SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification
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SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification
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Scooped by SRI-Rice
November 4, 2023 10:56 AM!

LATIN AMERICA: Arroz Resiliente del Futuro para ALC

LATIN AMERICA: Arroz Resiliente del Futuro para ALC | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

El proyecto busca aumentar la productividad del cultivo del arroz a través del uso del SICA, mejorando las condiciones productivas, sustentabilidad, rentabilidad y seguridad alimentaria de la AF de Chile, Venezuela, Panamá y Argentina. Atendiendo la demanda social por alimentos producidos en sistemas de manejo sustentables, que consideren la preservación de los recursos naturales con un menor impacto ambiental. Implementando y escalando un conjunto de prácticas de manejo específicas para cada región que permitan una mayor adaptación del cultivo al cambio climático.

SRI-Rice's insight:

This project trains technicians and producers linked to the rice sector in LAC on the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), to increase productivity and sustainability while reducing costs and inputs in Chile, Venezuela, Panama and Argentina. The Project is executed with the support of FONTAGRO, and leadership of INIA Chile, with the co-execution of IDIAP of Panama and INTA Argentina and in partnership with IICA, FLAR, UNER, UNL and FUNDARROZ from Venezuela. [See this article in English.]

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
November 12, 2017 8:12 PM!

LATIN AMERICA: Informe Segundo Intercambio Regional: Avances con SRI en las Américas

 Informe Segundo Intercambio Regional: Avances con SRI en las Américas (Report on a workshop -- the Second Regional Workshop on SRI in the Americas, October 10-12, 2017. Representatives from 10 countries joined the workshop.

SRI-Rice's insight:

[A hi-res copy of the report is also available on the SRI-Rice website.] The powerpoints  in Spanish) from the Second Regional SRI Workshop in the Americas are located here:

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