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Scooped by Martin (Marty) Smith
October 30, 2014 3:12 AM!

15 Ways To FUNK UP Your Startup

15 Ways To FUNK UP Your Startup | Startup Revolution |

15 Ways To Funk Up Your Startup
Watching Mr. Dynamite, HBO's great documentary about James Brown, got us thinking of ways to FUNK UP your startup including:

* Crowdfunding - James Brown knew how to ask for help.
* Content Marketing - Share your journey DAILY.
* 'Splainer Video - broll your elevator pitch & put on YouTube.

* Daily Social Media Shares - Build Your Tribe NOW.
* Contest - When in doubt create a low cost high yield contest.
* Games - Make your startup a game with many winners.
* Arresting Visuals - STOP THEM NOW.
* Stories - Share yours and they share theirs.
* Awards - Find the under appreciated and give 'em an award.
* Daily Difference - do something (anything) different today.

* Listen More, Talk Less.
* Curate - mashup this, that and the other thing.

* Coach - say something nice about something YOU didn't do daily.

* When THEY tell you there are RULES don't believe 'em.

* Teach - Watch one, Do one and then TEACH ONE to really get the hang of marketing in a digital age.

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Rescooped by Martin (Marty) Smith from Social Media Startups
September 13, 2013 4:46 PM!

Peas In A Pod: User Generated Content (UGC) & Brands

Peas In A Pod: User Generated Content (UGC) & Brands | Startup Revolution |
Find out how brands these days are using user generated content to manifest business opportunities.


It has been observed, that 64% of people are ‘highly likely’ to purchase something that included their input, combined with the 92% of people who rely upon other individuals they know while making a purchase decision. Over the last five years, there has been a 35% increase in user generated content, and 70% people feel most loyal to brands that listen to them.

Via Samu Tuomisto
Martin (Marty) Smith's insight:

One of the most influential things I've read in several year sis David Edelman's

Branding In A Digital Age: Spending Money In All The Wrong Places

Aligning With The Consumer Decision Journey

Read those two amazng posts and you see how the "consumer decision journey" has and is changing. Of course there is a HUGE opportunity for brands to cultivate, mine, curate and share User Generated Content if for no other reason than UGC is the least expensive and possibly most SEO valuable content.

Least expensive because advocates GIVE you their content. SEO Powerful because advocates make yoru pages come alive with comments, ideas, suggestions, contests, games and support. The sheer amount and diversity of UGC ontent can't be duplicated without spending millions.

Don't spend millions you don't need to spend (even if you have them). Tap the power of UGC and do what THEY tell, share, story and curate.

Mike Doherty's curator insight, September 14, 2013 8:55 AM

Least expensive because advocates GIVE you their content. SEO Powerful because advocates make yoru pages come alive with comments, ideas, suggestions, contests, games and support. The sheer amount and diversity of UGC ontent can't be duplicated without spending millions.

Laércio Bento's curator insight, September 16, 2013 10:27 AM

This is social media. Media is increasingly social. Companies will be more and more the receivers, no more issuers.