Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
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Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age
a look at the creative and technical worlds of immersive storytelling
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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
November 1, 2015 1:00 PM!

Webcomic artist finds a new storytelling platform in Instagram

Webcomic artist finds a new storytelling platform in Instagram | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Sherry Tucci:  "Meet Regina, an outgoing Polish girl who loves the color pink. Instagram tells the story of her life, from romance to parties to family time, like any young adult. But there is a catch—Regina isn't real."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
June 11, 2015 3:20 PM!

"I broke all the Holy Grails of interactive."

"I broke all the Holy Grails of interactive." | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Melanie Goodfellow:  '“I broke all the Holy Grails of interactive. I have no film, I have no App and I don’t have a website” – former Pixel Market participant Ram Devineni talks about the intricacies of developing and financing augmented reality comic book Priya’s Shakti.'

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
April 10, 2015 3:40 PM!

Packing a transmedia punch...

Packing a transmedia punch... | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Transmedia NZ's Fiona Milburn takes a look at three ongoing transmedia projects using comic books to great effect.

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 4, 2015 12:39 PM!

What "Ms. Marvel" Gets Right About Comic Book Violence

What "Ms. Marvel" Gets Right About Comic Book Violence | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

"Noah Berlatsky contrasts the graphic violence in Gotham to the subdued approach in Ms. Marvel, and ponders which is truly more realistic."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 15, 2014 1:37 PM!

Comic Book Tackles Sexual Violence in India [#SocialImpact]

Comic Book Tackles Sexual Violence in India [#SocialImpact] | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Dipal Parmar:  "A unique aspect of the comic book is that it has been brought to life through the use of augmented reality app Blippar to create animation, videos and other interactive elements."

Annette Simmons's comment, December 16, 2014 9:15 AM
Thanks for posting this. What a great use of storytelling!
Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
August 4, 2014 3:38 AM!

Hawkeye's hearing, or How to use signs in storytelling

Hawkeye's hearing, or How to use signs in storytelling | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Tim Carmody:  "In the Marvel comic Hawkeye #15, published in February, the title character was brutally attacked and deafened by a supervillain real estate developer trying to push the hero's neighbors out of their apartment building in Brooklyn's Bed-Stuy. (It's a very special comic book.)"

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 19, 2013 3:31 AM!

The Science Of Comic Strips

The Science Of Comic Strips | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Eric Jaffe:  "[Psychologist Neil Cohn of University of California at San Diego] says any language has a "holy triumvirate" of elements: expressive form, grammar, and meaning. Comics, he argues, meet all three requirements."

Giuseppe Fattori's curator insight, January 8, 2014 5:16 PM

Language is more than just a series of words strung together. A sentence must have some essential structure, some system of rules governing words and clauses--a grammar. You don't have to be Strunk or White to recognize this system at work; it's automatic in the brain. In Noam Chomsky's famous example, people know that the meaningless sentence "colorless green ideas sleep furiously" is grammatically correct the very first time they see it.

Carolyn Guertin's curator insight, July 20, 2014 3:14 AM

comic strips

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
October 9, 2013 12:12 AM!

Marvel Turns Disney's Theme Parks Into Setting for New Comicbook Adventures [#Transmedia]

Marvel Turns Disney's Theme Parks Into Setting for New Comicbook Adventures [#Transmedia] | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Marc Graser:  "Disney is giving its theme park attractions a backstory in comicbook form. Marvel and Walt Disney Imagineering will launch “Disney Kingdoms: Seekers of the Weird” as the first of a new comicbook series" ...

Henrik Safegaard - Cloneartist's curator insight, October 9, 2013 3:37 AM

 It’s conceivable that stories developed through the comicbooks could eventually be adapted into future films or TV series, should they prove popular with readers.

Click to read more.

Juliana Loh's curator insight, October 9, 2013 1:57 PM

Marvel isn't holding back as it investigates each touchpoint to promote its stories. Some partnerships are just 'meant to be'. Thank you again Fiona!

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
June 1, 2013 4:55 AM!

7 Bad Storytelling Habits That We All Learned from Superhero Comics

7 Bad Storytelling Habits That We All Learned from Superhero Comics | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Charlie Jane Ander "Today's escapist storytellers share a rich legacy, from classic TV to great SF novels. But most of us also guzzled superhero comics during our formative years" ...

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

An interesting list!

Ken Morrison's comment, June 2, 2013 7:50 AM
This is very interesting. Thank you. I really like the insert of a battle seen because there is time for one and the simplification of female characters.
Andrea Deydén's curator insight, September 20, 2013 5:54 PM

La idea del "cambio ilusorio" de Stan Lee me sorprendió muchísimo. Lo demás fue medio "meh" porque, aunque tiene un punto en eso de los errores de narración, hay que ver que el público meta de los cómics (en especial los de antes) eran hombres adolescentes. Violencia + personajes femeninos de apoyo eran un home hit. 

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
February 14, 2013 1:17 AM!

How Scott Pilgrim Blended Comics, Film and Video Games [#Transmedia]

How Scott Pilgrim Blended Comics, Film and Video Games [#Transmedia] | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Kirk Hamilton:  "This video essay, by Dr. Drew Morton from Texas A&M University-Texarkana, takes a look at how transmedia can fail (e.g. The Matrix) and how it succeeded with Scott Pilgrim."

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Dr. Drew Morton on Scott Pilgrim: a unique transmedia experience in which visual style is the glue uniting comic, film & video game.

Debbie Elicksen 's curator insight, February 22, 2013 9:09 AM

How can multi-platform storytelling be a bad thing?

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
February 6, 2013 11:06 PM!

Teaching Transmedia with Comics: A Conversation with Tyler Weaver

Teaching Transmedia with Comics: A Conversation with Tyler Weaver | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Peter Gutierrez:  "As a reference work on media/transmedia, both aesthetically and historically, as a how-to for student media-makers, or simply on the professional development shelf, so that teachers and librarians can mine it for ideas, [Tyler Weaver’s book is] a text that can fill many needs at once. I was delighted, then, when the author agreed to talk to me about this fascinating topic" …

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

This is a great article for transmedia practitioners and educators alike.  I particularly liked Tyler Weaver's analogy for transmedia storytelling, "It’s the idea of the chef: learn the basic tools, then an understanding of ingredients, then how to build flavors by combining those ingredients into an irresistible meal."

GwynethJones's comment, February 8, 2013 3:08 PM
Love me some Comics!
GwynethJones's curator insight, February 8, 2013 3:08 PM
Grrls like comics, too! Love me some Comics! @ComicLife
Andrea Deydén's curator insight, September 20, 2013 6:22 PM

Debo conseguir estos libros ASAP

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 6, 2013 11:57 PM!

Comics Creation & Critical Thinking: From Doctor Who to Bitstrips

Comics Creation & Critical Thinking: From Doctor Who to Bitstrips | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Peter Gutierrez "Like so many insights in life, this one was prompted by Doctor Who."

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Although aimed at educators, this article contains some great tips for DIY comic creation that everyone will find useful.

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 3, 2012 12:11 AM!

For Hellboy Creator Mike Mignola, the Real Horror Is Hollywood

For Hellboy Creator Mike Mignola, the Real Horror Is Hollywood | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Geek's Guide to the Galaxy:  "Mike Mignola is a major star in the comic book world thanks to the success of his unlikely hero Hellboy, a denizen of the underworld who fights for the side of good. The comic book’s current storyline features Hellboy battling his way through the trackless wastes of hell itself. But for Mignola, contemplating the fate of the damned comes as a welcome relief from the madness of Tinseltown."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
August 29, 2015 4:19 PM!

Is comics journalism making a comeback?

Is comics journalism making a comeback? | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Alastair Reid:  "New projects are integrating traditional art with digital innovation, and the medium's proponents believe it can tell stories in a way other media may not" ...

Christophe Poupet's curator insight, August 30, 2015 12:32 PM
education aux médias /web documentaire
The Windoor's curator insight, November 11, 2015 6:39 AM

Ligar periodismo y arte no es siempre sinónimo de rigor, incluso se asocia como humor y poca seriedad. Sin embargo, con las innovadoras tácticas de diseño gráfico se está logrando un periodismo narrativo y original a través del arte. Quizá en el dibujo esté la clave para contar historias de otro modo y llegar a diferentes públicos de manera directa. 

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
May 31, 2015 3:41 PM!

A Complete Guide To Self-Publishing Comics: Comfort Love And Adam Withers Talk Shop, Plus Review

A Complete Guide To Self-Publishing Comics: Comfort Love And Adam Withers Talk Shop, Plus Review | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Michele Brittany:  "Comfort and Adam use the term “comics” to encompass comics, manga and webcomics. Obviously, if you are thinking and researching the self-publishing route, this book is for you. [...] This book is also for creative individuals who are not looking to self-publish. As a freelance writer of popular culture, this book armed me with comic book industry terminology and knowledge that I did not have before."

Jeni Mawter's curator insight, June 3, 2015 3:33 AM

Writers of graphic novels for children and young adults will find this a very useful guide.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 28, 2015 2:05 PM!

8 Tips for Turning Your Digital Comics into a Business

8 Tips for Turning Your Digital Comics into a Business | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Todd Allen:  "The business side of the comics business is something that doesn’t get discussed nearly as much as it should and that can cause some stumbling blocks — particularly for creators striking out on their own."

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Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 18, 2014 12:10 PM!

The Making of Priya’s Shakti- Innovative transmedia project that attempts to change attitude towards rape victims in India

The Making of Priya’s Shakti-  Innovative transmedia project that attempts to change attitude towards rape victims in India | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Jaya Mahajan:  "Priya’s Shakti is  a social impact multi media project that has an augmented reality (AR) comic book, street art and social media pages . It is a project that aims to create an alternative attitude towards violence against women."

Luis A. Trujillo Paz's curator insight, December 18, 2014 12:20 PM

Transmedia Innovacion

Andrés Ramos's curator insight, December 24, 2014 5:02 PM

Es un proyecto con un importante impacto social que aprovecha múltiples expresiones y representaciones en textos plurales como el comic, arte callejero, contenido de aplicaciones y demás; un uso más allá de lo comercial como tendencia del transmedia.



Rescooped by The Digital Rocking Chair from Storytelling in the Digital Age
December 12, 2014 12:50 PM!

Fighting ISIS with comic books

Fighting ISIS with comic books | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Via Anca Toader
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Kathryn Nave:  'Jordanian social activist, Suleiman Bakhit believes we can fight ISIS with comic books. "Everything begins with a story," he told the audience at WIRED2014. "Narratives and myths give us a sense of purpose, they give us a compelling sense of direction in our lives."'

Anca Toader's curator insight, December 12, 2014 10:56 AM

A twist on Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's famous speech about "the danger of a single story". Suleiman Bakhit explains the toxic effect of the 'single story' in the Middle East where it creates "terrorism disguised as heroism". His solution to this problem? Comic books. Fascinating!

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
July 19, 2014 5:17 AM!

A More Authentic Transmedia: The Ethics of Transmedia Fatigue

A More Authentic Transmedia: The Ethics of Transmedia Fatigue | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Shathley Q:  '“Sometimes…” as Stuart Moore writes on the first page the pre-Superstorm Sandy released Wolverine: Under the Boardwalk, “…you just gotta disappear for a while.”'

juandoming's curator insight, July 19, 2014 5:31 AM

add your insight...

Henrik Safegaard - Cloneartist's curator insight, July 20, 2014 5:41 AM

Great article.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
October 14, 2013 12:50 AM!

I, Frankenstein Creator (and Actor) Kevin Grevioux Talks Comics, Film and Storytelling

I, Frankenstein Creator (and Actor) Kevin Grevioux Talks Comics, Film and Storytelling | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |
The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Russ Burlingame:  "There are few comic book movies that fans will go into with less information than I, Frankenstein; the film was written by Kevin Grevioux and Scot Beattie and adapted to a graphic novel from Grevioux’s first-draft screenplay."

Henrik Safegaard - Cloneartist's curator insight, October 14, 2013 6:06 AM

The graphic novel has undergone some permutations since 2009 and will be released ahead of the movie (which comes out in January) but not by much, so many readers will go into the movie cold, knowing not much more than who’s in it and the basic sense for plot that the trailers give.

Click to read all about it.

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
June 5, 2013 7:10 AM!

New digital comics meet old storytelling tricks

New digital comics meet old storytelling tricks | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Seth Rosenblatt:  "Comics fans are getting a double-dose of digital innovation this summer, as DC Comics lets you choose your own Batman adventure and revel in new tales of the campy '60s Batman."

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Despite the odd hiccup, comics seem to be successfully embracing digital whilst also growing their traditional print base.  It makes a great lesson for any of the creative industries struggling with the transition to digital.

Claudio Gentile's curator insight, June 6, 2013 6:14 AM

Importanti novità da @DCComics le storie #vintage si fanno #transmediali

Brad Tollefson's curator insight, June 18, 2013 8:07 PM

Hmmm.. when might a comic book be a 48 hr film?

Hanna Brown's curator insight, November 17, 2014 4:43 PM


Donate comic books from the Platinum Age, Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, or Modern Age to charity and take back some closet space! The tax deduction benefits far outweigh having to sell the Comic book collection yourself, and the proceeds benefit families in need across the United States. Donate comics from all your favorite superheroes such as Spiderman, Batman, Captain America, Fantastic Four or Conan today!

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
April 27, 2013 12:40 AM!

Coldplay Tastefully Rocks Comic Book Fans’ Faces Off With “Mylo Xyloto”

Coldplay Tastefully Rocks Comic Book Fans’ Faces Off With “Mylo Xyloto” | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Joe Berkowitz:  "The band behind hits such as "Yellow" and "Hurts Like Heaven" tries out a new medium with "Mylo Xyloto," a digital comic book based on its last album."

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

Interesting ....

Jeni Mawter's curator insight, April 28, 2013 9:54 PM

Performance + Comics = Transmedia storytelling

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
February 11, 2013 5:54 AM!

Transmedia in Schools and Libraries: Thoughts and Strategies from Tyler Weaver

Transmedia in Schools and Libraries: Thoughts and Strategies from Tyler Weaver | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Peter Gutierrez:  "In the first part of my conversation with Tyler Weaver we discussed the many benefits of teaching with, and making, comics as well as the role of the school librarian when it comes to transmedia… here we get a bit more specific in terms of the issues involved."

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

In part 2 of an excellent set of articles, Tyler Weaver puts the controversies surrounding video games and comics into historical context; and chooses the dawn of Marvel's Universe as "the most perfect encapsulation of a shared storyworld out there".

Glow Images Colombia's curator insight, March 4, 2013 4:48 PM

 Transmedia en colegias y bibliotecas

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
January 10, 2013 2:50 AM!

5 Comics/Transmedia Trends to Watch in 2013

5 Comics/Transmedia Trends to Watch in 2013 | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

:  "As comics have become more powerful lords of the entertainment universe, we look at what’s in store, across platforms, for 2013."

The Digital Rocking Chair's insight:

After a stellar year in 2012, what's next for comics?  Hint: there's a lot of transmedia storytelling involved.

Andrea Deydén's curator insight, September 20, 2013 6:03 PM

Bastante interesante. Me gusta ver estos cambios, en especial porque poco a poco se empiezan a ver las fusiones entre los estilos estadounidense y japonés (hell, yeah, me refiero a Avatar: La leyenda de Aang/Korra).


Personalmente, me encanta que los cómics empiecen a usar más esta plataforma. No que no lo hubieran hecho antes (Marvel luego te engancha para que descargues libremente el número 1 de todos sus cómics y luego ya te vende los demás) o que no hubieran existido plataformas para hacerlo (Comicrack!!!). 

Como sea, me parece que estas tendencias son perfectamente observables hoy día y que podemos ver a dónde hacen evolucionar al cómic sin grandes temores a que echen algo a perder (además de la línea editorial de DC, is that to say) 

Scooped by The Digital Rocking Chair
December 5, 2012 12:48 AM!

iPad App Vision Machine Reinvents the Independent Digital Comic

iPad App Vision Machine Reinvents the Independent Digital Comic | Transmedia: Storytelling for the Digital Age |

Filmmaker Magazine:  "Filmmaker Greg Pak (Robot Stories) has released his graphic novel Vision Machine as an iPad app and, in the process, is pointing the way towards new storytelling formats and new production and distribution partnerships."

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