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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 9, 2015 1:48 PM!

50 Tools Turbocharge Your PPC b/c Adwords Is Too Complex & Fast Now

50 Tools Turbocharge Your PPC b/c Adwords Is Too Complex & Fast Now | Startup Revolution |

Marty Note
Adwords is crowded, fast and dangerous these days.

When I was an Ecommerce Director we made the decision to give our $1M in PPC spend to the robots. Robots, business rules and predicitve analytics was the only way we could make what little money we made from PPC.

Attribution is a BITCH.

I remember our CFO saying, "Cut spend on everything above this line, " pointing to every branded term we were buying. Cut the top of the funnel off and you lose the bottom of the funnel. Trying to explain that to a web doubter was impossible so I ignored the demand.

Instead we tested or ROAS (Return on Ad Spend). $6 to $1 ROAS looked first. As time went on we realized tighten the valve that tight cut our email list growth and the LTV (Lifetime Value) it produced in dangerous ways.

Next we tested at $1 to $1 and bleed red ink. At the time I worked for Direct Marketers (DMers) who don't believe in losing money...ever. The complex attribution math meant we were probably making solid return IF attribution was fully valued and agreed upon.

It was not. Attribution was controversial and the more immediate, the more Stimulus to Response it was the more my bosses liked it. The idea that three generations ago we built a PPC campaign that grew our list 15% and thus made us $3 To $1 was a bridge too far.

That is why I wanted to bring Marin into the mix. Marin is the best self tuning / business rule based PPC DIY Algorithm we could find. No Sale since adding Marin's "costs" seemed to lower ROAS. Once again full attribution would show Marin was going to pay for itself in no time, but didn't make that sale either.

Today's PPC market is an order of magnitude more complex. If you are still buying PPC by hand good luck with that. Too much UNDER (costs) and not nearly enough OVER (benefit) for our risk / reward palette. Better to hire an agency OR, for about the same money, DIY with a predictive management tool like Marin.

We looked at several and liked Marin the best. Its UI was understandable, installation was easy and commitment was low. We just added Marin to our list of Cool Tools in our Ask For Help Haiku Deck:

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 11, 2015 11:38 AM!

Social Media Analytics: 9 Free Tools - Curagami

Social Media Analytics: 9 Free Tools - Curagami | Startup Revolution |

Want to know what's working on social media? These 9 free analytics tools can help!

Tools discussed:

  1. Followerwonk (New to us, but plan to use).
  2. Buffer (Use and like).
  3. SumAll (New but plan to test).
  4. Quintly (New)
  5. Cyfe (New)
  6.  Keyhole (New)
  7. Klout (Use and like)
  8. ViralWoot (New)
  9. Addictomatic (New)
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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
August 27, 2014 12:12 PM!

Warren Buffet Startup Tips - Top @HaikuDeck By 34%

Warren Buffet Startup Tips - Top @HaikuDeck By 34% | Startup Revolution |

Warren Buffet's tips for startups as Bill Gates says, "Stick 'em up
Finishing our Haiku Deck Analysis (Scooped here and on Curagami here ) we were surprised how much our #1 views deck: Startup Tips From Warren Buffett is in front of #2 (Content Marketing Tools).

Fuffett is 35% ahead in views, but Warren is NOT the most shared. That honor goes to our fastest scaling deck ever - The Invisible Giant: Why The New SEO Is So Hard To See ( ).

If you are a startup the Oracle of Omaha has tips for you and our tip is to use Haiku Deck. .

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

add your insight...

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 5, 2014 1:32 PM!

Curagami Launches Into "Friends Beta" &Needs Your Help via @Curagami

Curagami Launches Into  "Friends Beta" &Needs Your Help via  @Curagami | Startup Revolution |

Our Startrup Factory funded startup Curagami, a content marketing tool for merchants and content marketers who "get it", lauched into "Friends Beta" yesterday & we need your help.

We need help teasing out the good stuff and toss the trash. As any startup learns problems multiple. Easy to solve the problem for all the right reasons. Together we can create tools needed by merchants and publishers to KNOW what content matters to who and why.

LESS STRESSFUL is our goal after spending years gambling with millions we want to provide a MAP merchants and content marketers can use to enjoy the journey. Hope you will join our journey and visit our landing page at:

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from AgileMinds
February 21, 2014 5:14 PM!

Cloud Website Development Demystified [infographic]

Cloud Website Development Demystified [infographic] | Startup Revolution |

“ How does cloud computing really work? What is the Cloud? Demystifying the Cloud is an infographic that pulls the curtains back on the cloud and explains it all!”

Via Peter Azzopardi, massimo facchinetti, Paul Aneja - eTrends, walter Bongibault, Emeric Nectoux, Djebar Hammouche
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Stay with this infographic because its subject, how cloud computing changes website development, information architecture, mobile computing and....well everything, is important. Important enough to decipher this dense infographic (lol).

Marshall Van Fleet's curator insight, February 22, 2014 8:26 AM

I found this article answered many questions I had about "The Cloud"...I thought I would share it with you...

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
December 28, 2013 2:08 PM!

How Netflix & Amazon Change Content Curation & What That Means For Startups

How Netflix & Amazon Change Content Curation & What That Means For Startups | Startup Revolution |

Netflix & Amazon play the online merchandising game differently than their bricks to clicks former print catalog or brick and mortar retailers. The WAY both these brilliant companies approach content creation and curation present opportunities for starts including:

* Create SaaS tools that spin and snip content in similar ways.

* Learn to tag information with new dimensions.

* Once data has new dimensions create merchandising tools.

* Increase the ease and use of predictive modeling online.

* Use cloud based computing to achieve more "server side" power.

* Make decisions in near real time.

* Create crowdfunding systems to relieve financial & operational pressure.

* Create User Generated Content engines such as Netflix's reviews-based "SMART" system. 

The content area is RICH with startup potential. Online merchants and their Software As A Service (SaaS) inbound content marketing cousins must find ways to spin and snip information into more and more powerfully intelligent "buyer assist" systems. 

Startups who find ways to convert DATA into information and information into buying aids have a rich future ahead. The future always converts better and we are about to take an order of magnitude leap in online conversion, engagement and merchandising thanks to a new generation of Netflix-like "merchandising" tools.   


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Suggested by OsakaSaul
August 30, 2013 11:19 AM!

Learn To Tag With Extreme Prejudice and Why Tagged Content ROCKS Sartups

Learn To Tag With Extreme Prejudice and Why Tagged Content ROCKS Sartups | Startup Revolution |
I'm going to side-by-side it for you: with versus without one reaching hashtag.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Don't let this article's assumptions put you off. If you are a #startup and just getting your feet wet with content curation and content marketing you may run screaming into the night after reading this post - stick with it and you will be a better content marketer for it. 

Key takeaway is tagged content is better than untagged and the tools and process describe here will help any startup know how to tag with extreme prejudice :). M  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
May 29, 2013 12:01 PM!

Why Paperli Rocks - ScentTrail Marketing

Why Paperli Rocks - ScentTrail Marketing | Startup Revolution |

Content Marketing Tools For Startups
I didn't write this post with #Startups in mind, but I could have. Startups wrestle with content marketing. I suggest these content marketing tools for any startup:


* Google Analytics
* Google Adwords
* Google Plus
* Twitter
* A Blog (WordPress) 

It is possible to change the world with those seven tools.  


The linked post explains how I use for everything from spidering the social web to reputation management. If you are a startup and don't know what either of those ideas are, trust me you will and I promise to post more about content marketing for startups soon. 

Kelly Hungerford's comment, June 18, 2013 11:15 AM
Thanks Marty. That's a great list and we're proud to be a part of it in your "Do More With Less Strategy" Appreciated!
Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, June 18, 2013 7:54 PM
You ROCK Kelly :). Marty
Brett.Ashley.Crawford's curator insight, October 29, 2013 10:55 AM

nonprofits of small and medium size are distinctly and significantly similar to start-ups. They can similarly utilize these content curation tools, especially nonprofit arts looking for online impact.  


Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
February 15, 2013 10:35 PM!

Tell Stories, Share Topics, Make Impact with Startup

Tell Stories, Share Topics, Make Impact with Startup | Startup Revolution |
A multimedia storytelling and sharing community.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

New multimedia storytelling tool looks like Pinterest for storytelling.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Internet Marketing Strategy 2.0
November 29, 2012 7:00 AM!

Splurgy Engages, Motivates and Rewards Your Best Social Media Fans [video]

Robin Good: Splurgy is a new web service which allows you to engage and reward your best social media fans by offering them unique discounts, coupons and access to offers in exchange for their contribution to make those actions "visible" to their own social networks.

With Splurgy it is also possible to make access to exclusive content, links or guides on your web site available only to those that are your true social advocates. The “Fangate” feature allows your website to give access to exclusive content only to those who follow your social channels.

Last but not least Splurgy collects the name and e-mail address of every user that socially engages with your promotions.

Free to use.

Key features:

Video tutorials:

More info:

Via Robin Good
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Malcolm Gladwell taught us not all customers are equal in his book The Tipping Point. Gladwell segmented customers into Salespeople, Connectors and Mavens. Each persona has different value and needs different communication. 

Splurgy looks like a great tool allowing segmentation and reward. The other thing we know from the 1:10:89 rule is that very few visitors will actively engage (1% will contribute content, 10% are willing to vote  on the content created by the 1% and 89% ride for free). 

Any tool that helps segment and reward the 11% (or so) of your customers that are highly engaged is valuable so Splurgy away.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
November 30, 2011 6:19 AM!

Making Web Content Relevant: CircleMe

Making Web Content Relevant: CircleMe | Startup Revolution |

Building on the Social Web


A few months ago, I embarked in a project which has become more and more engaging and exciting as the weeks progress. With my partner Erik Lumer, we have been working hard in the development and distribution of a product called CircleMe, which Saul quickly spotted on his radar just less than a month from our public release, on October 4th, 2011. Our vision with CircleMe is to create an online environment where users can take advantage of technology and the social web to enjoy more their passions and interests in life (i.e., their “likes”).


Social Graph Power


The way we want to achieve this is by asking users to “connect” to the things and topics they love, and then CircleMe will leverage clever algorithms along with the power of the social graph to surface relevant content and new items tailored to each user. To get there, we need to move gradually. The first step has been to create an engaging environment where users can easily express all their ‘likes’ and discover (in a serendipic way) new things of potential interest. Then, as activity increases, we will have enough data to reach the goal to surface relevant content in a timely fashion for any interested user...

Via Martin Gysler
OsakaSaul's comment, December 1, 2011 8:30 PM
I appreciate the rescoop - and so I shared to G+!
BeSocialOnline's comment, December 2, 2011 7:29 AM
You are welcome ;-)
OsakaSaul's comment, December 8, 2011 4:19 AM
thanks for taking this, Duncan!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
March 26, 2015 10:49 AM!

Cool Tools Arranged By Category of Use by Tool Master @RobinGood

Cool Tools Arranged By Category of Use by Tool Master @RobinGood | Startup Revolution |

Comprehensive list of cool tools from @Robin Good. Robin is the best tool reviewer on the web and this exhaustive list of tools arranged by category of use is invaluable.

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Suggested by Jitendra Salunke
November 18, 2014 10:26 PM!

33 Cool Apps Help Startups Create Visual Marketing FTW

33 Cool Apps Help Startups Create Visual Marketing FTW | Startup Revolution |

We have put together a list of tools that can help you create amazing visual content like infographics, memes, gifs, etc. Must read for every online marketer.

Marty Note

Great list mostly new to me. Missing one of my favorite visual marketing tools Haiku Deck: . Haiku Deck is much more than a simple UI on the Creative Commons. If you are SMART you will use Haiku and some of these other #cooltools to create the kind of arresting visual marketing we all need and aspire to daily.

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 24, 2014 3:53 PM!

Why Startups Should Have At Least One

Why Startups Should Have At Least One | Startup Revolution |

Marty's Story
About a week after starting as Atlantic BT's, largest web dev shop in Triangle area of NC, new Marketing Director my boss & founder / CEO Jon Jordan asked me, "What's this" thing.

Jon's displeasure was obvious. I explained how is a "get more, do less" content curation tool. Jon said, "It doesn't look like us," and I had to agree. My question back to Jon was, "Is 'looking like us' important," and you can guess his response.

To his credit, Jon asked me to do an analysis before shooting the limping horse. I also related our previous conversation about the "creation of a commons". On my second day as Marketing Director for ABT Jon and Mark Foulkrod, then COO, confessed a concern.

"We think you will steal from us," Mark said straight out (that is the way Mark is). The comment surprised me so I asked the right question. "Why are you worried and what do you think I will 'steal","I asked.

Jon shared the story of a previous employee who "blogged for himself on our dime". I never met the person, but I explained ABT had little or nothing I could "steal".

It was my turn to shock them. I shared how, at that time, ABT's Klout score was 19 while mine was 45. Together, I went on to explain, we were stronger than either apart. We would create a commons mingling my content, ABT's and curating in other content from gurus, thought leaders and ABT customers to create a "rising tide" sure to lift their online reputation boat and mine.

"You will gain more if only due to our starting points," I shared. At the end of my tenure (December 2013) ABT's Klout score was 50, a 233% increase. Mine was 65, a 44% bump. and were MAJOR contributors to the rising tide of ABT's commons. helped test content marketing ideas and creates more community faster for LESS work than any tool I know or use (and I use a passel of 'em).

The brilliance behind, that they present an algorithm filter of content you've already shared and or mashedup, makes it the GREATEST and most under utilized (and just about the cheapest) content curation tool.

Startups are so WIDGET FOCUSED they don't think about the day they want to share their widget with the world. is guaranteed to make "sharing day" easier and for the cost of...well just about NOTHING a startup receives a powerful ally. If you are a starutp or Internet marketer and DON'T use my friends in Switzerland's coolest tool since sliced bread you are nuts.

Oh, btw, when I shared data showing was the most powerful community creation tool we had Jon and Mark didn't care if it "looked like us" or not (lol).

** PS. Paper.lis great community manager @Kelly Hungerford  just pointed out that if had CSS and templating options then ABT's would have looked like them. M

Kelly Hungerford's comment, July 24, 2014 4:23 PM
Marty, you're awesome! If only we had had custom CSS and branding options back then... we could have branded a paper to fit their look and feel. LOL. You continue to be one of our greatest champions of not only, but how and can work together in a marketing strategy to build presence, community and get some work done. Thank you for that. In fact, I think a post is in order. You always inspire Marty, thank you!
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 4, 2014 11:55 AM!

Curagami's "Friends Beta" Needs Your Help - via @Curagami

Curagami's "Friends Beta" Needs Your Help - via @Curagami | Startup Revolution |

The Startup Factory fundeded startup Curagami launches its new content marketing roi tools into "friends beta". What's your Curagami Score? #helpastartup

& THANKS from Team Curagami

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
January 13, 2014 9:41 PM!

Startup Trends 2014 II - via Curatti

Startup Trends 2014 II - via Curatti | Startup Revolution |

Startups are fun, creative & may be our best hope. This second of a two part Curatti series covers startup trends from digital homes to wearable tech.

No sooner than I finished writing this second post in a 2 part series for Editors of Chaos than one of the featured "Smart Home" startups sold to Google for $3.2B. Amazing.

If that doesn't make you want to fire up a startup and start tinkering nothing will :). M

This 2nd post in a two part series covers more than 25 cool startups from Smart Homes to wearable Tech:

Be sure to share your favorites if we missed them.

William Newman's curator insight, January 14, 2014 7:13 AM

Start ups focusing on the internet of things, in-memory computing and location based services will dominate the news in 2014.

Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from visualizing social media
November 13, 2013 6:59 PM!

10 Reasons Why You Ignore Google+ At YOUR Peril

10 Reasons Why You Ignore Google+ At YOUR Peril | Startup Revolution |

Why should you use Google+?There are lots of good reasons to pay attention to Google+, but for me it comes down to these three:

  • Search is becoming social
  • Google+ Authorship is becoming a filter for quality content
  • Google+ has the best user experience of any social network

Visit the link to find additional insights, resource links, and useful Google+ information.

Via Lauren Moss
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

I agree with all three of those reasons and would add these 7 ideas about why you can no longer afford to ignore GooglePlus:

  • Google Plus is NOT a social net per se, it is a "revolution in online communication" and a "tool" says B. L. Ochman. 
  • If you don't figure out how to use this new tool your competitor is sure to do so and then PAIN will result.
  • Other social nets are becoming endless tit for tat smackdowns (you gain 1,000 followers they gain 5,000) so why play that losing game when GPlus is almost always a blue ocean?
  • No better conversation tool than GPlus (period) and this time is all about the social conversation.
  • No one has millions of followers yet on GooglePlus (or very few do) so your chances of being followed back are excellent AND GooglePlus promotes conversations not just follows.
  • Since GooglePlus is a TOOL it is invested in making YOU the publisher successful not requiring you to make it successful like most social nets.
  • Its's Google.

One final thought. I've lived through several major tipping points such as the move to commerce from brochureware, the mobile revolution and the social revolution RIGHT NOW feels like the GPlus Tipping point.

Carlos Bisbal's curator insight, November 14, 2013 9:28 AM

3 razones de peso por las que ya no puedes permitirte ignorar Google+


Hanin Abu Al Rub's curator insight, November 18, 2013 2:56 AM

I believe so...

Jim Doyle's curator insight, December 6, 2013 1:13 AM
3 Compelling Reasons Why You Can No Longer Afford to Ignore Google+
Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
July 16, 2013 5:29 PM!

First Example of A SpinSnip [New Content Marketing Tool]

First Example of A SpinSnip [New Content Marketing Tool] | Startup Revolution |

A SpinSnip is moving content from one dimention to another to maximize ROI. SpinSnip Tools is a suite of curation and content marketing tools that help move content within the owned, paid, earned and curated ecosystem increasing return and lowering content creation costs with each SpinSnip. 

Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

SpinSnip is a suite of content marketing tools we are developing to help marketers lower content creation costs, know what content generates ROI. and connect top of the funnel (traffic generation) to the bottom of the funnel (conversion). SpinSnip means moving content from one bucket to another in order to maximize ROI. SpinSnip may move Paid Content to Earned Content or Eearned To Owned increasing return with each SpinSnip. 

We are creating 5 SpinSnip Tools:

SpinSnip Curator (Content Marketing).
SpinSnip Analyst (Content Marketing Analytics).
SpinSnip Marketer (Lead Gen, Branding, "Advertising").

SpinSnip Crowds (Crowdfunding & Crowdsourcing)
SpinSnip C Level (Content Marketing for C Level).

SpinSnip Curator helps create a workable content development framework by tagging every piece of content created in multiple dimensions and then SPINNING the content dial to see the most helpful view. 

The post below Spins and Snips content from three sources. While this SpinSnip could almost stand on its own most will need editing to meld paragraps to graphics and Vice Versa. 

SpinSnip Curator Dashboard Example
We LACK the tools needed as content marketers to effectively know what content needs spinning and what should be snipped, so we are working on that. Working on a set of tools content marketers can use to know what content is achieving critical mass and why.


[Insert @Pardot Graphic from Here (Image at top of this post). 

“Wow you create a lot of content,” a friend said at lunch yesterday. I felt the need to apologize (again). “I love Internet marketing, like to write and enjoy meeting and working with new people,” I stammered.  What I was THINKING was, “I create a lot of content marketing because each piece of content teaches me something and I’m in a big hurry”.

Source: Social Mentions Study 

Want to keep in touch and learn more about SpinSnip as we develop?

Follow @SpinSnipTools 

Martin (Marty) Smith's comment, July 17, 2013 4:56 PM
Agree Travis. I'm so worn out trying to curate by mashing tools together. Know there is a better way and will prove it :). M
Andrew Johnson's curator insight, July 18, 2013 3:55 AM

Another example of the convergence of marketing and technology.'s curator insight, July 18, 2013 12:43 PM

Well worth following this up. A tool kit for marketeers with 5 elements starting with content.

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
April 26, 2013 12:27 PM!

Lean Content Movement Brings HUGE Startup Opportunities

Lean Content Movement Brings HUGE Startup Opportunities | Startup Revolution |
Making the most efficient and effective use of strategies, tools, and technology for content marketing.
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

Understanding The Lean Content Movement
I just wrote my second piece on the Lean Content Movement being created by the team at @Scoopit ( ). 

Here are just a few opportunities that are out there for courageous startups to tackle:

* Tools capable of publishing to multiple locations simultaneously.
* Tools to create PERSONAS (customer archetypes). 
* Tools to create Segments (financial groupings such as VIPs). 
* Mobile content management tools.  

* Better Metrics tools (tie top of funnel TRAFFIC to bottom CONVERSION). 

Here are a few of the cool startups creating tools to support the Lean Content Movement: 

How about you? What are your favorite "lean content" tools? Comment them in and I will curate into the post. As as content publisher I offer my feedback services to any startup creating a tool to help curate and create for the Lean Content Movement. 

Lars Bredahl's curator insight, April 26, 2013 12:39 PM

"Underneath it all, we do want to be sold. But first, we want to be entertained."

Beach Buzz Media's curator insight, April 30, 2013 4:17 PM

Indeed it does!

Beach Buzz Media's curator insight, April 30, 2013 4:29 PM

Beach Buzz Media-- Perfect example!

Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 19, 2012 7:31 PM!

New Twitter Tools Promises More Engagement: Review

New Twitter Tools Promises More Engagement: Review | Startup Revolution |

We are proud to present an awesome online service that will help you to drive awareness and build relationships on Twitter.What is

Marty Note
Hearing good things about Anyone used it yet? Thoughts? Looks like a must test to me since anything that helps me understand, segment and put into some kind of persona order on @ScentTrail is a very cool idea indeed.  

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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
November 17, 2012 9:39 AM!

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover - Killing Facebook | TechCrunch

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover - Killing Facebook | TechCrunch | Startup Revolution |
Two years ago I wrote a post entitled "Can Anything Stop The Facebook Juggernaut?" in which I marvelled at the fact that Facebook was then worth a whopping $35 billion, according to Second Market.
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