INDONESIA: Universitas Gadjah Mada - UGM and Farmer Group Develop Black Rice | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

"...the exhibition on food innovative products [at Universitas Gadjah Mada] was a collaboration with partners, such as farmers as well as small and medium businesses. One of the products on exhibition is black rice grown with SRI methods  from Bantul and Kediri areas. Prof. Sigit Supadmo Arif, M.Eng., supervisor of SRI method from UGM, said this type of rice started from the SRI cultivation and clean irrigation movements in Imogiri, Bantul regency. The concept attracted farmers to grow local  black rice varieties which are low in carbohydrate and attract many consumers. He added, “The glycemic index is very low so the black rice can reduce diabetes risks.”

 SRI was also carried out in Kediri, East Java. One of the farmers, Ali Maksun, 47, was interested in growing the organic rice with SRI. After their harvests increased, Maksun and others from the Mulur farmers group in Kencong started to grow other local varieties.