IT Band Syndrome and Chiropractic Treatment | Sports Injuries |

Many athletes, specifically running athletes, frequently seek chiropractic treatment for iliotibial band syndrome. These individuals often describe feeling radiating pain that begins on the outside of their knee that extends throughout their thighs, hips, and even their lower back.

The iliotibial band, or the IT band, is a cord of connective tissue that starts at the side ridge of the pelvis, or the ilium, and travels down the side of the leg, attaching into the weight bearing bone of the lower leg, or the tibia, located near the knee.

IT band syndrome is a very common condition occurring in runners and cyclists. This condition frequently results from any activity that causes the leg to turn inward repeatedly. Wearing improper or worn-out shoes, running downhill and constantly in the same direction, or simply from running too many miles, iliotibial band syndrome is an injury caused by overuse where constant rubbing between the band and the bone irritates the tissue and causes inflammation.

Through spinal adjustments and manual manipulation, the chiropractor can restore the natural alignment of the spine, gradually improving the individual’s IT band syndrome and its symptoms as well as the runner’s gait and running posture to prevent further complications.