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Rescooped by robosheauk from Social Media Strategies
January 12, 2016 9:54 PM!

Mastering Content Marketing: 7 Required Principles for Success

Mastering Content Marketing: 7 Required Principles for Success | The Social Media Times |

If you don’t understand why you should use a particular tactic, you won’t know when to use it. This means you’re playing a guessing game, and the results will be all over the place.


I want to clear up as much of this as possible in this post.


We’re going to look at the 7 most important principles of content marketing and how you should apply them.


Once you understand how these principles affect your overall content strategy, you should be able to get a better grip on when you need to use specific tactics....

Via Jeff Domansky, Dade Ronan, Ivo Nový
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, January 12, 2016 1:27 AM

Key content marketing principles to guide your strategy.

John Norman's curator insight, January 12, 2016 3:05 PM

Oh How I need to master these 7 principles. Maybe you do to. Check them them out and leverage their effectiveness.

Steve Hall's curator insight, January 13, 2016 6:38 PM
Everyone Needs Traffic....get ALL YOU NEED Right here...

Rescooped by robosheauk from Social Marketing Revolution
October 6, 2015 3:25 AM!

Add Feeds To Your BLog or Website: the Easy HOW & WHY via Curagami

Add Feeds To Your BLog or Website: the Easy HOW & WHY via Curagami | The Social Media Times |

Adding Feeds To your Blog / Site
I wrote a Curagami post recently about how the future of ecommerce is a symphony of feeds. ( ). One tool, our beloved, is leading the way in making it easy to curate with your left hand and add valuable content with your right. 

This post shares the 5 easy steps to add feeds to your blog or website.  

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
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Rescooped by robosheauk from The Digital Entrepreneur Toolbox
October 6, 2015 3:27 AM!

Twitter Dropping Its 140-Character Limit Signals a New Era in Content Marketing

Twitter Dropping Its 140-Character Limit Signals a New Era in Content Marketing | The Social Media Times |
Hold on tight to your blog posts, kids. The platforms are coming for your content.

Via Leo Loison
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Rescooped by robosheauk from Social Media Useful Info
April 22, 2015 4:12 AM!

Hashtags: How to Use them, and How You Shouldn’t

Hashtags: How to Use them, and How You Shouldn’t | The Social Media Times |

Hashtags are a big part of our interaction on social media every day. However, I doubt most users have actually grasped the concept of hashtags, how to use them and what they actually offer readers in terms of relevance or context. A simple hashtag can go a long way, and make your content travel a long way as well! It’s imperative that we all learn how to use hashtags as well as how NOT to use them. Here we go....

Via Jeff Domansky, Mark E. Deschaine, PhD, Ivo Nový
Miguel Damiani's curator insight, April 22, 2015 10:38 AM

Algunos consejos para hacer buen uso de los Hashtags. Bueno es conocerlos

Nedko Aldev's curator insight, April 23, 2015 4:45 AM


Agence Incomm's curator insight, April 28, 2015 11:06 AM

Petit rappel sur ce qu'est le hashtag, sa fonction, et la façon dont il faut l'utiliser.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
March 30, 2015 7:24 AM!

Gary Vaynerchuk: Twitter Will Die If It Doesn’t Fix ‘Noise’ Problem

Gary Vaynerchuk: Twitter Will Die If It Doesn’t Fix ‘Noise’ Problem | The Social Media Times |

If Twitter fails to fix its “noise” problem, it doesn’t face a prosperous future — that’s according to entrepreneur and early Twitter investor Gary Vaynerchuk.

Speaking at the Guardian Changing Media Summit in London today, the “storytelling entrepreneur, video blogger, self-trained social media expert and best-selling author” talked at length about how social media has changed brand-building in the digital age. Vaynerchuk touched on a number of related topics, but it was perhaps the vehemence of his Twitter views that stood out....

Via Jeff Domansky
Mat Loup's comment, March 24, 2015 10:41 PM
Just beat me to it Jeff :)
Jeff Domansky's comment, March 24, 2015 11:06 PM
He makes a good point Mat.
Brunofridl's curator insight, March 26, 2015 4:00 AM

Je suis d'accord avec Gary. Twitter doit améliorer la gestion du flux. Faut il pour autant algorithmer le flux pour faire comme Facebook qui décide qui doit voir quoi ? 

Rescooped by robosheauk from Social Media Useful Info
February 12, 2015 1:48 AM!

The Best Time To Post on Each Social Media Platform

The Best Time To Post on Each Social Media Platform | The Social Media Times |
This infographic shows the best time to outreach on social media. Plan ahead, and post efficiently for maximum engagement.

Via Jeff Domansky, Ivo Nový
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, February 8, 2015 11:33 PM

More suggestions on when to post for best results on the major social media channels.

Ayongshop Ayong's curator insight, February 9, 2015 7:19 AM

Sally Gunn's curator insight, February 16, 2015 11:52 PM

These guides are always helpful but please don't forget to look at your own analytics and see when your customers are engaging with you most.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
December 30, 2014 2:52 AM!

10 Successful Facebook Marketing Examples

10 Successful Facebook Marketing Examples | The Social Media Times |
Is your Facebook engagement dropping?Need some inspiration to pump up your Facebook marketing?

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, December 28, 2014 8:23 PM

Useful lessons from companies who are having success on Facebook despite recent changes to algorithms.

Autopilot Your Business's curator insight, December 29, 2014 7:51 AM

Great real world insights and case studies

Christian Michael's curator insight, January 10, 2015 9:48 AM

Facebook still have the highest form of traffic because it's the highest traffic source from all the social media on the internet.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
September 7, 2014 6:59 PM!

10 Tips for Creating Wildly Successful Infographics

10 Tips for Creating Wildly Successful Infographics | The Social Media Times |

Infographics are playing a larger role in visual storytelling efforts. When they are thoughtfully designed, they provide attention-grabbing visuals that also help the reader better comprehend and remember the message. This added value to the reader often encourages further engagement and sharing.

Based on my experience creating infographics that are used in PR Newswire’s press releases, blog posts and presentations, here are some best practices for designing infographics that drive results....

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, September 7, 2014 10:39 AM

This is a very useful collection of best practices and tips for infographics.

Jeff Domansky's curator insight, September 7, 2014 10:45 AM

Great Infographics and content marketing tips for marketers, PR pros and small business.

OXY GREY's curator insight, September 8, 2014 3:17 AM

10 conseils pour réussir ses infographies. Toujours rester user-friendly.

Scooped by robosheauk
August 6, 2014 2:06 AM!

The words and phrases that convert are almost always simple (Infographic)

The words and phrases that convert are almost always simple (Infographic) | The Social Media Times |
"Members only" - "limited offer" - "guaranteed" - "discover" - "check out"... If you wonder what these terms have in common, here is the answer. Brands consider them to be top performers. They are ...
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, August 6, 2014 11:02 PM

Copywriters and content marketers take note.

wanderingsalsero's curator insight, August 7, 2014 5:59 AM

Very fascinating article.  I've always been intrigued by the selective use of certain words...and their impact.

Nicoletta Gay's curator insight, August 8, 2014 7:01 AM

How important are words for modern marketers?
Take a look at this infographic!

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
August 3, 2014 3:37 PM!

How Effective Is Content Marketing? | Forbes

How Effective Is Content Marketing? | Forbes | The Social Media Times |

...As with social media it’s not the theory that’s controversial, it’s the execution. Smaller brands that might be much better off taking out a full-page ad and shouting BUY OUR STUFF have diverted money into what they think is a subtler, cleverer, more subliminal and more lasting medium to deliver The Message.

Big numbers, if not sales.

What isn’t controversial is that content marketing has become big business. Research in the UK by the Content Marketing Association (CMA) shows that 60 per cent of marketers use branded content and that these reserve about 20 per cent of their budget for carrying it out, compared with only 14 per cent for TV, 11 per cent online and 10 per cent display.

Half said they would increase content marketing budgets this year regardless of whether their budgets went up generally....

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, August 2, 2014 10:41 AM

Good look at content marketing, what constitutes results and how businesses are using or abusing it.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
July 2, 2014 1:35 AM!

Infographic: Sales Struggle with Marketing Content Deluge

Infographic: Sales Struggle with Marketing Content Deluge | The Social Media Times |

These particular posts didn’t have many social shares and yet the analytics demonstrated someone had been looking at them.  The traffic was noticeable.

Generally I’ve found – both on personal professional sites – that for every social share, there are three visitors. So why were there so many page views on these particular posts?

With just a little more thought, the catalyst became obvious.  The sales team had found these posts and were emailing them to customers and prospects as a touch point....

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, July 2, 2014 1:28 AM

40% of marketing content goes unused by sales because they don't know where to find it or feel overwhelmed by the deluge.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Better know and better use Social Media today (facebook, twitter...)
June 24, 2014 12:24 PM!

Why Your Online Content Needs Both Social and Search Optimization | CMI

Why Your Online Content Needs Both Social and Search Optimization | CMI | The Social Media Times |
While many marketers will debate what comes first (content vs. social media vs. SEO) the most practical approach is to use the tactics necessary for your target audience in order to "be the best an...

Via Jessica Kelly, malek, Mau
Jessica Kelly's curator insight, June 23, 2014 2:42 PM

There's a great bullet list herein that clearly compares social- versus search-focused content strategy.

malek's curator insight, June 23, 2014 3:33 PM

It's all about integration of content, SEO and social media

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
June 23, 2014 1:14 AM!

The Video Percent of Internet Traffic Will be 79% by 2018

The Video Percent of Internet Traffic Will be 79% by 2018 | The Social Media Times |

The video percent of Internet traffic is predicted to jump to a whopping 79% in the next 4 years as more people go mobile according to a recent study.

If you’re not using online video to market your small business or brand, you’re likely missing out on a lot of traffic. And now is probably a good time to get started.

A new study from Cisco, the company’s VNI Global IP Traffic and Service Adoption Forecasts, 2013–2018, reveals this. The study says that by 2018, 79 percent of all Internet traffic will be video-related. That’s an increase from the 66 percent share that video traffic claims today.

And by 2018, the amount of people online and the amount of devices that are Internet-enabled will grow exponentially, too. The Cisco study predicts that in less than five years, more than half of the world’s population will be active Internet users....

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, June 23, 2014 1:10 AM

It's time to make moving pictures!

Rescooped by robosheauk from Social Marketing Revolution
June 11, 2014 12:58 AM!

Master This Content Formula To Dominate Any Social Media Platform - Copyblogger via @_bradmiller

Master This Content Formula To Dominate Any Social Media Platform - Copyblogger via @_bradmiller | The Social Media Times |
When you master copywriting fundamentals you can take those skills anywhere. Take the Problem-Agitate-Solve formula for example ...

Via Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, June 4, 2014 12:04 PM

Great post with "inside baseball" secrets from a trusted source. 

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
May 30, 2014 1:17 AM!

How inspiring content can spark sales

How inspiring content can spark sales | The Social Media Times |
Why did people donate to help a kid who made a cardboard game arcade? How did a game show boost the sales of IBM? Andrew Davis explains how great storytelling boosts ROI.

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, May 29, 2014 11:19 PM

Content marketing should always start with the story. And the results can be sales.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
May 8, 2014 1:08 PM!

28 Awesome Tips for Creating and Marketing Ebooks

28 Awesome Tips for Creating and Marketing Ebooks | The Social Media Times |

Ever thought about using ebooks to grow your brand? This guide will walk you through the exact steps required for creating and marketing ebooks online.

Besides the millions of passionate authors who can now self-publish their next Pulitzer Prize—winning novel for pennies, anyone looking to share ideas and build a tribe can easily create and publish an ebook as quickly as they can create the content. But more importantly, readers care about ebooks because they’re immensely portable, searchable and super convenient. And to top it off, the financial barriers to consuming ebooks have been reduced to almost free....

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, May 8, 2014 2:21 AM

The infographic accompanying this post is an excellent resource for those planning to write and publish an eBook.

webpublication's curator insight, July 2, 2014 4:49 AM

interesting tips & tricks

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
April 30, 2014 3:10 AM!

8 Apps to Help With Social Media Marketing

8 Apps to Help With Social Media Marketing | The Social Media Times |

Today, digital marketing is an essential part of reaching out to potential customers across the globe. Businesses are exploring various avenues through the internet and smartphones to engage and stay connected with their target audience. As the networking world gets flooded with hundreds of apps, business owners are left questioning themselves as to which of these apps are here for the long run. What should you, as a business owner, invest in to market your businesses in a hassle-free way?

We've cut through the clutter and brought you 8 of these amazing apps that have not only caught the imagination of business owners and entrepreneurs but also have contributed to financial success:...

Via Jeff Domansky
LECHAPPE's curator insight, April 30, 2014 4:13 AM

More apps to facilitate the visibility of companies and  help them to reach a max of customers

Agence BTW's curator insight, April 30, 2014 5:17 AM

8 applications pour vous accompagner dans votre stratégie social media

Victoria Aupont's curator insight, May 1, 2014 12:06 PM

This article was about eight apps that helps with social media marketing. Social Media marketing is a growing effective medium that brands are using to stay engaged and connected with their target audience. Since digital marketing plays a huge role of reaching out to potential and old customers across the world, these are useful tips to help a social media employee. As the networking world continues to grow there are many useful and un-useful apps and businesses are wondering which one is the most effective and this article cuts through the clutter of all of them to find the apps that contributed to financial success with businesses.

Hoot suite is an app that acts as a virtual personal assistant that manages latest updates from the company. With this app you can set up a date and time to send out a tweet, this is beneficial because it helps businesses reach the right customers at the right time. This helps when marketing a campaign and new advertisements. LocalVox is an app similar to hoot suite to manage promotions and brand building also helps to view business ratings and reviews. Tweet bot is also similar to these apps by helping managing heavy traffic and send out messages without having to type manually. 

Heyo and Chirpify are apps helpful to business to sell their products easily with no hassle. Heyo enables potential customers to make a purchase directly on Facebook reducing the risk of missed opportunities. Chirpify helps customers buy products with just using the hash tag #buy. This is beneficial because the new customer has just started a public conversation which will lead to more publicity and more buys.

Another useful app is called mentions; this app helps monitor and analyze the impact of an online business. It helps keeps track of website performance, reply to post via email or mobile and communicate with customers on the go. Last but not least is an app called Evernote, which allows you to organize your notes, thoughts, ideas, share files, and photos within instant reach. This is beneficial because it helps you remember important things that you do not want to forget.

Being a future PR and social media savvy user this article interested me a lot because it will help me stand out from the next candidate if I know the most effective tools to use to promote a company or brand. From previous PR crisis, I know that Hootsuite is an app I need to be very cautious of using because many social media users accidentally posted inappropriate things from the app on accident. From other company’s mistakes, I know not to even associate my personal social media pages with this app to avoid any mishaps. As social media marketing is growing as a PR professional I need to grow with it and be on top of all of the useful tools I can use. I tied this article back to chapter 8 because to have a good relationship with a consumer you have to use appealing and useful tactics. These eight apps are useful marketing tools that can help grow a brand and reach their target audience.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
March 31, 2014 2:01 AM!

5 Content Marketing Best Practices Most Businesses Aren't Doing

5 Content Marketing Best Practices Most Businesses Aren't Doing | The Social Media Times |

Are you getting the value you should from your content marketing? Learn 5 best practices your business needs to follow to get the results you deserve.

... ‘If we only talk about ourselves, we’ll never reach customers’ says the always entertaining Joe Pulizzi in his packed-room presentation at Social Media Marketing World 2014.

The answer to this pathological content hoarding problem is content marketing, or at least it was supposed to be. Unfortunately, many businesses are not following important content marketing best practices and are seeing disappointing results because of it. According to research from Content Marketing Institute, 90% of businesses today are engaging in content marketing, but only 45% report it to be effective.

Here are 5 essential content marketing best practices businesses need to follow if they want to get the ROI that’s missing from their content marketing:...

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, March 31, 2014 1:36 AM

Useful content marketing advice from Joe Pulizzi.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
March 10, 2014 10:34 AM!

3 Top Corporate Blogs to Inspire You - Jeffbullas's Blog

3 Top Corporate Blogs to Inspire You - Jeffbullas's Blog | The Social Media Times |

Company blogs have so much potential. Businesses can use these platforms for a range of purposes, from developing a reputation as an industry thought leader, to engaging with customers and building brand loyalty.

One of the most difficult aspects of running a good company blog is generating the right kind of content. Posts need to be consistently interesting and innovative, remaining on-brand without resorting to generic sales-speak.

Here are three top corporate blogs you can learn from....

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, March 10, 2014 9:53 AM

Great blogging lessons from Marriott, Virgin Atlantic and Instagram.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Public Relations & Social Marketing Insight
March 6, 2014 2:49 AM!

Internet Marketing | The Best Time to Post on Facebook | Dana D'orsi

Internet Marketing | The Best Time to Post on Facebook | Dana D'orsi | The Social Media Times |

Do you know the best time to post on Facebook? This is one of the most frequently asked questions related to Facebook marketing—and the answer is that the best time to post is when your fans are online. And the great news is that with the new Facebook Insights, it’s super simple to find out exactly when that is…Here’s how to do it…

Via Jeff Domansky
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, March 6, 2014 2:45 AM

Dana D'orsi offers practical tips on how to use Facebook's new insights feature to determine exactly when is the best time to post on your Facebook page.

Rescooped by robosheauk from Social Marketing Revolution
February 12, 2014 5:29 PM!

Klout Bought By Lithium Tech & Why Klout Matters - The Next Web

Klout Bought By Lithium Tech & Why Klout Matters - The Next Web | The Social Media Times |
Klout is reportedly being acquired by the social marketing company Lithium Technologies. Sources tell Re/code that the deal is in the “low nine figures” for the company that help tells users how influential they are.

Via Rami Kantari, massimo facchinetti, malek, Martin (Marty) Smith
Martin (Marty) Smith's curator insight, February 12, 2014 10:12 AM

Why Klout Matters
Interesting development. Klout is the great undervalued asset of the social marketing revolution. Problem with Klout is no one trusts it. When I tried to explain why trust is MOOT to my previous employers they didn't get it. 

Trust is moot because in the absence of anything else some metrics always beat no metrics. My previous employer was arguing the "Where's the ROI" argument when the content marketing we created raised their Klout score 292%.

As an Internet marketer debate over whether 2 + 2 = 4 is moot because so what (lol). If something tells me WHY 2 + 2 = 4 or how I can get the social shares and viral lift I need from it then we can make money.

The other point I made is when something goes up 292% ASSUME there was ROI benefit. THAT is the correct debate to have - the attribution debate. I could argue 50% of new business was influenced by our content marketing and they would argue something less.

But at least we would be having the right argument in the right way (lol). M  

Rescooped by robosheauk from Writing for Social Media
December 19, 2013 2:28 AM!

The Changing State of Content Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC] | #SeriouslySocial

The Changing State of Content Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC] | #SeriouslySocial | The Social Media Times |
How do you market your business? Do you produce engaging content as part of your strategy? According to a recent study, 78% of businesses in 2013 (that responded) do engage in content marketing.


If you have a blog or produce content on social networks, videos or white papers then you are engaging in content marketing!

So what is the future of content marketing? How will things change?... Take a look.…

Via Jeff Domansky, Two Pens
Jeff Domansky's curator insight, December 17, 2013 1:46 PM

What's ahead for content marketing?

Ali Anani's curator insight, December 18, 2013 12:21 AM
Content- to be or not to be.
Intriguing Networks's curator insight, December 18, 2013 3:20 AM

Thanks for this, most interested in the predictions about real people feature inncreasigly in content, it reads somewhat ironically doesn'tit with all the social interactions everyone is engaged upon?


I am pondering whether its more about authenticity that underpins the real people and events and havig something that actually connects emotionally as well as logically as more than a conversion click? 


In the UK there has been a real swing in mainstream xmas advertising led by an upmarket Department store chain called John Lewis, the others have tried to copy but they have not done it as well. The Ad hardly mentions the brand or the product and the feature is a costly animation. Interesting to see such emotive content and everyone is talking about it around the Xmas campaigns. Guess its a bit resonant with the Apple Think Different Ads. So how Companies trnslate that into streams of online content that fit the overall Brand Strategy is going to be interesting...


Theres a post about Facebook's Compassion and Content Strategy Teams and how they are researching and refining dealing with annoying content, may seem off-track but in terms of the future of Content Marketing understanding how not to endup with users tuning out may well be key? strikes me that in business content we will face similar and significant challenges in the battle against the white noise even more so now Facebook say theya re carefully rolling out auto play video ads the bane of most users and the price they pay for a free platform...


Food for thought thanks again!

Rescooped by robosheauk from AtDotCom Social media
November 7, 2013 2:14 AM!

5 Businesses That Rock Content Marketing

5 Businesses That Rock Content Marketing | The Social Media Times |
Content marketing is definitely on the hot list of buzzwords these days
Pop-up ads are outResponsive websites are in. Traditional, static forms of advertising are no longer sufficient in today's technology and social media-driven societies.

Via TechinBiz, Jesús Hernández, John van den Brink
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Curated by robosheauk
Award-winning advertising junkie. Subtly charming zombie aficionado. Movie buff. Coffee scholar. Web Trailblazer #socialmedia #socialmarketing