SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification
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SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification
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Scooped by SRI-Rice
November 6, 2020 6:41 PM!

Featured Tool: Ring Hoe Weeder

Featured Tool: Ring Hoe Weeder | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

In this Earth Links, Inc. “Featured Equipment” post we have included two designs and supporting research for the production of a weeding tool which can be made for less than $10 USD. Smallholder rice farmers require efficient, affordable and labor-saving weed management technologies, the ring/stirrup hoe has shown to fit this profile. The Ring Hoe was found to be the most borrowed weeding tool in a Sub-Saharan Africa study, and is one of the most preferred weeders among men and women farmers because it is lightweight and affordable.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
March 1, 2017 5:50 PM!

PHILIPPINES: Organic-Based System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

PHILIPPINES: Organic-Based System of Rice Intensification (SRI) | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

Intensifying the irrigated rice production while at the same time reducing farm inputs including seeds, fertilizer, and water.

The Organic-based system of rice intensification modifies the usual rice farming system in terms of seedling condition, planting distance, irrigation time and water requirement, and with the incorporation of organic fertilization scheme. Furthermore, integration of rice duck is carried out. This makes the farming system reduce its farm inputs leading to a lower production cost. With the utilization of organic fertilizers and natural concoctions, soil fertility and soil structure is improved. It was also observed that rice grown under SRI can tolerate strong winds. This type of rice production management is currently part of the Caritas Foundation’s project, a non-government organization, called Sustainable Learning Agricultural Farm which promotes diversified-integrated organic farming systems. With this, other practices (i.e. rice-duck farming) are being integrated in some SRI areas. Integration of ducks helps in the weeding since it eats weeds as well as harmful insects. In addition, its droplets/manure served as organic fertilizer in the rice field.

SRI-Rice's insight:

We would love to know more about how to integrate the ducks as weeders!

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
October 22, 2019 1:05 PM!

BIHAR, INDIA: Mechanized weed management to enhance productivity and profitability in system of rice intensification

An experiment was conducted during 3 consecutive rainy seasons  at ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna to evaluate the mechanized weed management practices for enhancing the productivity in system of rice intensification (SRI) against farmers’ practice. The seven weed management treatments, viz. conoweeder thrice at 15, 25 and 35 DAT, conoweeder twice at 15 and 30 DAT, post-emergence (PoE) application of bispyribac-Na 25 g/ha (20 DAT) + conoweeder at 35 DAT, conoweeder 15 DAT + bispyribac-Na 25 g/ha (20 DAT), conoweeder on 15 DAT + bispyribac-Na 25 g/ha (20 DAT) + conoweeder 35 DAT, unweeded check and farmers’ practice were evaluated under randomized block design with three replications. Significantly the highest grain yield (5.97 t/ha) was obtained from 3 times conoweeder at 15, 25 and 35 DAT, which was at par with conoweeder twice on 15 and 30 DAT (5.40 t/ha).


Integration of herbicide with mechanical weeder did not improve the weed control efficiency and grain yield over conoweeder twice on 15 and 30 DAT. The highest weed control efficiency of 93.3 and 91.7% at 60 DAT were obtained with application of conoweeder thrice at 15, 25 and 35 DAT and conoweeder twice at 15 and 30 DAT, respectively. The crop raised by SRI method produced significantly higher grain and straw yields than that of farmers’ practice. However, in SRI, 2 times conoweeder at 15 and 30 DAT, was found to be effective and economical leading to cost saving for the farmers.

SRI-Rice's insight:

Singh, S. K., et al. 2019. Mechanized weed management to enhance productivity and profitability in system of rice intensification. Indian Journal of Weed Science 51(3): 232-235 []

Scooped by SRI-Rice
January 5, 2017 1:58 PM!

AFRICA: Using the Rotary Weeder in Lowland Rice

Weeds are important constraints for rice production. Effective weed management can increase yields by more than 50%, but usually takes a lot of time.

SRI-Rice's insight:

 I recently came across the 2013 video again and thought you might want to watch it again too! It was made by Jonne Rodenburg and his colleagues at AfricaRice.

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