CENTRAL SULAWESI, INDONESIA: ZOA introduces new rice farming techniques which increases the rice harvest with 30% | SRI Global News: February - April 2024 **sririce -- System of Rice Intensification | Scoop.it

On September 28, 2018, Central Sulawesi was hit by a devastating earthquake which made 300,000 people homeless. With the support of ZOA, our local partner MDS Indonesia implemented a project [in Kulawi] to support the victims. Through Field Farmers schools, farmers were introduced to SRI (System of Rice Intensification) in 3 villages. A yield of 6.6 tons/hectare was the result, an increase of 30%! In the beginning, the farmers had doubted the SRI method because it was very different with their usual method of planting. After a difficult start, the paddy started to grow even better than expected with up to 50 tillers from only one seed instead of 30 tillers from 5-10 seeds as they were used to. Finally, the farmers were convinced and decided to practice this method from now on.