UDL - Universal Design for Learning
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UDL - Universal Design for Learning
The pedagogical framework to designing learning environments to teach and to support ALL learners!
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Rescooped by Kathleen McClaskey from UDL & ICT in education
January 13, 2012 6:22 PM

Infographic: Left vs. Right Brain

Infographic: Left vs. Right Brain | UDL - Universal Design for Learning | Scoop.it

"If you ever wondered why you act the way you do, the answer may lie in which side of your brain you tend to use more. Allthough they're generalizations, popular theories suggest that right-brain people have different skills and preferences than those who are left-brain people. How do these differences impact you? Find out in this infographic."


The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) has noted that how we learn is as unique as our DNA.  This infographic will help you discover about what side of the brain you use most often, and then ask yourself, WHY?  

Via Smaragda Papadopoulou
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Rescooped by Kathleen McClaskey from UDL & ICT in education
December 5, 2011 11:32 AM

iPadagogy-Mobile UDL Pt 2/4- Multiple Means of Representation

How the universal design for learning concept of multiple means of representation can be implemented on an iPad.

Via Smaragda Papadopoulou
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Scooped by Kathleen McClaskey
December 5, 2011 5:44 PM

UDL Principle 1: Learning Options for Representation

UDL Principle 1:  Learning Options for Representation | UDL - Universal Design for Learning | Scoop.it

This site offers a comprehensive list of online tools that can support UDL Principle 1:  Multiple Means of Representation along with specific information about the site.  This list includes:


> Options for Video

> Options for Text to Audio format

> Options for Reference

> Options for Captioned Video and More

> Special Option for Early Learners


Thank you Paul Hamilton!

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Rescooped by Kathleen McClaskey from UDL & ICT in education
October 2, 2011 9:18 PM

How the Human Brain Retains Information - Infographic

How the Human Brain Retains Information - Infographic | UDL - Universal Design for Learning | Scoop.it

The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillian connections. This amounts to quite a large storage capacity. At Mindflash they examine how the brain retains all this information and displays it visually – after all, visuals are the easiest media to retain for most.  Here is the science behind UDL!

Via Smaragda Papadopoulou
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