UK: Introducing SRI-2030... | SRI Global News: Aug - Oct. 2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification |

 SRI-2030, an initiative of Homeland Conservation in the UK, was established in 2021 to accelerate action to minimise global warming and achieve the transition to Net Zero. SRI-2030's mission is to increase the currently estimated 6.7 million hectares of land under SRI cultivation to 50 million hectares by 2030 by uniting government, institutions, agencies, and individuals worldwide.


Thanks to SRI's well-documented ability to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions, and in particular methane, an estimated 1.4 billion tonnes of CO2e will be prevented by 2030; and 8.5 billion tonnes by 2050. Methane was identified at the COP26 as a critical focus for action on climate. The additional rice yield and reduced inputs will also generate an extra $275bn in profits for farmers by 2030, and $1.6tn by 2050. SRI will help to feed the world’s growing population with less water and without requiring more land. [See SRI-2030 website more info:]