Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
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Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
a look at the creative and technical worlds of immersive storytelling
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
July 23, 2015 2:55 PM!

4 Reasons Why Product Placement Can Be Good for Indie Film

4 Reasons Why Product Placement Can Be Good for Indie Film | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Ethan Saplenza:  "It's not just big-budget blockbusters that get sponsorship deals. Indies do too - and there's quite a big upside."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 31, 2015 1:53 PM!

Exclusive Interview: How Films at Sundance Are Kickstarting Their Way to Better Distribution

Exclusive Interview: How Films at Sundance Are Kickstarting Their Way to Better Distribution | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Oakley Anderson-Moore:  "While it's true that many Sundance films get distribution deals, they aren't always the deals of the filmmaker's dreams. With over a dozen feature films at Sundance this year that raised part of their budget on Kickstarter, is it possible to use that crowdfunding platform as collateral to attract a distributor? Or can you bypass a distributor all together using Kickstarter?"

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
July 4, 2014 7:12 AM!

10 Social Media Do's and Don'ts for Filmmakers

10 Social Media Do's and Don'ts for Filmmakers | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Kristin McCracken:  "Attention, filmmakers: You must read these social media do's and don'ts."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 22, 2014 6:43 PM!

Kickstarter Has Changed Indie Moviemaking for Good

Kickstarter Has Changed Indie Moviemaking for Good | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Jennifer M. Wood:  "While Hollywood insiders talk about which big-budget studio movies made and lost the most money in 2013, there’s a far more interesting number to consider: 3,000,000. That’s how many people backed crowdfunding projects for a total of $481,788,567 last year — and that’s on Kickstarter alone."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
May 24, 2013 1:44 AM!

How to find an audience for your indie film

How to find an audience for your indie film | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Frank Rose:  "It's never been easy to market an indie film—but in a blockbuster universe, getting people to care about a low-budget production devoid of stars and lacking the enormous, built-in fan base of The Dark Knight or The Hunger Games can seem all but impossible."

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

An article for all indie content makers, not just filmmakers ....

Bart van Maanen's curator insight, May 25, 2013 4:28 AM

Het promoten van 'kleine', onafhankelijk geproduceerde films is vaak moeilijk. Hier een schets van een andere weg naar een groter publiek. Productie en promotie van films kunnen door internet en IP tv sowieso niet meer op de oude manier.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
November 22, 2012 3:55 AM!

Exploring 48 Frames Per Second

Exploring 48 Frames Per Second | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Hugh Hart:  "With The Hobbit trilogy Peter Jackson will introduce audiences to a 3-D film shot at 48 FPS. Depending on the response, it could open a whole new dimension for directors" ...

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
September 23, 2012 3:46 AM!

"Engage" With Cloud Filmmaking

"Engage" With Cloud Filmmaking | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
Following up on her “Cloud Filmmaking Manifesto,” filmmaker Tiffany Shlain introduces the second film in her “Let it Ripple” series—a uniquely collaborative process, from creation through dissemination.
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
July 5, 2012 12:35 AM!

Previsualization and the Cultural Divide: How Filmmakers Are Creating Immersive VR and Leaving It On the Set

Previsualization and the Cultural Divide: How Filmmakers Are Creating Immersive VR and Leaving It On the Set | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

James Iliff: "While on the second night of the incredible 5D Flux Conference on transmedia at USC two weeks ago, Henry Jenkins moderated a discussion with a number of luminaries from the previsualization and motion capture industries [...] The topic was on digital design and world building in the narrative media landscape – a topic that is vitally relevant to virtual reality, and couldn’t have been more timely."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
May 21, 2015 4:23 PM!

Take Your Film To Where The Audience Already Is

Take Your Film To Where The Audience Already Is | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Ted Hope:  "Filmmakers, Hollywood, The Industry, rarely know whom their audience is. We do it so ass-backwards: we make a movie and we think it is so wonderful that people all over the world will come to see it. Wouldn’t it be a hell of a lot easier ifall we did was take our movies where people are already gathered?"

Charlie Dare's curator insight, May 26, 2015 6:36 AM

Ted Hope:  "Filmmakers, Hollywood, The Industry, rarely know whom their audience is. We do it so ass-backwards: we make a movie and we think it is so wonderful that people all over the world will come to see it. Wouldn’t it be a hell of a lot easier ifall we did was take our movies where people are already gathered?"

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
November 19, 2014 12:22 PM!

Infographic: How People Decide What Movies to See

Infographic: How People Decide What Movies to See | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Josephine Opar:  "Google and Millward Brown Digital broke down how American and Canadian moviegoers research the films they watch, and it looks like YouTube is a major source of inspiration."

Wendy Yackimec's curator insight, November 20, 2014 10:59 AM

Just because it looks so cool. Interesting too.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
April 9, 2014 3:59 PM!

Documentary filmmaker explores the new visual language of virtual reality

Documentary filmmaker explores the new visual language of virtual reality | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Stephen Kleckner:  "It’s alluring to see this 360-degree medium as limitless, but this borderless world is not as free of structure as it first appears. Artists face a new set of rules to play by if they intend on creating an intentional, visual, virtual-reality composition."

i-Docs's curator insight, April 10, 2014 6:19 AM

“All we know is that traditional rules of filmmaking no longer apply,” Danfung said. “We’re focused on the technical aspect to begin with as there are still big challenges in the capture, workflow, and playback … but I think the even bigger challenge is the new visual language that is going to emerge.”

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
May 30, 2013 4:22 AM!

Why Zach Braff's Film Going to Cannes Shows the Future of Film Financing

Why Zach Braff's Film Going to Cannes Shows the Future of Film Financing | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Colin Brown:  "Welcome to the indie world’s new arithmetic, a film financing revolution for which Braff has become the inadvertent poster-child through his committed embrace of crowdfunding" ...

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

"For some reason crowd donations have come to be characterized as replacement film financing for private equity. In truth, those pledges are really another iteration of soft money, one that comes with the added bonus of indicating future audience demand [with infographic from Slated]" ...

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
February 19, 2013 11:16 PM!

Seven Ways to Fail at Promoting Your Film Online (Broken Record Edition)

Seven Ways to Fail at Promoting Your Film Online (Broken Record Edition) | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Scott Macaulay:  "Want to decrease press interest and the size of your audience? Then do these seven things" ...

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

I think we can acknowledge that transmedia storytelling and marketing extensions are not right for every project so, for those who are looking to take a more "traditional" approach to marketing their film online, this article is for you.  It's a very informative read.

Asil's curator insight, February 21, 2013 3:22 AM

There are some good ideas here ... love the one on Facebook.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
November 16, 2012 11:23 PM!

Iron Sky Team Crowdsources Alien Designs for Jeremiah Harm

Iron Sky Team Crowdsources Alien Designs for Jeremiah Harm | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Hugh Hart: "The inventive Finnish filmmakers want you to design ass-kicking extraterrestrials for their next sci-fi flick."

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Rescooped by The Digital Rocking Chair from Tracking Transmedia
July 15, 2012 5:28 AM!

Finding Your People: Why Filmmakers Should be on Tumblr... Now

Finding Your People: Why Filmmakers Should be on Tumblr... Now | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Lauren Donia: "Filmmakers, are you tapping your full potential when it comes to social media marketing? If you aren't on Tumblr, says the Center for Social Media, then the answer is a resounding "No." Their advice: Find, tag, respond, and reblog, all with a personal slant" ...

Via siobhan-o-flynn
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
April 15, 2012 4:59 PM!

Berg Explores The Future Of Touchable Movies (Video)

Berg Explores The Future Of Touchable Movies (Video) | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Tim Arnall: "There is something beautiful about the analogue, optical qualities of lenses, cameras, and moving images that don’t exist in 3-D, and this is not about simply rotating objects, it is about getting our hands 'dirty’ in the medium of cinema."

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