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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
February 9, 2015 7:51 AM

U.S. Gov't: The Internet of Things Is A Security Disaster Waiting To Happen | CyberSecurity | Privacy

U.S. Gov't: The Internet of Things Is A Security Disaster Waiting To Happen | CyberSecurity | Privacy | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is aware we live in a connected world. Americans wear Fitbits, have Nest thermostats, use automated light systems from companies like Belkin and Philips, even have televisions that predict what they want to watch. But in a new report, the FTC has a warning: Existing privacy regulations don’t really cover the Internet of Things, and the Commission doesn’t really trust device manufacturers to do the right thing—or even be aware of the risks of collecting all that data.

In a staff report issued this week, the FTC warned that makers of connected health, home, and transportation devices could potentially leave their users vulnerable to data hacks. Most of all, the FTC is concerned that private information will be used to jack up users' insurance rates or deny them access to loans.

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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, February 9, 2015 2:23 AM
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is aware we live in a connected world. Americans wear Fitbits, have Nest thermostats, use automated light systems from companies like Belkin and Philips, even have televisions that predict what they want to watch. But in a new report, the FTC has a warning: Existing privacy regulations don’t really cover the Internet of Things, and the Commission doesn’t really trust device manufacturers to do the right thing—or even be aware of the risks of collecting all that data.

In a staff report issued this week, the FTC warned that makers of connected health, home, and transportation devices could potentially leave their users vulnerable to data hacks. Most of all, the FTC is concerned that private information will be used to jack up users' insurance rates or deny them access to loans.

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deepak's curator insight, February 9, 2015 3:08 AM

उत्तर प्रदेश और किसान :

उत्तर प्रदे‌श राज्य के लिए राजनितिक सर्वे मे हमने पाया है कि अब तक उत्तर

प्रदेश में ज्यादा विकास नही हो पाया है| जैसे: कृषि,शिक्षा,उधोग आदि क्षैत्र में|

यह राज्य कृषि उत्पादन मे भारत मे सर्व श्रेठ है| यहाँ की भूमि बहुँत उपजाऊ है

जिससे हमे बहुँत फसल प्राप्त होती है जैसे गैहू, धान ,सरसो ,दाले आदि| जिनहे

हम विदेश में निर्यात करे तो अच्छा धन कमा सकते हैं पर इस राज्य में शासन

करने वाले इसे कम कीमत पर खरीद कर अच्छी कीमत पर बेच देते है | लाभ

राशि यहाँ के लोग नही बल्कि यहाँ की भ्रष्ट सरकार की साहयता से पूंजीपति उठा

लेते है

जिस्से किसान अच्छी कीमत नही कमा पाते है और किसान आर्थिक रूप से ग्रस्त

होते जा रहे है

उत्तर प्रदेश की इन सभी कमियो को मध्यनजर रखते हुए भारतीय जनता पार्टी

विकास के लिए कुछ जरूरी कदम उठाएगी |

1. सभी किसानो के लिए कृषि धन योजना खाते खोले जाएँगे | जिससे वह

गन्ना अदि फसल का भुगतान अपने खाते में पा सकते है |

2. किसानो के लिए लोन की सुविधा कम दर पर रखी जाएंगी | जिस्से वह

ज्यादा समय में आसानी से चुका सके |

3. फसल के बारे मे शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए कृषि विशेषज्ञयो को भेजा जाय

जाएंगा |

4. शिक्षा का स्तर बाल व बालिकाओ का निगमन साक्षरता की ओर होगा

जिस्मे नए प्राइमरी व इंटर तक के स्कूल खोले जायंगे |

5. सभी व्यावसायिक को व्यवसाय प्रदान किये जायंगे वो भी एक अच्छी प्रति

दिन कीमत पर |

6. उत्तर प्रदेश वासियों को कम यूनिट दर पर बिजली परदान की जाएगी |

संजय सिंह जी को भारतीय जनता पार्टी दुआर जेवर छेत्र के लिए चुने गये है

जो इस छेत्र मे काफी सुधार करने के इच्छुक है |

1. किसानो का गन्ना तथा आदि कृषि सम्बन्धी मुद्दा सुलझेंगे |

2. किसानो को आर्थिक सहायताए देंगे |

3. जेवर में सड़क सम्बन्धि तथा आदि कार्य कराएंगे |

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
January 28, 2015 5:57 AM

Maldrone: Malware which hijacks your personal drone | CyberSecurity

Maldrone: Malware which hijacks your personal drone | CyberSecurity | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
A backdoor has been discovered in popular consumer drones which can hijack your favorite new flying toy.

Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, January 28, 2015 5:53 AM

A backdoor has been discovered in popular consumer drones which can hijack your favorite new flying toy.

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Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from digital marketing strategy
November 27, 2013 3:12 PM

Are Your Mobile Apps Secure?

Are Your Mobile Apps Secure? | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Via Gust MEES, malek
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Technology in Business Today
July 29, 2013 1:37 AM

Researchers warn of “huge” Android security flaw

Researchers warn of “huge” Android security flaw | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Security researchers have discovered a vulnerability that could allow attackers to take full control of most Android smartphones


The vulnerability allows hackers to modify an app without breaking its cryptographic signature, according to Jeff Forristal, chief technology officer (CTO) at mobile security firm Bluebox.


Via Gust MEES, TechinBiz
Gust MEES's curator insight, July 4, 2013 6:45 AM


The vulnerability allows hackers to modify an app without breaking its cryptographic signature, according to Jeff Forristal, chief technology officer (CTO) at mobile security firm Bluebox.

Gust MEES's curator insight, July 4, 2013 6:48 AM


The vulnerability allows hackers to modify an app without breaking its cryptographic signature, according to Jeff Forristal, chief technology officer (CTO) at mobile security firm Bluebox.

Zhao KQiang's curator insight, March 27, 2014 6:52 AM

there is one example of smart phone security. focus on the mobile system Android

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
July 15, 2013 4:04 PM

Employees are the biggest threat to cyber security, says report

Employees are the biggest threat to cyber security, says report | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Research by IT Governance suggests over half of IT execs believe human error by staff is the biggest cause of data breaches

Via Gust MEES
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
July 5, 2013 3:34 PM

Safety and Security of WordPress Blog (Infographic)

Safety and Security of WordPress Blog (Infographic) | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
WordPress is one of the most popular content management system (CMS) in use and around 17% of the websites that are present on the internet these days are powered by this CMS.

Via Gust MEES
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
January 29, 2015 9:10 PM

Anatomy of a Crypto-Ransomware | LEARNing basics of CyberSecurity

Anatomy of a Crypto-Ransomware | LEARNing basics of CyberSecurity.

Learn more:




Via Gust MEES
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from Handy Online Tools for Schools
November 28, 2014 5:21 PM

How hackers are stealing this Cyber Monday (Infographic) | CyberSecurity | Phishing

How hackers are stealing this Cyber Monday (Infographic) | CyberSecurity | Phishing | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Cyber Monday is a feeding frenzy for hackers looking to exploit businesses and consumers. Here's how to safeguard your sensitive information.

Via Gust MEES, Petra Pollum
Gust MEES's curator insight, November 26, 2014 7:06 PM

Cyber Monday is a feeding frenzy for hackers looking to exploit businesses and consumers. Here's how to safeguard your sensitive information.

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
October 31, 2013 1:42 PM

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Easier recovery for hacked sites

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Easier recovery for hacked sites | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it

Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, October 31, 2013 1:29 PM


recovery for hacked sites...


Gust MEES's curator insight, October 31, 2013 1:32 PM


recovery for hacked sites...

Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
July 19, 2013 1:15 AM

Attackers embedding backdoors into image files

Attackers embedding backdoors into image files | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Sucuri researchers find hackers are using a known, but unusual, way to maintain access to an already compromised server by hiding backdoors inside the headers of legitimate image files

Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, July 18, 2013 5:33 PM


Watch log files for command instances, such as file creation and modification. However, the key point is to stay on top of updates, especially for platforms such as WordPress and Joomla, which are popular targets for attackers and constantly updated in order to address security concerns.


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Gust MEES's curator insight, July 18, 2013 5:37 PM


Watch log files for command instances, such as file creation and modification. However, the key point is to stay on top of updates, especially for platforms such as WordPress and Joomla, which are popular targets for attackers and constantly updated in order to address security concerns.


Learn more:




Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet
July 9, 2013 9:33 AM

Digital Attacks! Protect Yourself Against Cyber Threats [Infographic]

Digital Attacks! Protect Yourself Against Cyber Threats [Infographic] | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
It's not surprising that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of mobile malware attacks, but SecurityCoverage claims that this year we'll see an unprecedented amount.


Via Gust MEES
Rescooped by THE OFFICIAL ANDREASCY from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
July 3, 2013 1:03 PM

Blackhole Exploit Kit Spam Campaign Hits Pinterest

Blackhole Exploit Kit Spam Campaign Hits Pinterest | Daily Magazine | Scoop.it
Social networking site Pinterest is now the latest target of the infamous Blackhole Exploit kit (BHEK).

Via Gust MEES