Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
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Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
a look at the creative and technical worlds of immersive storytelling
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 19, 2012 5:26 PM!

SOPA: A Mega, Meta Mashup Of News

SOPA: A Mega, Meta Mashup Of News | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
We sifted through the news covering the SOPA protests to bring you the mother of all news roundups, with virtually every line gleaned from somewhere else...
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 18, 2012 1:55 PM!

Internet Blackout: SOPA, Reddit, and Networked (Political) Publics

Internet Blackout: SOPA, Reddit, and Networked (Political) Publics | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

This wednesday, Wikipedia, Reddit, and a range of other high profile on-line sites will go black in protest of SOPA and PIPA, legislation currently being considered by the U.S. Congress, which will impose regulations on net practices in the name of exerting greater control over "piracy."


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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 1, 2012 3:20 PM!

The Connection Between the Collapse of Theatrical and DVD - And the Studios' Support of SOPA

The Connection Between the Collapse of Theatrical and DVD - And the Studios' Support of SOPA | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

"While the 20th Century media titans are gearing up to push SOPA through Congress, we are just getting word that 2011 will be the worst year for motion picture theatrical attendance since 1995.   Is it a coincidence? Or are these two events - the ongoing collapse of theatrical and the push for a new internet piracy law - related?"


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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 18, 2012 1:56 PM!

SOPA Will Take Us Back to the Dark Ages

SOPA Will Take Us Back to the Dark Ages | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
Mashable editor in chief Lance Ulanoff explores what SOPA would mean for content distribution on the web. It looks like 1994.
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 7, 2012 2:54 PM!

Why The Movie Industry Can’t Innovate and the Result is SOPA

Why The Movie Industry Can’t Innovate and the Result is SOPA | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
This year the movie industry made $30 billion (1/3 in the U.S.) from box-office revenue. But the total movie industry revenue was $87 billion. Where did the other $57 billion come from? From sources that the studios at one time claimed would put them out of business…
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 28, 2011 3:33 PM!

A World Without YouTube? Why Film Fans and Filmmakers Should Care About SOPA

A World Without YouTube? Why Film Fans and Filmmakers Should Care About SOPA | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

The past few weeks on Capitol Hill have been busy for culture industry lobbyists, technology companies and civil liberties organizations. Both houses of Congress have been busy considering variations iterations of SOPA (the Stop Online Privacy Act, in some iterations known as the Protect IP Act) that would attempt to address issues surrounding copyright infringement by developing a swift judicial solution to shutting off sites suspected of copyright infringement in the US.


[Note:  Further discussions of this have been put on hold until 2012 ...]

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