SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification
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SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification
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Scooped by SRI-Rice
July 5, 2020 3:28 PM!

NEPAL: सघन धान खेती प्रविधि || System of Rice Intensification (SRI)

 Nepali language informational/instructional video about the System of Rice Intensification that is available on YouTube's Agro Tips channel.

SRI-Rice's insight:

During June found two SRI videos from Nepal. You can find the second one on the A for Agriculture channel: . It is  a Nepali language video on how and why to implement the System of Rice Intensification.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
April 5, 2016 1:20 PM!

Book Review: Pacing Ourselves in the World Hunger Race - Land Stewardship Project

Book Review: Pacing Ourselves in the World Hunger Race - Land Stewardship Project | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

...One of my favorite sections describes SRI: “system of rice intensification.” It was developed in the 1980s by a missionary after he spent years observing traditional farmers in Madagascar utilizing methods that relied more on natural processes than the chemical- and energy-intensive inputs that characterize the Green Revolution. SRI has proven that it can produce more rice with fewer inputs, putting money in farmer’s pockets while reducing environmental woes. SRI methods have been used to successfully produce sugarcane, yams, tomatoes, garlic and eggplant.

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