SRI Global News: May - July 2024 *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification
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SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification
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Scooped by SRI-Rice
May 16, 2020 2:20 PM!

LATIN AMERICA: Sistema Intensivo del Cultivo de Arroz (SRI) - Cartilla Para Productores

LATIN AMERICA: Sistema Intensivo del Cultivo de Arroz (SRI) - Cartilla Para Productores | SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification |

Producción de forma más sostenible y rentable mediante la metodología del sistema intensivo del cultivo de arroz (SRI) - cartilla para productores. [Production in a more sustainable and profitable way using the intensive rice cultivation system (SRI) methodology. This instructional brochure is a collaborative effort of CONIAF, IDIAF, FEDEARROZ, IICA, FONTAGRO and fmam.]

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
January 2, 2020 4:53 PM!

System of Rice Intensification | Diseases/pests, description, uses, guidelines

System of Rice Intensification | Diseases/pests, description, uses, guidelines | SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification |

The System of Rice Intensification, known as SRI, is an innovation in rice production systems by raising productivity of the land, labor, water and capital. SRI is a set of modified practices for managing rice plants and the soil, water and nutrients. SRI can produce more paddy yield with less external inputs. Furthermore, SRI is environment-friendly. SRI method can be adopted to any type of rice variety (local variety, HYV, hybrid variety). SRI is an innovation that is constituted entirely of knowledge, but not depending on external inputs and materials.

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