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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Cartes mentales
November 18, 2014 1:21 AM

Free Mind Mapping Software Reviews, Ratings and Voting | vLoveFree

Free Mind Mapping Software Reviews, Ratings and Voting | vLoveFree | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Find the Best Free Mind Mapping Software by Editor Choice, Users Ratings and Voting. Read review and share with other people about the software.

Via Jean-Pierre THELEN, Louis Levy
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
May 19, 2013 9:27 PM

Five Best Mind Mapping Tools

Five Best Mind Mapping Tools | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Mind mapping is a great way to brainstorm, make a plan, or turn ideas into the steps needed to make it real. Thankfully, there are great tools out there to help you build mind maps, organize them, and save them for later.

Via Baiba Svenca
Willem Kuypers's curator insight, January 5, 2015 6:04 PM

Les comparaisons sont toujours interessantes, mais à lire selon ses besoins. 

Gabrielle's curator insight, May 14, 2017 10:06 PM
useful resource.
Ngoc Oanh's curator insight, October 4, 2018 11:40 AM
Share your insight
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Content Curation World
September 7, 2012 12:23 AM

Curate Large Information Collections Into Navigable Presentation-Maps with Mindomo

Curate Large Information Collections Into Navigable Presentation-Maps with Mindomo | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Robin Good: If you are looking for a content curation, mindmapping and presentation tool rolled into one, I strongly suggest you give a good road test to Mindomo.

I have been a passionate fan of mindmaps since 2007, and have created tons of them to curate my many collection of "best tools" in specific niches or learning maps on dedicated topics. You can see some of them here: http://www.mindmeister.com/users/channel/RobinGood


But with time, and the increased size of my collections, I have been searching for valid alternatives which provided greater speed, better ways to display and view the mapped info and more options to extract value from my collections.


Mindomo, which I have been heavy-testing for the last six-months, is my new reference tool not just for mindmapping but for a) curating large collections of information into a navigable cohesive whole, b) creating prezi-like presentations without needing to become an engineer.


Specifically, Mindomo integrates lots of unique and very valuable features to the basic mindmapping toolset, including:


- Capture content via browser bookmarklet

- Navigate and zoom in-out easily

- Search and embed video clips
- Search and embed images

- Search and embed audio clips

- Automatically credit all media sources utilized

- Customize look of maps in many ways

- Create presentations from your mindmaps

- Import and export to different formats + embed

- Works and syncs on iPad and Android

- Collaborative editing

- Cross-platform offline desktop app

- Custom URLs for your mindmaps

- just to name a few.


Here's a good example of what I have been able to "curate" with Mindomo:


1) http://bit.ly/ContentCurationUniverse

a very large collection of content curation tools


2) www.mindomo.com/mindmap/content-curation-for-education-98ccaad217074a07b9bff8b76effab8e ;

a navigable "presentation-map"


MindMeister and other mindmapping tools still provide good value, but in my humble opinion Mindomo, with its own limits and idiosyncracies, has earned my trust as being the most effective, powerful and feature-rich visual curation tool.


Give it a try and let me know what you think.



Pricing plans: http://www.mindomo.com/pricing.htm


Find out more: http://www.mindomo.com/




Via Robin Good
Beth Kanter's comment, September 7, 2012 11:57 AM
Robin, on the second map, I'm not able to see the whole map in one view - only each section .. is that a settings thing?

One thing I don't like about Prezi and the presentation in Mindomo is the zoom in and zoom out - it gives me vertigo .. maybe I'm just old school .. (LOL) .. but I imagine it gives you different transition effects.
Robin Good's comment, September 7, 2012 12:26 PM
Great Beth, superhappy to have been of help. I really like what you can do with Mindomo. Let me know what you think once you have explored it.
enrique rubio royo's comment, September 7, 2012 2:19 PM
thank you for this
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
July 30, 2012 5:12 AM

wikibrains - brainstorm. explore. together.

wikibrains - brainstorm. explore. together. | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

WikiBrains is a free service that lets you brainstorm and create mind maps. WikiBrains allows you to easily and quickly create brainstorms...

Via Baiba Svenca
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
July 10, 2012 10:26 AM

Biggerplate - free mind map library

Biggerplate - free mind map library | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Biggerplate is the largest source of free mind maps offering a mind map library with hundreds of free templates for Mindjet MindManager, iMindMap, Xmind and MindGenius maps.

Via Baiba Svenca
Baiba Svenca's comment, January 10, 2013 12:01 PM
Oh, just read this! Carey's comment puzzles me. Maybe she is working for the rival company?
Carey Leahy's comment, January 11, 2013 12:52 AM
Ok - my mistake! Sorry.
Baiba Svenca's comment, January 11, 2013 11:00 AM
That's fine, Carey :)
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
June 19, 2012 2:23 AM

iThoughtsHD for iPad

iThoughtsHD for iPad | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

iThoughtsHD brings mind mapping to the iPad. Based on the award winning iThoughts for iPhone, iThoughtsHD has been designed specifically for the iPad.

Via Baiba Svenca
lelapin's comment June 17, 2012 3:45 AM
compared to a free app, like mindjet for instance, is it really worth the 8€? Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
June 8, 2012 9:38 AM

Free online mind mapping software | MAPMYself (Mapul)

Free online mind mapping software | MAPMYself (Mapul) | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

MAPMYself is unique web based software allows you to create completely organic looking mind maps...

Via Baiba Svenca
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Cartes mentales
July 15, 2013 4:00 PM

How to Mind Map to Generate Logo Design Ideas

How to Mind Map to Generate Logo Design Ideas | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Mind mapping can be a useful technique for generating logo design ideas. These video show how to create a mind map both on paper and digitally

Via Jean-Pierre THELEN, Louis Levy
Jean-Pierre THELEN's curator insight, July 15, 2013 1:31 PM

Comment créer un logo en se servant du mindmapping

Julia McFarland's curator insight, July 15, 2013 10:34 PM

Love this brainstorming idea!

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
September 14, 2012 11:29 PM

The Awesome Science of Mindmapping | Visual.ly

The Awesome Science of Mindmapping | Visual.ly | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Via Baiba Svenca
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
August 29, 2012 12:20 AM

Edraw Mindmap - Free Mind Mapping Software

Edraw Mindmap - Free Mind Mapping Software | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Edraw MindMap creates mind maps for brain-storming, problem solving, rational analysis, and decision making easily.

Via Baiba Svenca
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
July 15, 2012 6:34 AM

iMindMap 6

iMindMap 6 | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Take a tour through the new features in our iMindMap 6 video, then read on for the inside scoop and our exclusive launch offers!

Read the review of iMindMap 6 by Chuck Frey http://mindmappingsoftwareblog.com/imindmap-6-review/

Via Baiba Svenca
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from 21st Century Tools for Teaching-People and Learners
June 24, 2012 9:18 AM

Teachers Guide on The Use of Graphic Organizers in The Classroom

Teachers Guide on The Use of Graphic Organizers in The Classroom | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Gone are the days when planning and thinking were done mainly by pen and paper.Technology have made it pretty much easier to think in different other ways. Free mind mapping , brainstorming and concept mapping applications are ubiquitous online and more and more teachers are using them . The 21st century education is based , on a large part of it, on the visual output.


The benefits of graphic organizers in education


- Teachers can use graphic organizers to engage visual learners and help them organize their thoughts

- Graphic organizers help students make powerful connections between ideas and concepts

- They help students develop their convergent thinking by providing a framework for the development of new ideas through analysis, reflection and display.

- They also help students promote their divergent thinking by using such techniques as brianstorming to generate ideas.

- They can be used for developing vocabulary skills and improve reading, writing and communication skills.

- Students can easily learn new concepts and think in new novel ways using graphic organizers

- They help students focus on connections rather than words 


- Finally , graphic organizers can help both teachers and students develop creative and critical thinking skills.


Read more:



Via Gust MEES
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Digital Presentations in Education
June 16, 2012 12:14 AM

Popplet — for Mind Mapping, Sharing and Presenting

Popplet — for Mind Mapping, Sharing and Presenting | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Popplet is more than the online mind mapping application it seems at first glance. It also offers an effective way of sharing and presenting. An important added bonus is the iOS app that makes this tool available on all iDevices...

Popplet website http://popplet.com/

Via Baiba Svenca
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