future Tomorrow
It's as easy to romanticize the past as it is to demonize it; instead, let's learn from it. More than living simply, more than living 'green', thrifty grandmas knew the importance of the 'economics' in Home Economics. The history of home ec, lessons in thrift, practical tips and ideas from the past focused on sustainability for families and out planet. Companion to
Curated by Deanna Dahlsad
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Strange days indeed...
October 31, 2014 10:54 AM!

Chickens Really Don't Look Like They Used To

Chickens Really Don't Look Like They Used To | Vintage Living Today For A Future Tomorrow |
Chickens have changed. Today's broiler chickens are several times larger than chickens of past decades -- and a new study by researchers in Canada offers an explanation for why the birds got so big.

(Story continues below photos.)

The chickens ...

Via F. Thunus
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Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Human Interest
June 10, 2014 11:09 PM!

40 maps that explain food in America

40 maps that explain food in America | Vintage Living Today For A Future Tomorrow |

"The future of the nations will depend on the manner of how they feed themselves, wrote the French epicurean Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin in 1826. Almost 200 years later, how nations feed themselves has gotten a lot more complicated. That’s particularly true in the US, where food insecurity coexists with an obesity crisis, where fast food is everywhere and farmer’s markets are spreading, where foodies have never had more power and McDonald’s has never had more locations, and where the possibility of a barbecue-based civil war is always near. So here are 40 maps, charts, and graphs that show where our food comes from and how we eat it, with some drinking thrown in for good measure."

Via Skuuppilehdet
Adilson Camacho's curator insight, June 12, 2014 9:41 PM

Nós somos aquilo que comemos ...

Kaitlin Young's curator insight, November 22, 2014 2:16 PM

With more people than ever living in cities and less people than ever working on farms, the future of our food is in question. The riskiness, labor, low gain,  and negative stereotypes of farmers combined with the fear of food conglomerates has led to a depletion of smaller scale farmers. Brain drain in rural farming areas is depleting the number of younger people willing to work in agriculture. With most of our food production being controlled and overseen by large corporations, people are now questioning the quality of our foods. Recently, the local food movement is educating people on the importance of food produced with integrity and supporting  local businesses.  

BrianCaldwell7's curator insight, March 16, 2016 3:51 PM

Occasionally these lists that say something like "40 maps that..." end up being an odd assortment of trivia that is interesting but not very instructive.  Not so with this list that has carefully curated these maps and graphs in a sequential order that will enrich students' understanding of food production and consumption in the United States.  Additionally, here are some maps and chart to understand agriculture and food in Canada


Tags: agriculture, food production, food distribution, locavore, agribusiness, USA

Rescooped by Deanna Dahlsad from Sustainable Solutions for the Developing World
October 22, 2014 11:08 PM!

The Race Is On to Find Organic Pesticides

The Race Is On to Find Organic Pesticides | Vintage Living Today For A Future Tomorrow |
Seed and pesticide makers like BASF, DuPont, Bayer and Monsanto are investing heavily to develop new products incorporating organisms like bacteria and tiny fungi, which executives say can help corn, soybean and other plants fend off pests and grow faster.

Via Jen-ai, Jocelyn Stoller
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