SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification
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SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification
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Scooped by SRI-Rice
January 5, 2020 5:22 PM!

 SRI-Rice's News and Resources for 2019!

 SRI-Rice's News and Resources for 2019! | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

Happy New Year! A lot happened in 2019. Here's a list of everything that SRI-Rice found online or uploaded during 2019! See what SRI news, research, videos, presentations, manuals, publications, etc., that were floating out in the e-cloud. The System of Rice Intensification had something for everyone this year!

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
July 6, 2018 2:56 PM!

System of Rice Intensification Recognized by Keeling Curve Prize

System of Rice Intensification Recognized by Keeling Curve Prize | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

A joint entry by SRI-Rice in Ithaca, NY, and Pragati Koraput in India was among the 2018 winners of the Keeling Curve Prize, which is awarded to 10 organizations to recognize  the most promising projects that effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions or increase carbon uptake.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
January 9, 2018 3:11 PM!

GLOBAL: SRI-Rice Resources (What we found during 2017!)

GLOBAL: SRI-Rice Resources (What we found during 2017!) | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

Happy New Year! Here's a recap of what SRI-Rice at Cornell found and either linked to or uploaded during 2017! We linked to (among others) 275 press/blogs/website articles; 130+ research articles/theses; 68 videos; and 39 PowerPoints. We have also uploaded project documents and other material from numerous countries to help our SRI colleagues share their successes. You can find the 2017 compilation along with info from the past several decades in the SRI online library.

SRI-Rice's insight:

We hope you'll enjoy the 2017 System of Rice Intensification (SRI) collection. As our listings go back several decades, we are happy to help you to use our online library or research databases if you get lost! Just write to:

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
July 13, 2016 3:12 PM!

Vote for the SRI-Rice proposal on W. Africa's traditional glaberrima rice!

Vote for the SRI-Rice proposal on W. Africa's traditional glaberrima rice! | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

 You can now VOTE! for SRI-Rice’s proposal, “Unleashing the climate-smart potential of Africa’s forgotten rice,” which a finalist in both the Land Use and Adaptation categories in the Climate CoLab contest. The Climate CoLab is  an idea innovation contest run by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to harness the collective intelligence of thousands of people globally to address global climate change.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
February 15, 2015 7:27 PM!

Workshop on Building Alliances around SRI and Agro-ecology

SRI-Rice's insight:

The report from the Workshop on Building Alliances Around the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Agroecology is now finished! The event was held October 27-28, 2014, at the Maple Hotel, Bangna, Bangkok, Thailand. Co-organized by Oxfam and SRI-Rice at Cornell University, the workshop had 51 participants from 16 countries. A longer version of the report is available by request.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
March 31, 2014 2:43 PM!

Farmer’s Organization Receives Support, For SRI Practice in Liberia | The Liberian Observer

Farmer’s Organization Receives Support, For SRI Practice in Liberia | The Liberian Observer | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

Following the adoption of a new method for rice production by Liberian farmers known as the “System of Rice Intensification (SRI), the Community of Hope Agriculture Project (CHAP), based in Paynesville, has received support from the government of Liberia and partners to carry out the implementation of the program.

SRI-Rice's insight:

For more information on SRI in Liberia, see  our page on the SRI-Rice website:

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
August 12, 2018 9:14 PM!

NEW YORK, USA: New tech for an ancient food | Cornell Engineering

NEW YORK, USA: New tech for an ancient food | Cornell Engineering | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

In 2013, associate professor Derek Warner began working with the U.S. Navy, supporting their effort to 3-D print flight-critical components for the V-22 Osprey aircraft. After  thinking about other applications for custom 3-D printing, he sent an email to Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and received a response from Erika Styger at SRI-Rice. Warner then sent his doctoral student, Wenjia Gu, to Colombia to investigate more. At an SRI gathering of farmers from several South American countries she then had an opportunity to showcase a 3-D printer and a plastic prototype she had printed. It was a rotor that could be used to retrofit a weeder. With rapid prototyping, according to Gu, farmers could quickly test different designs and make adjustments based on trial and error...


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Scooped by SRI-Rice
July 4, 2018 6:35 PM!

System of Rice Intensification - PowerPoint Presentations uploaded by SRI-Rice

System of Rice Intensification - PowerPoint Presentations uploaded by SRI-Rice | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |

A decade of PowerPoints uploaded by SRI-Rice about the System of Rice Intensification! Learn more about what happened in various countries and how SRI is being adapted around the world.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
November 26, 2016 2:15 PM!

Profile Feature on Norman Uphoff  | Nature (Nov. 10 issue)

This profile feature on Norman Uphoff in the Nov. 10 issue of Nature magazine describes why SRI is a game-changer and how the SRI-Rice Center came to win the first Olam Prize last year for its work with the System of Rice Intensification.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
February 15, 2015 7:49 PM!

SRI and Its Impacts on Women

SRI-Rice's insight:

This is a recently uploaded handout by SRI-Rice that was prepared for our booth at the 4th International Rice Congress held last October in Bangkok, Thailand.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
February 13, 2015 1:41 PM!

Vietnam: Efficient rice farming to curb emissions - News VietNamNet

Vietnam: Efficient rice farming to curb emissions - News VietNamNet | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification |
To achieve the target, the ministry will use the System of Rice Intensification (SRI), a plan in which farmers will increase productivity, quality and economic effectiveness, while reducing pesticides and nitrogenous fertilisers.
SRI-Rice's insight:

Mai Van Trinh, director of  Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development's Institute for Agricultural Environment emphasizes SRI among new water- and cost-efficient farming techniques that will allow Viet Nam to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in wet rice production by 15 to 20 per cent by 2020.

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