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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
September 22, 2015 9:04 PM!

5 Marketing Ideas To Steal From Netflix via @Curagami

5 Marketing Ideas To Steal From Netflix via @Curagami | Startup Revolution |

Steal These 5 Netflix Marketing Ideas

  • Almost Freemium.
  • Build Your Tribe as a Distributor.
  • Migrate from Distribution to Production.
  • Mine the long tail.
  • Keep some proprietary something.


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 29, 2015 11:15 AM!

People Marketing: How I Learned To Love People - Curagami

People Marketing: How I Learned To Love People - Curagami | Startup Revolution |

People Marketing shares hard won tips, ideas and stories about loving, curating, listening to your people to create winning online marketing.

We included this link in our Startups Revoluiton because startups are so WIDGET focused they forget PEOPLE provide the context and emotional connection needed to SELL. It is understandable that YOU love your widget, but your customers love THEMSELVES much more.

Creating "like me" moments mean your "product" becomes a movement your customers want to join. This journey from YOU and THEM (customers) to WE is the most important journey every website and all marketing is on whether the creators know it or not.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 22, 2015 7:58 PM!

Nowist Innovation In A New World #trending - Curagami

Nowist Innovation In A New World #trending - Curagami | Startup Revolution |

Joi Ito's Ted Talk is a must view for web marketers. The shift from invading Russia in the winter to becoming a NOWIST is fundamental, sweeping and a tsunami of change in our thinking, actions and marketing. 

No surprise a post I wrote a year ago popped up out of Curagami's long tail today. Great TED Talk video embedded in the post.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 15, 2015 10:23 PM!

Netflix-ification Of Your Business Model - Curagami

Netflix-ification Of Your Business Model - Curagami | Startup Revolution |

While we wont all become a digital media download artist we will all go through four stages of growth hacking:

* Disruptive Technology - used to consolidate a market (i.e. Blockbuster) and map a future.

* Online Community - learning to curate instead of create.

* Engine Phase - putting in less to get more out.

* Return as Creator - informed by Big Data and able to make "community based" bets.

Want to learn your future? Take a look at Netflix's immediate past.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 3, 2015 2:52 AM!

Pricing A Revolution - @Curagami Adds A Waitlist

Pricing A Revolution - @Curagami Adds A Waitlist | Startup Revolution |
Please Note: Waitlist Thanks to our friends at FedEx Curagami’s agency business, our incubation lab where we invest in customers and they invest in us, is currently CLOSED. With 4 active clients we have no room at the Inn. This doesn’t mean we can’t help. We have friends in every aspect of online marketing. Friends …
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 2, 2015 10:12 AM!

3 Must Follow Content Curators for March, 2015 via @Curagami

3 Must Follow Content Curators for March, 2015 via @Curagami | Startup Revolution |

Two of my 3 #mustfollow content curators will be familiar to many Scoopiteers:

@Guillaume Decugisand @Marc Rougierare visionary startup entrepreneurs and content curators. I'm learning how to use their latest tool - Content Director - tomorrow and can't wait. If you don't follow both Guillaume and Marc on multiple platforms you should.

Denis Labelle is a great G+ curator ( ) and a March #mustfollow too. Denis has a great eye, understands what is happening online and his growing G+ community is proof of his skills.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 16, 2015 8:26 AM!

Our Favorite FREE SEO Tools In SEO For Web Designers @HaikuDeck

Our Favorite FREE SEO Tools In SEO For Web Designers @HaikuDeck | Startup Revolution |

SEO For Web Designers
Web designers shouldn't be SEO experts since keeping up with DESIGN is a full-time job. But web designers are where SEO rubber meets the Google Road so understanding a handful of ideas is critical to the online success of any designers creations.

This Haiku Deck includes a list of our favorite FREE SEO tools and how to use them to create a content marketing map. Content marketing maps help move your site to the first page of listings for keywords that matter (to your business or nonprofit).

Many of the tips included in SEO for Web Designers are universal and so helpful to anyone creating online communication...and who ISN'T creating online communication these days?

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 11, 2014 10:44 AM!

Web Marketing 101 For Car Dealers via @Curagami

Web Marketing 101 For Car Dealers via @Curagami | Startup Revolution |

Interesting, funny & sad watching car dealers create web & social marketing. Getting better is easy, fun and CHEAP as Web Marketing For Car Dealers shares.

We think of car dealers as "startups" because they need to start over and pivot their THINKING. Many of the tips shared in this Curagami post ( ) such as:

* People not THINGS Sell.
* Stories and People, People and Stories...matter.

* Humanize your approach and thinking.

* Let THEM (customers and brand advocates) HELP.

apply to stsrtups too so killing a pair of birds with a single blog post today. Picture is of me (left) and Travis Lunsford in front of a ROGUE (seemed appropriate lol).

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 1, 2014 8:06 AM!

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck

THINK Like A Marketing Pro: 5 Secret Tips via @HaikuDeck | Startup Revolution |

Biggest challenge to great web marketing may be learning to THINK like an Internet marketer. Here are 5 Secret Tips to help you become a great IMer:

* Hedge & Diversify.

* Know your Over / Under.

* Card Count & Double Down.

* Become A Nowist.
* 4 out of 5 = Hall of Internet Marketing Fame.

BogDan Wrzesinski's curator insight, December 3, 2014 2:36 AM

:) — ♛♥♪♥  Well done. Come Invite URL @GodSent247 #tsu

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Expertiential Design
November 14, 2014 12:22 PM!

Branding For Startups: Win Hearts, Minds, Loyalty

Branding For Startups: Win Hearts, Minds, Loyalty | Startup Revolution |

Marty Note
The linked post is important, but not for the reasons they think. The post mentions the factoid that most people wouldn't mind if 73% of brands disappeared. The post discusses brands like Tom's who wins hearts and minds with cause marketing.

We love Tom's too. Yes, what you do with customer money is important these days. We prefer the Cone Communications ( ) "social good" study that shows a growing trend. Consumers what to know how your STUFF helps change the world.

People don't BUY brands they JOIN them.
Faith Popcorn

Marketing guru Faith Popcorn's quote is a favorite. We would reposition the linked post toward the more important question - how is your brand creating sustainable community. Since most of customers are online merchants we would write the goal as, "How is your brand creating sustainable ONLINE community".

Online community is the secret to branding and engagement over time. We think of loyalty with two dimensions:

* Engagement over TIME (joining and visiting).

* Advocacy (willing to share with friends).

Every visitor can achieve #1, but a tiny % of your website's traffic will ever do #1 due to the 1:9:90 Rule. The 1:9:90 Rule explains the strange math of website visitors:

1% Contributors - 1% of your traffic will contribute content such as comments, reviews and the social shares such User Generated Content (UGC) generate.
9% Supporters - this group loves to share your content especially if it came from the 1%ers.
90% Readers - More important than their label makes them sound, Readders are the core of your visitors and so essential to SEO and your expanding web universe.

The trick to web marketing few discuss is converting that tribe of Contributors, Supporters and Readers into a sustainable online community. Branding creates the shorthand your Contributors and Supports use to ADVOCATE.

When you market by proxy, you are using Contributors and Supporters to reach their friends, you must encapsulate deep meaning into shareable "Made To Stick" bits and bytes. Your advocates can't share if your message is too complicated, so boil it down, mix it up and test, test and test some more. In there somewhere is the strange alchemy your brand needs to compel action (joining and advocating) and so win hearts, minds and loyalty.

BTW, I bent this post toward startups because every startup is tabula rasa when it comes to branding. Startups are blank slates written on by every piece of content, social share and tool created. We don't brand in order to create loyalty we win hearts, minds and loyalty in order to create brands and First Rule of Branding is what the linked post has backwards.

Via Eric_Determined / Eric Silverstein, Michael Allenberg
Eric_Determined / Eric Silverstein's curator insight, November 7, 2014 2:07 PM

According to a survey, most people would not care if 73% of the brands would disappear!?

Share your latest experience on what your favorite brands are doing to earn your Loyalty, and ultimately your Advocacy?

It does start with earning your #trust.

Great insight @annettefranz @SDLjames with strong value connections @TOMS @USAA

Ahmed Alkandari's curator insight, November 15, 2014 9:01 PM

"Most people worldwide would not care if more than 73% of brand disappeared." So, are companies wasting their money on advertisements and marketing; since, most people won't care about weather the brand will disappeared or not?! People who have brand loyalty are supposed to care if the brand they are loyal to will be available or not on the future. Also would these people considered faithful to their brand if they don't care?

What are brands might been doing wrong with customers?

don't focus on the customersare not providing value relative to priceare not providing value relative to the competition/alternativeshave broken customers' trustdon't deliver on their promisesdon't care about customersdon't meet customer expectationsare not innovative (think "same old same old")deliver a fragmented or poor experience

With all of these point, the relationship between them and their customers will be broken. Therefore, companies should focus more on their customers and design a good customer experience. Companies shouldn't only care about making money, they should also care and focus about being a part of something that matters to people and mean something to them.


Most of the article was asking questions and some questions didn't have answers in the article, they are open for general thinking and answering. It's interesting about how most people won't care if a brand disappeared on the future; for me I would! Of course life won't stop and new brands will enter the market. However, Some brands people got used to it and can's change that easily; the example of Apple. I also found it important about what they mentioned for customers relationship with the company. In my opinion, companies that focuses more on their relationship with their customers and making sure to build an experience with their customers are more successful than companies that focusses on making profits and increase their revenue. I a customer became loyal to a company and he had an experience with that company, he won't mind paying more on that company's goods. The reason is that the company had built a trust and an experience to that customer so he will be faithful and he would care about the brand and the company.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 6, 2014 6:10 AM!

Rich Get Richer: Warren Buffett Tips For Startups @HaikuDeck Lesson

Rich Get Richer: Warren Buffett Tips For Startups @HaikuDeck Lesson | Startup Revolution |

Warren Buffet's Haiku Deck Lesson
One of the hardest web marketing lessons my former Direct Marketing bosses taught was to think Darwinian thoughts. I wanted to improve laggards.

Don't waste your time, came the advice and important digital marketing lesson, double down on winners. This wise lesson was just taught again by Warren Buffett.

Warren's Tips For Startups Haiku Deck has been on top of the 36 decks I've created. I started watching views by deck several months ago and my DM bosses lesson holds true.

Warren Buffett's Startup Tips ( )
Buffett Gains: 878
Total Views: 8,100
% Gain: 12%

Social Media: It's A Conversation Stupid ( )
Gains: 1,915
Total Views: 6,297
% Gain: 44%

Once again Buffett proves the rich get richer.

This truth doesn't mean Social Media: Its A Conversation is unimportant. Knowing what is trending is a CSF (Critical Success Factor) for any web marketing team, but Buffett does prove Darwin was a web marketing pro long before there was a web. Double down on winners and leave laggards stands as one of the most important "laws" of our web marketing ecosystem :). M

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 3, 2014 12:16 PM!

Clean Slate Brands & Ultimate Guide To Content Curation (call for help)

Clean Slate Brands & Ultimate Guide To Content Curation (call for help) | Startup Revolution |

Clean Slate Brands
Time doesn't guarantee anything anymore. "Proudly in business for 100 years," sounds great until Uber cleans your clock. re-imagined what "cab" means in a mobile / social / reputation time.

I took my first Uber ride in Columbus, Ohio last week and it was EASY. I've also used Columbus Yellow Cab and spoken to the owner. Columbus Yellow Cab provided excellent service minus one important thing - a way to monitor how far my ride is.

Columbus Yellow Cab has an app too, one I will use on my next trip to Columbus this Wednesday, but Uber is a "clean slate" brand with little preconceived notions about owning anything OTHER than the most disruptive technology the cab business has ever seen.

Uber is about to change the very definition of "cab". And Uber isn't alone as this Trendwatching post about Clean Slate Brands shares.

Need Your Help
I'm writing the Ultimate Content Curation Guide For Business and need your help. If you love content curation please share thoughts about:

* How would you define content curation for business?
* Is content curation different for SMBs than big brands? If yes, how?
* How should startups curate content?
* What are your favorite content curation tools.

Send your thoughts on these questions or anything content curation related to martin(at) Thanks, Marty

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 30, 2014 3:12 AM!

15 Ways To FUNK UP Your Startup

15 Ways To FUNK UP Your Startup | Startup Revolution |

15 Ways To Funk Up Your Startup
Watching Mr. Dynamite, HBO's great documentary about James Brown, got us thinking of ways to FUNK UP your startup including:

* Crowdfunding - James Brown knew how to ask for help.
* Content Marketing - Share your journey DAILY.
* 'Splainer Video - broll your elevator pitch & put on YouTube.

* Daily Social Media Shares - Build Your Tribe NOW.
* Contest - When in doubt create a low cost high yield contest.
* Games - Make your startup a game with many winners.
* Arresting Visuals - STOP THEM NOW.
* Stories - Share yours and they share theirs.
* Awards - Find the under appreciated and give 'em an award.
* Daily Difference - do something (anything) different today.

* Listen More, Talk Less.
* Curate - mashup this, that and the other thing.

* Coach - say something nice about something YOU didn't do daily.

* When THEY tell you there are RULES don't believe 'em.

* Teach - Watch one, Do one and then TEACH ONE to really get the hang of marketing in a digital age.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 20, 2015 3:54 PM!

Scoopit Republishing Study With SpyFu SEO Analysis

Scoopit Republishing Study With SpyFu SEO Analysis | Startup Revolution |

SOne of the Lean Content best practices we’ve seen several speakers at our meetups recommend is to leverage existing audiences on top of your own to increase the reach and the impact of your content.

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:'s Republishing Study
We loved the attached republishing study CEO Guillaume Decugis and his team shared. Since you need a tool to fully know SEO benefits we fired SpyFu up and took a look at Scoopit's blog.

Good News
The team is right. Their republishing post gained rank on keywords WITH TRAFFIC. "With traffic" is in all caps because adding in SEARCH DEMAND (of keywords) is where most content marketers trip up. 

It is possible to KNOW exactly how many clicks gained and then estimate subscribe gains as we did in this public Google Sheets:

 YES, gained clicks from their republishing post (though not exactly from where they thought), and they weren't hurt by duping the content (at least not what we could see with this tool and the hour we had to riff the analysis). 

Smaller Posts Daisy Chained
We eliminate any SEO dupe problems by breaking up posts into pieces and sharing on multiple platforms as we did with Why I'm Not An SEO:

Linkedin Post (part 2 of 3) 

Why I'm Not A SEO (Personal blog part 1 of 3) 

Why I'm Not A SEO (Curagami part 3 of 3) 

Little extra work eliminates a concern that didn't impact's republishing post (as far as we can see) - duping content. 


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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 27, 2015 8:03 PM!

Why I Became A Testing Junkie - Curagami

Why I Became A Testing Junkie - Curagami | Startup Revolution |
I became a testing junkie to defeat HIPPOs. We riff a Tommy Walker Shopify post sharing why SMBs & online merchants should be testing junkies too.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 21, 2015 6:56 PM!

How Did We Make $30M Online? Books, People & Ideas - New Curagami Book Store

How Did We Make $30M Online? Books, People & Ideas - New Curagami Book Store | Startup Revolution |

Web Marketing Secrets
Want to know how we made over $30M online? Read our BOOKS and contribute your favorite Internet marketing reads in our new Curagami Book Store:

Send your favorite reads to martin(at)

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
June 10, 2015 11:29 AM!

Tao of Marty: Web Marketing Secrets - via @Curagmai #marketing

Tao of Marty: Web Marketing Secrets - via @Curagmai #marketing | Startup Revolution |

The Tao of Marty summarizes the OVER (gain) versus UNDER (loss) philosophy we used to make over $30M in online sales with hundreds of thousands of orders. Want your ecommerce site to make money online? Read and share the Tao of Marty. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 19, 2015 8:07 AM!

Brand Ideals, Jim Stengel, Mark Traphagen, SEO & Startups

Brand Ideals, Jim Stengel, Mark Traphagen, SEO & Startups | Startup Revolution |

Brand Ideals
Learning your company's "brand ideals" may be the most important branding work few startups accomplish. SEO and content take a backseat to widget development for most startups. 

Yet isn't the most important question WHERE are the points of connection with potential customers and/or investors? The latter, investors, receive plenty of attention when they are easy. Investors want CONSUMERS and lots of 'em.

So the best way to connect with investors is to connect with consumers and the best way to connect with consumers is to know, articualte and share your "brand ideals":

 * Eliciting Joy: Activating experiences of happiness, wonder, and limitless possibility.
* Enabling Connection: Enhancing the ability of people to connect with each other and the world in meaningful ways.
* Inspiring Exploration: Helping people explore new horizons and new experiences.
* Evoking Pride: Giving people increased confidence, strength, security, and vitality.
* Impacting Society: Affecting society broadly, including by challenging the status quo and redefining categories.  

Those "brand ideals" come from Grow: How Ideals Power Profits At The World's Largest Companies by Jim Stengel and is a must read for any startup entrepreneur who wants investors....after they've won the hearts and minds of consumers. 

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 7, 2015 6:38 PM!

Content Curation: ScoopIt Content Director Rocks via @Curagami

Content Curation: ScoopIt Content Director Rocks  via @Curagami | Startup Revolution |
Content curation is key for Small To Medium Sized Businesses (SMBs) online success &'s new Content Director makes curation a marketing reality.
malek's curator insight, February 9, 2015 8:25 AM

thought provoking, the Content Shock is worth further studying.  Hard to argue about how production is far exceeding supply

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 12, 2014 1:10 PM!

5 Web #muststeal Web Marketing Ideas from's Record Year via @Curagami

5 Web #muststeal Web Marketing Ideas from's Record Year via @Curagami | Startup Revolution | is having a record year. This post is about how YOUR website can steal from 5 ideas fueling Moon's online success to set records of your own.
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 4, 2014 7:06 AM!

3 More Reasons Marketers Fail At Social Media

3 More Reasons Marketers Fail At Social Media | Startup Revolution |

3 More Reasons
Noticing that the @TedRubin post 3 Reasons Marketers Fail At Social Media ( ) wanted to weigh in with 3 MORE Reasons We Marketers Fail at Social Media Marketing:

* Not Thinking Mobile First
Breaking old habits is new especially when they only formed YESTERDAY. We started creating websites in 1999. 15 Years is not "yesterday" exactly but it's close in "learning" time. The world is moving faster than our marketing brains can keep up. One clear example of that is how we cling to the boxes, borders and design of websites. Websites are so OVER. Websites are now ways to test what you should put into your mobile marketing - a message we marketers have not received or understood fully yet.

* Talking Not Listening
Listening online is different. Listening on the web means following back, curating THEIR (customers and advocate) content and being open to sharing things that used to be uniquely OURS. Marketers are Type A hard chargers as a group and breaking them of thinking we make our livings communicating not curating is proving TOUGH.

* The Network Is the Computer
Scott McNealy's famous line about NETWORKS being where the action is has never been more true. We marketers like to push balls up hills like Sisyphus. Learning to build community, one of the hardest things I've ever done and I have cancer, is proving a tough transition.

Changing so much so fast is enough to make anyone seasick. You would think since we marketers are in the change business we would be ready, accepting and welcoming (of change). You would be wrong as these 3 More Reasons Marketers Fail At Social Media illustrate.

Good news is we don't give up either :). M

Followed this Scoopit with a post on Marketing's Timeline

Suggested by Jitendra Salunke
November 18, 2014 10:26 PM!

33 Cool Apps Help Startups Create Visual Marketing FTW

33 Cool Apps Help Startups Create Visual Marketing FTW | Startup Revolution |

We have put together a list of tools that can help you create amazing visual content like infographics, memes, gifs, etc. Must read for every online marketer.

Marty Note

Great list mostly new to me. Missing one of my favorite visual marketing tools Haiku Deck: . Haiku Deck is much more than a simple UI on the Creative Commons. If you are SMART you will use Haiku and some of these other #cooltools to create the kind of arresting visual marketing we all need and aspire to daily.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 13, 2014 2:27 PM!

Free Genius Lunch Columbus, Ohio November 16 - December 3

Free Genius Lunch Columbus, Ohio November 16 - December 3 | Startup Revolution |

Free Genius Lunches in Columbus Ohio
I'm living in Columbus, Ohio at the Blackwell Inn on the Ohio State University's campus from now until December 3rd (being treated by Dr. Byrd at the James Cancer Center). I love meeting, discussing and learning from fellow startups, entrepreneurs, artists and cool smart people.

I'm stealing @Phil Buckley Genius Lunch idea to see what is happening in Columbus. Team Curagami stands ready to answer Internet marketing questions and learn new tips, tricks and ideas. If you would like to have a Genius Lunch in Columbus check the calendar and email when you would like to meet. 

Lear More Here  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 4, 2014 7:28 PM!

Why Bitcoin Is A MASSIVE Startup Opportunity

Why Bitcoin Is A MASSIVE Startup Opportunity | Startup Revolution |

Bitcoin, Ecommerce, Money & Value Systems
In three posts I've tried to understand how Bitcoin changes ecommerce:

Bitcoin, Money & Value Systems (on G+)

Bitcoin Manifesto (on

And this post about Bitcoin and #startups. Bitcoin as infrastructure could change everything from online ecommerce to how we pay for groceries and a coke from a vending machine.

Sure the infrastructure to achieve such a vision is largely lacking presently, but it wasn't that long ago we didn't have an Internet either. Here is how I'm going to tune my Bitcoin radar:

* Learn how to install Bitcoin commerce (nothing is easy now, but first movers will get huge benefits).
* Understand how and where Bitcoin could create the greatest impact such as client
* Understand how Bitcoin's platform could connect to other major trends such as social, mobile and connection.

The reason I want to understand how to install Bitcoin commerce is 1. It Ain't Easy Now and 2. Customers with large international buying groups could benefit the most and the fastest. Moon-Audio sells their magical audio cables all over the world. What they've been lacking is an easy way to safely sell around the world.

if there is even a tiny chance Bitcoin can fill those shoes I'm interested and a student. If anyone reading this has resources about how to install Bitcoin commerce please share.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 31, 2014 7:11 PM!

Importance of DIY Customers

Importance of DIY Customers | Startup Revolution |

DIY Customers Are Important
Do-It_Yourself customers may be the most important customers on earth. Here are a few ways DIY customers create benefits for digitial marketers and websites:

* Social Shares on Facebook, Twitter and +Google+.
* Creates #ugc (User Generated Content) or the best content you can't buy.
* Drive links into their content on your site.

We are working on a series of posts on how to engage and benefit from DIY Customer Marketing. If you have tips, ideas or experiences you think would help please share (martin(at)

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