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Google+ Is Now The Number Two Social Network In The World


Reports now show that Google+ has surpassed Twitter in active users and is second only to Facebook.

A new report by Global Web Index shows that Google+ has surpassed Twitter in active users and is second only to Facebook.

Technically YouTube was considered #3 and Twitter came in at #4 by the numbers. Although it is good to note that Twitter is actually the fastest growing of them all, with 40% growthin the last quarter.

Two Pens's curator insight, March 3, 2013 6:24 PM

Interesting that G+ ranks #2 with so few people actually using it as a network. Shows the power of Google that everybody feel like they have to belong to it but so many don't use it :-) Nobody wants to get left behind.

Janet Louise Stephenson's curator insight, May 3, 2013 10:23 PM

Do you believe that Google+ moved ahead of Twitter?

Social Media Demographics [infographic]


Steadily increasing usage worldwide shows remarkable figures about social media demographics...

Satroni-SEO's comment, November 13, 2012 2:38 PM
You find some brilliant infographics lauren, thanks! Re-scooped!