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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 9, 2015 9:53 AM!

SEO For Web Designers (9,972) Beats Buffett's Startups Tips (9,050)

SEO For Web Designers (9,972) Beats Buffett's Startups Tips (9,050) | Startup Revolution |

Our SEO for Web Designers has surpassed Warren Buffett's Startups Tips to become our #1 Haiku Deck:

SEO for Web Designers (9,972 Views)

Warren Buffett's Startups Tips (9,050 Views)

Makes SEO for Web Designers our fastest and steepest trending Haiku Deck. Our 42 Decks have generated over 100,000 views proving visual marketing is here and slides are a new online marketing channel.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Content Curation World
June 18, 2013 6:16 AM!

Examples of Video curation with Videry

Examples of Video curation with Videry | Startup Revolution |



Via Robin Good
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

This is a cool new tool for "video curation".

Robin Good's curator insight, June 17, 2013 1:14 PM

Videry is a great example of video curation at work.

Videry is a hand-curated collection of over 30 great video clips for web designers.

The beauty and value of this collection, in the context of curation is in the following:

  • The quality of the clips selected

  • A clean, and simple layout - content over looks
    The essence is in the selection made and that's why it needs to stand out.

  • The essential info is upfront - video thumbnails + title + description
    no other distractions.

  • A Pinterest-like simmetrical visual layout that allows easy scanning of the page

Where it could do better:

  • Titles: no personalization for context - titles in the collection are exactly as the originals - the curator here could have improved and contextuaized titles for this collection, while keeping a good reference, visible to everyone, of the original one.

  • Descriptions: these are the original video descriptions. No additions, no opinion, no contextualization. The curator could have written his own descriptions from these in the context of this collection, while leaving the original descriptions as an extra option (since they are all already accessible under the original video location).

  • No visibile authorship for the collection.

P.S.: I think this clean design used in this collection is so effective that I wish there was a service prividing the ability to create curated video collections with such information design elegance.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 16, 2015 8:26 AM!

Our Favorite FREE SEO Tools In SEO For Web Designers @HaikuDeck

Our Favorite FREE SEO Tools In SEO For Web Designers @HaikuDeck | Startup Revolution |

SEO For Web Designers
Web designers shouldn't be SEO experts since keeping up with DESIGN is a full-time job. But web designers are where SEO rubber meets the Google Road so understanding a handful of ideas is critical to the online success of any designers creations.

This Haiku Deck includes a list of our favorite FREE SEO tools and how to use them to create a content marketing map. Content marketing maps help move your site to the first page of listings for keywords that matter (to your business or nonprofit).

Many of the tips included in SEO for Web Designers are universal and so helpful to anyone creating online communication...and who ISN'T creating online communication these days?

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