Technology in Education
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Technology in Education
Great resources for integrating technology and education with the 21st century, mobile learning student in mind
Curated by Felix Jacomino
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
June 28, 2011 1:00 PM!

ViewPure - YouTube Videos without clutter or inappropriateness

Teachers know to screen what they're going to show in class but no matter what, they cannot predict comments and images of suggested videos that will pop up. strips out all of that and let's you show nothing more than the video itself! I think educators have been waiting for this one!
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
June 15, 2011 9:10 AM!

The Apps - iPads for Learning - Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

The Apps - iPads for Learning - Department of Education and Early Childhood Development | Technology in Education |
This website is for educators, students and parents wanting to learn about using iPads in education.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 26, 2011 12:51 PM!

iPads in Classroom

Excellent example of well-used iPads in education - See how Roslyn High School's tablet experiment is garnering the school worldwide attention
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 5, 2011 8:34 AM!

Learn Words with These Vocabulary Apps!

Learn Words with These Vocabulary Apps! | Technology in Education |
Apps for learning vocabulary... The iPad has many valuable free vocabulary apps available. Here are just a few of those for you to use!
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 1, 2011 10:36 PM!

AppAdvice - iPhone/iPad App News and Reviews

AppAdvice - iPhone/iPad App News and Reviews | Technology in Education |
AppAdvice is the leading online and 'onapp' resource covering all thing iOS...
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 1, 2011 3:01 PM!

What the Post-PC Era Means for Education « Educational Technology Debate

What the Post-PC Era Means for Education « Educational Technology Debate | Technology in Education |
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 1, 2011 2:44 PM!

Mobile Devices in Teaching and Learning

A variety of higher education leaders comment on the use of mobile devices in teaching and learning.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 29, 2011 1:19 PM!

Top Twitter Hashtags for Teachers | The Creative Education Blog

A list of twitter hashtags which I think will all be of interest to teachers...
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 29, 2011 12:44 PM!

Mike Matas: A next-generation digital book | Video on

TED Talks Software developer Mike Matas demos the first full-length interactive book for the iPad -- with clever, swipeable video and graphics and some very cool data visualizations to play with.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 26, 2011 1:26 AM!

Project Based Learning: Explained.

Common Craft a short animated video that explains in clear language - project-based learning
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 25, 2011 9:53 AM!

21st Century Learning: No Teacher Left Behind

21st Century Learning: No Teacher Left Behind | Technology in Education |
It is a unique time in education. For the first time in history, many students have a better understanding of the available technology and how to use it than their teachers.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 19, 2011 11:31 AM!

Google | EdReach

Google | EdReach | Technology in Education |
Great Google resources and Educasts - All things Google in Education
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 18, 2011 2:22 PM!

Writing Re-Launched: Teaching with Digital Tools

Writing Re-Launched: Teaching with Digital Tools | Technology in Education |
Innovative language arts teachers find that adapting writing instruction to technology can enhance engagement without sacrificing the fundamentals.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
June 24, 2011 9:40 PM!

What not to do at ISTE « Teach42

What not to do at ISTE « Teach42 | Technology in Education |
Tweet TweetIn just a few days, the largest EdTech conference in the country (or is it the world?) will be taking place.  I’m not sure exactly how many I’ve been to, but I think I’m approaching my 10th ISTE.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 29, 2011 2:17 PM!

Why Twitter Is a Teacher's Best Tool

The social media platform makes it easy to get instant ideas, links, and resources from a global community of educators.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 11, 2011 1:34 PM!

Education Transformation Through Collaborative Videos | Teacher Reboot Camp

Part 1 of the Education Transformation Through Collaborative Voices series originally posted on the Teach Paperless Blog!
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 2, 2011 10:58 AM!

Video: Say goodbye to textbooks in schools?

Video: Say goodbye to textbooks in schools? | Technology in Education |
The iSchool initiative is hoping to spur a digital movement that could revolutionize the American education system. (Say goodbye to textbooks in schools? - #cnn Great job @iSchoolAdvocate !
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 1, 2011 10:04 PM!

I Education Apps Review

I Education Apps Review | Technology in Education |
I Education Apps Review believes devices like ITouch / IPhone / IPod have a place in education. ommunity and collaboration is the most vital aspect for improving education. Technology is really at a point where we can make a difference as a collective body in so many ways. Sometimes we just need a spark to ignite a movement ...
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
May 1, 2011 2:53 PM!

Record & Share your Presentations |

Record & Share your Presentations | | Technology in Education |
Present.Me is a really easy way to record and share your presentations using your webcam Record and share slides, audio, and video on the web.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 29, 2011 1:24 PM!

Educational Apps Mentioned on Twitter #edapp

Educational Apps Mentioned on Twitter #edapp | Technology in Education |
There are over 600 apps added to the iPhone/iPod touch/iPad App Store each day. Only a small fraction of those apps are useful for education....Fortunately, some helpful educators have put together various lists of recommended apps:
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 29, 2011 12:59 PM!

Study: One in Four Young Adults Say the Education System Has Little to No Understanding of Their Values and Goals - Derek E. Baird :: Barking Robot

As part of its commitment to education, Viacom partnered with The Associated Press to conduct "Young Adults' Perspectives on American Education 2011," a groundbreaking study based on a combination of peer-to-peer interviews and a large-scale poll ...
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 26, 2011 1:39 AM!

Augmented Reality - Explained by Common Craft (Free Version)

An introduction to a new technology that adds a layer of useful information to the "reality" we see on screens of mobile phone and computers.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 26, 2011 1:22 AM!

Your Free Online Video Editor | JayCut

Your Free Online Video Editor | JayCut | Technology in Education |
Engage your audience with the world's premier online video editor seamlessly integrated on your website, or edit and create your own videos for FREE on JayCut's community.
Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 19, 2011 11:46 AM!

Top 50 mLearning (Mobile Learning) Resources

Find Collection Of Top 50 Mobile Learning Resources That Are Popular Based On Social Signals.
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Scooped by Felix Jacomino
April 19, 2011 10:12 AM!

Mom, remind me why it's necessary for me to go to school...

Mom, remind me why it's necessary for me to go to school... | Technology in Education |
Funny insight to mobile learning... mobile life!
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