MALAYSIA: Sustainable Rice Farming in the Highlands | WWF Malaysia | SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification |

~SRI helps to increase yield and protects the environment~
Ba' Kelalan, LAWAS: Farmers are urged to adopt the sustainable method called, System of Rice Intensification or SRI, that is expected to increase yield by up to threefold and at the same time, preserving the environment.

 WWF-Malaysia held a two-day training session (11 and 12 June). This activity was done under the project entitled “Protecting Rivers and Improving Livelihood – Ba’ Kelalan and Long Semadoh, Sarawak”, which is supported by CIMB Islamic Bank from 2017 to 2019. The session aimed to introduce the concept of SRI to farmers in Long Langai and to learn how to make organic plant booster. It also provided SRI farmers from neighbouring village to share their experience with the participants, as well as to identify problems currently faced by farmers.