SRI Global News: May - July 2024 *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification
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SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification
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Scooped by SRI-Rice
May 2, 2022 8:33 PM!

BURUNDI: Le Système de Riziculture Intensif (SRI): Une Aubaine pour les Riziculteurs

BURUNDI: Le Système de Riziculture Intensif (SRI): Une Aubaine pour les Riziculteurs | SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification |

 Inades-Formation Burundi, pour augmenter la production du riz dans les marais aménagés, a introduit la technique du « Système de Riziculture Intensif (SRI) » au sein des 3 coopératives rizicoles qu’il accompagne à Maramvya en commune de Mutimbuzi à l’ouest du pays, à Kabo et Kibaba en commune Nyanza-lac au sud du pays. Cent vingt riziculteurs, membres de ces 3 coopératives rizicoles, ont ainsi été formés à la technique du SRI. Alors que le rendement moyen du riz par hectare sans le SRI était inférieur à 4 tonnes à l’hectare selon les localités, Le rendement moyen du riz obtenu avec la technique du SRI était de 6,5 tonnes à l’hectare...Eu égard aux bons résultats obtenus lors des premiers essais du SRI, le nombre d’adhérents aux coopératives n’a cessé de croître, et le nombre de riziculteurs ayant adopté le SRI est passé de 165 à 587.

SRI-Rice's insight:

To increase rice production in the developed marshes, Inades-Formation Burundi introduced SRI in the 3 rice cooperatives in Maramvya in the west, and in Kabo and Kibaba in the south. 120 rice growers were originally trained in SRI in 2018-2019. Average rice yields rose from 4 to 6.5 ton/ha with SRI. The number of rice growers who have adopted the SRI has since increased to 587.

Scooped by SRI-Rice
April 19, 2019 6:53 PM!

SOUTH KOREA: Greenhouse Gas Reduction from Paddy by Environmentally-Friendly Intermittent Irrigation: A Review

SOUTH KOREA: Greenhouse Gas Reduction from Paddy by Environmentally-Friendly Intermittent Irrigation: A Review | SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification |

Irrigated and flooded rice paddy contributes to the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) that affect climate. This in turn affects the supply and reliability of the water needed for rice production. This dynamic makes current rice production methods foreseeably less sustainable over time while having other undesirable effects. Intermittent irrigation by a means of the system of rice intensification (SRI) and alternate wetting and drying (AWD) methods was reviewed to reduce global warming potential (GWP) from 29% to 90% depending on site-specific characteristics from flooded rice paddy and analyzed to be a promising option for enhancing the productivity of water as well, an increasingly constraining resource. Additional benefits associated with the SRI/AWD can be less arsenic in the grain and less degradation of water quality in the run-off from rice paddies. Adoption and expansion of intermittent irrigation of SRI/AWD may require costly public and private investments in irrigation infrastructure and upgrading of water management agencies.Private and public collaboration as a means of earning carbon credit under the clean-development mechanism (CDM) with SRI/AWD for industries can meet GHG emission quota as well as help to achieve UN sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Scooped by SRI-Rice
August 1, 2021 10:26 PM!

NORTH KOREA: Agronomist Finds a Niche in Introducing Advanced Farming Method

NORTH KOREA: Agronomist Finds a Niche in Introducing Advanced Farming Method | SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification |

According to an article in the Pyongyang Times, the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is now widely introduced into farms across the DPRK thanks to Mun Myong Chol, section chief of the rice research institute of the Academy of Agricultural Science. After searching through hundreds of documents and undertaking repeated field tests, he overcame various problems related to differences in rice seedling growing, rice-transplantation, water conservation, manuring fertilizers and weeding techniques.

Mun Myong Chol selected the Chonsam Cooperative Farm in Anbyon County, Kangwon Province, as a trial site for SRI, though it had many more difficult conditions like serious cold-weather damage, strong wind and frequent rain. He gave demonstrations, short courses and presentations and farmers adopted SRI little by little. A farmer explained his experience: “The SRI helps save 20 times more seeds, 30 times more vinyl sheets, and 20-50%  more water than the traditional method. This method has sharply reduced manpower required for farming processes, including seedbed preparation and management and rice transplantation.” SRI is being introduced on an expansion basis into cooperative farms across the country including Pyongyang and North Phyongan Province, and Kangwon Province; it has made it possible to increase 1.5-2 tons of more paddy rice yield per hectare. “I want to contribute to making our country perfectly realize self-sufficiency in food as soon as possible,” said Mun Myong Chol.

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Scooped by SRI-Rice
April 19, 2019 2:50 PM!

NORTH KOREA: Agriculture Consultant Employment in Democratic People's Republic of Korea

NORTH KOREA: Agriculture Consultant Employment in Democratic People's Republic of Korea | SRI Global News: May - July  2024   *SRI-Rice -- System of Rice Intensification |

DPRK Agriculture Consultant 
Deadline to apply April 23, 2019
Project Duration: July 2018 to Dec. 2019
Project Objective: Improve the quality of life for rural populations in North Hwanghae Province, North Korea, through improved food security/health.
Consultancy Purpose: To provide agricultural technical input to Mission East’s food security activities in Singye County, North Hwanghae, DPRK.

Consultancy Objectives:
• Support Mission East’s planning for the project’s food security activities
• Discuss new farming methods and agree on activity plans with farm management, technicians and other stakeholders.
• Train farm managers and workers on Conservation Agriculture (CA) and System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and support demo plots establishment
• Plan and design agroforestry sites with farm management and oversee plant procurement
• Coordinate with other food security actors in DPRK

SRI-Rice's insight:

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