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March 21, 2022 9:22 PM

Follow Andreas Christodoulou (@_andreascy) on Instagram

Follow Andreas Christodoulou (@_andreascy) on Instagram | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

I feel so alive.

Big Shoutout and Thanks to our Founder & CEO Andreas Christodoulou for making THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY possible, for us and for many others. His family prepared him for LIFE and we're beyond and forever grateful for his courage and heroism, in the name of freedom!
We love you and we're so proud of you!
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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Graphics Web Design & Development News
December 18, 2014 1:05 PM

Contribute To The Web Design Revolution in 2015

Contribute To The Web Design Revolution in 2015 | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Design Is Revolutionary
Don't have to be Steve Jobs to know design is revolutionary. Our Web Design Revolution feed on Scoop.it is one of our favorites. We love THINKING visual because most of us (save one poor CTO) are marketing geeks who visualize in our sleep.

If you visualize in your sleep consider contributing a Scoop or two or three to The Web Design Revolution in 2015. Several easy ways to contribute:

1. If you are on @Scoop.ituse the Suggest Feature. We appreciate all the great suggestions we've already received and promise a new focus on collaboration in 2015.

2. If you aren't on Scoop.it you are missing one of the best "do less, get more" tools we know, but you can still contribute ideas for stories we should include by:

email: martin(at)Curagami.com

Twitter: @Curagami

Call For Help NOW
Right now we are interested in creating a year-end mashup of all the web design predictions for 2015. If you have a favorite prognosticator and they write about what they think is going to happen in web design next year send us the link and we will mash your contribution up into a summary with early views going to contributors.

Thanks for a great year and hope you will contribute to The Revolution in 2015.



Via Martin (Marty) Smith, Jakarta Web Developer