Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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Department of Kiswahili and Other African Languages

The department of Kiswahili and other African Languages (KOAL) of Maseno University offers a Bachelor of Arts programme with Information Technology (IT), and postgraduate programmes in Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in language, linguistics and literature in Kiswahili and other African languages. The department stands as a centre of excellence in training Kiswahili and other African languages, promoting cultural diversity and advancing external relationships with other partners. KOAL services students from the faculty of education and the department of communication and media technology. Plans to offer Kiswahili as a core subject in the university curriculum are in progress.

As Kiswahili continues to gain prominence both as a national and official language in Kenya, a lingua franca of the East Africa Community states, proposed as one of the official languages of the African Union and taught at various universities globally, the department is already undertaking the initiative of establishing viable programmes so as to produce graduates of Kiswahili who can meet the envisaged demand in future. Thus the department is in the process of reviewing its programs in order to conform to socio-economic and political changes and transformations worldwide. The review is taking into account the dynamics in higher education, Kenyan constitution and Kenya Vision 2030.

The department also plans to introduce new market driven programmes such as: Translation and Interpretation, Editorial and Publishing, and a full programme of the African languages. Maseno University strategically positioned on the trans-border high way, is a converging point of African languages and cultures taking into cognisance the spread of community identities across nations and regions. The African language programme that is under review intends to attract students, scholars, researchers and artists across regions. The Kenyan dream of being an industrialized state will be achieved through absorption of expertise, professionals and consultants in translation, publishing and editorial firms, media houses and non-governmental organizations.

Both Master of Arts (MA) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Kiswahili Studies seek to strengthen the knowledge base of Kiswahili scholars, enabling them to undertake critical analysis of important language, linguistics and literary issues, to conduct and co-ordinate multidisciplinary research, and to disseminate information and data for sustainable use of the language. The knowledge gained by those specializing in Kiswahili Studies will enable adequate analysis, translation, research, teaching and examination of the language leading to effective revitalization and restoration of African languages, and Kiswahili as a national, regional and international language.!
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Specialised Interpreting Courses in Johannesburg - Interpreting Courses for Experienced Professionals

This course is aimed at professional interpreters. The aim is to improve participants’ grasp of the principles and professional practice which govern the interpreting profession in intermediate conference interpreting contexts.!
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Cameroun, Bamboutos: Alphabétisation et Développement en langue nationale Ngiemboon

CAMEROUN : En Février 2012, Mr. Etienne Lonfo recevait du PACC un Mini Laptop pour l'enseignement de la langue Ngiemboon.!
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Que fait le Cameroun pour valoriser les langues maternelles? - Que fait le cameroun pour valoriser les langues maternelles

Progressivement, cette composante de la richesse culturelle de notre pays disparait. Et les efforts des pouvoirs publics et des promoteurs privés peinent à inverser la tendance.!
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Perception des éducateurs sur les langues et l’intégration des TIC dans les écoles de l’Afrique de l’Ouest - [Adjectif]

Le présent article cherche à mieux comprendre la perception des éducateurs des pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest de la relation entre les langues premières (langues maternelles) des apprenants et l’intégration des TIC dans les écoles des pays de...!
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Don’t sideline African languages

WE learnt that English is to be included in the Grade 1 curriculum from this year. Based on the fact that people who plan education are well qualified for the work they do, we welcome the introduction of the language at that level.

We, as parents, appreciate their concern about poor results in Grade 12 and we hope this will show significant improvement in 2023.

It was stated in the media (on the TV news) that this will benefit pupils of the disadvantaged schools. There is a general complaint that African pupils in the township or rural schools are greatly hampered by lack of a sound foundation in English – the language through which they learn.!
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Deadly Stampede Highlights Problems With South African Universities

A stampede to register for limited slots at a Johannesburg university this week resulted in one death and dozens of injuries. The tragedy has resulted in intense attention on South Africa’s higher education system and its many problems.!
Brandon Yates's comment, September 17, 2013 5:59 AM
I cannot believe that this happened on our shores. Higher education institutions such as UJ should set an example to the people who wish to attend the university, and their late walk-in application policy certainly does not do this. It encourages prospective students to leave things to the last minute and has resulted in a tragedy that should never have been allowed to become a reality. While this is an incredibly sad story, it is good to hear that government will centralize applications for universities and colleges, and will not permit late walk-in applications. this will ensure that something like this won't take place again, and will also ensure that people who really wish to attend university will do so because of the set cut-off date.

Angola Press - Éducation - Introduction des langues Umbundu et Nganguela dans les écoles

La direction provinciale de l'Education, Science et Technologie de Huíla entame, cette année scolaire, l'enseignement des langues nationales Umbundu et Nganguela dans les écoles primaires et secondaires de la province de Huíla, pour permettre les enfants un meilleur apprentissage, l'exprit d'atu-estime et le setiment d'intégration dans leur culture.

Dans un discours prononcé à l'ouverture du séminaire de formation des enseignants des langues Nyaneka, Umbundu et Nganguela, son directeur, Américo Chicote, a qualifié l'insertion de ces langues dans les écoles de l'une des grandes conquêtes de la réforme éducative.

Selon lui, l'insertion des langues nationales dans l'enseignement aété l'une des grandes conquêtes de la réforme édicative en cours dans le pays et dans les cadres du secteur.!
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Namibia's language policy is 'poisoning' its children

Namibia's commitment to English as the main language of education has been undermined by revelations that 98% of the southern African country's teachers are not sufficiently proficient in the language.

Leaked results of government tests carried out last year indicated that all but 2% of teachers need to undergo further training in basic English.

Up to 30 languages are spoken in Namibia, 14 of which have a full orthography, but in 1990, when the country gained independence from South Africa, Afrikaans, which had functioned as a lingua franca, was jettisoned in favour of English. Though spoken by a small minority, the adoption of English as the language of school instruction was seen by the new government as a break with the colonial past and a means of unifying the country.

But experts say that the government has failed to provide adequate training to teaching staff for whom English is a second and even third language.!
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