Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
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Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
a look at the creative and technical worlds of immersive storytelling
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 22, 2015 1:48 PM!

TMC David Dufresne Fort McMoney Coproduction Interview (Eng Version)

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

TMC Resource Kit:  "An interview with David Dufresne, creator and director of Fort McMoney [an award winning interactive documentary]"

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
October 21, 2014 10:39 PM!

Secrets to Making Good Interactive Films by FoST Prize-Winners Daniels

Secrets to Making Good Interactive Films by FoST Prize-Winners Daniels | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Yelena Rachitsky:  "Many filmmakers testing out the waters of interactive film understand the inherent murkiness of the medium: the challenge in giving your audience agency while maintaining enough control over the narrative to let it take shape."

Tim Brook's curator insight, October 22, 2014 6:33 AM

...not that films aren't already interactive of course...

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
September 26, 2014 2:01 PM!

It's Not Film. It's Not TV. It's Convergence. Here's What It's All About

It's Not Film. It's Not TV. It's Convergence. Here's What It's All About | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Paula Bernstein:  "A new wave of creators is blurring the lines of storytelling to span multiple platforms. Here, a handful of those creators from this year's New York Film Festival Convergence program explain what convergence means to them."

Jens Peter Madsen's curator insight, September 27, 2014 6:00 AM

Very interesting Article - I don´t understand fully I think - but i´m insopired to continue my own digital storytelling experiment at

Henrik Safegaard - Cloneartist's curator insight, September 27, 2014 11:28 AM

Whether you call it immersive storytelling, interactive filmmaking, transmedia or another term, what it all boils down to is new ways of connecting to audiences. Innovative, non-linear and new forms of storytelling.

Click to see more.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
February 8, 2014 1:08 PM!

'Hollow' creators offer tips for making interactive documentaries

'Hollow' creators offer tips for making interactive documentaries | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Margaret Looney:  "The first thing most of us learn about storytelling is that a narrative should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but a new breed of documentary is turning this tried-and-true approach on its head" ...

Vivalist's curator insight, February 13, 2014 9:43 AM

Hollow is a digital documentary that lives through its protagonists and it is full of good ideas - even though the design and UX are not as tight as, let's say Pinepoint.


It includes some nice features and in this article, the creators come back on the production production, both from a writing and designing standpoints. Good read


Minna Kilpeläinen's curator insight, April 4, 2016 4:37 PM

Margaret Looney:  "The first thing most of us learn about storytelling is that a narrative should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but a new breed of documentary is turning this tried-and-true approach on its head" ...

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
June 25, 2013 3:39 AM!

Transmedia Documentaries are Sexy, But Who's Watching?

Transmedia Documentaries are Sexy, But Who's Watching? | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Anthony Kaufman:  "This past April, several new media pioneers issued "The Web Documentary Manifesto," which, inspired from Soviet filmmaker Dziga Vertov's early writings, called for "a revolution" in storytelling" ...

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

An interesting question ....

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 10, 2013 10:18 PM!

With interactive elements, digital documentaries are changing the way we tell and consume stories

With interactive elements, digital documentaries are changing the way we tell and consume stories | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Jaime Woo:  "What if instead of acting merely as an online billboard for the documentary, the web itself was the platform?"

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

A look at the National Film Board of Canada's support of interactive documentaries, in particular, the Toronto-based Highrise project.

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 3, 2012 11:54 PM!

Secrets Of Interactive Filmmaking

Secrets Of Interactive Filmmaking | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

XHIBITOR:  "With the amount of time we spend online it’s no surprise that traditional narratives are morphing into a more web-friendly format" ...

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 17, 2014 5:16 AM!

PttP Cross Media Forum: top 3 interactive presentations

PttP Cross Media Forum: top 3 interactive presentations | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Jess Linington:  "If, like me, you didn’t get the chance to attend the 2014 Power to the Pixel Cross Media Forum, you can now catch up with the presentations online!"

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
October 4, 2014 1:09 PM!

Transmedia is Still So Young: Femke Wolting and Tommy Pallotta on Last Hijack Interactive

Transmedia is Still So Young: Femke Wolting and Tommy Pallotta on Last Hijack Interactive | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Randy Astle:  "Access is always an issue with documentary, creating unique challenges in war zones or similar areas where filmmakers would be in physical danger or simply cannot go. The documentary Last Hijack, produced by Submarine Channel and directed by Femke Wolting and Tommy Pallotta, doesn’t just deal with these issues but makes them one of the film’s greatest strengths."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
September 3, 2014 1:00 AM!

Creating interactive narratives

Creating interactive narratives | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Fiona Milburn talks with Ingrid Kopp, director of Digital Initiatives at the Tribeca Film Institute in New York, about creating interactive narratives.

Simon Staffans's curator insight, September 4, 2014 5:57 AM

Interesting interview.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 29, 2014 4:15 AM!

Are Interactive Films Transforming Modern Storytelling? Sundance's New Frontier Has the Answer

Are Interactive Films Transforming Modern Storytelling? Sundance's New Frontier Has the Answer | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Sean Flynn:  "Will any of these experiments in storytelling become the dominant forms of tomorrow? Or are they merely timely novelties whose relevance is tied up with the technologies that enable them?"

Henrik Safegaard - Cloneartist's curator insight, January 29, 2014 6:44 AM

A festival still steeped in the established art of cinema, the question inevitably arises: Will any of these experiments in storytelling transcend the category of “first word art” and become the dominant forms of tomorrow? Or are they merely timely novelties whose relevance is tied up with the technologies that enable them?

Click to watch videos and read more.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
May 5, 2013 1:34 AM!

Where Film Goes to Be Reinvented

Where Film Goes to Be Reinvented | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Julia Kaganskiy:  "Canada’s unlikely trailblazer responsible for some of the most innovative experiments in interactive storytelling" …

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

For more on the ground breaking work of Canada's NFB you should read Building Films For the iPad: The National Film Board’s New Tablet-Focused Projects.

Fred Harden's curator insight, May 5, 2013 7:28 PM

The 'Journal of Insomnia' has quite an attraction for me :-)


Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 7, 2012 11:15 PM!

Exploring Transmedia at the IDFA DocLab

Exploring Transmedia at the IDFA DocLab | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Rose Vincelli:  "This program [IDFA DocLab] presents new non-fiction transmedia projects, each allowing the viewer to interact with the reality the filmmakers have documented and constructed" ...

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