Daily Magazine
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Daily Magazine
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Technology in Business Today
March 30, 2016 5:59 PM

HoloLens Lets You View The Entire Galaxy From Your Living Room

HoloLens Lets You View The Entire Galaxy From Your Living Room | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Take a tour of the Milky Way from the comfort of your couch.

Via TechinBiz
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from High Quality Content
March 19, 2016 1:13 AM

Introducing EMV the latest Payment Technology for the Retail Industry

Introducing EMV the latest Payment Technology for the Retail Industry | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Introducing EMV the latest Payment Technology for the Retail Industry

Via TechinBiz, Stelios
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Technology in Business Today
March 30, 2016 5:59 PM

Japanese Company Launches a Drone Delivery Service on a Golf Course

Japanese Company Launches a Drone Delivery Service on a Golf Course | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Rakuten has initiated a drone delivery service on a golf course. Instead of human service, it will be drones that will bring out orders.

Via TechinBiz
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