LAB LUXURY and RETAIL ® : MARKETING & COMMUNICATION : Retail - Expérience Client - Luxe - Digital in Store - Future of Retail - Commerce Connecté - Omnicanal - Social Marketing - Influence - Réseaux Sociaux -Transformation Digitale
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En 2014, le web-to-store sera sous le signe du geofencing ~ ROPO



Web To Store et M-commerce sous le signe du géofencing 


Jérôme MONANGE ; Management et Communication LAB RETAIL 2025 

Marketing et Communication & Retail  conseil et Omnicanal & Shopper Expert ;
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What role does mobile play in omnichannel retailing?


Putting mobile at the heart of all retail

SUMMARY: Experts say mobile is set to play a central role in the shopping experience, as it can link all the other ways that stores are reaching out to consumers. Retailers need to make sure their content and their shopping experiences are mobile friendly to take advantage of the trend. "Smart retailers and brands can deliver personalized calls-to-action at the exact time and place that a consumer is most likely to act upon that message, and this most often occurs in a retail store, while consumers are shopping," said Wilson Kerr, vice president of business development and sales at Unbound Commerce, Boston.

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