Social Media Content Curation
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Social Media Content Curation
News, Trends, New Tools about Content Curation and Social Media: One Universe to allow people to get access to more specialized sources.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 26, 2011 1:55 AM!

Keepstream - Organize your tweets with curation

Keepstream - Organize your tweets with curation | Social Media Content Curation |
Curate visual collections of the best web content found on Twitter and other social platforms.

Twitter favorites are a great idea for a feature, but all the tweets just get dumped into the same lame bucket! Make it easier to save and share the best tweets by organizing your Twitter favorites and retweets with Keepstream.
Other interesting links about it:
- Austin, April 12, 2011, launched unofficial SXSW session archive page:
- Keepstream tutorial:
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 25, 2011 4:21 AM!

Hottest News Tweets On Twitter |

Hottest News Tweets On Twitter | | Social Media Content Curation |
The Hottest Tweets On The Web & The Best Twitter Directory Available...
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 23, 2011 3:48 AM!

Tweet Topic Explorer

Tweet Topic Explorer | Social Media Content Curation |
One problem on a daily basis is to decide for a given Twitter account whether I want to follow it or not. I consider many factors when making the decision such as language of their tweets, frequency, whether they interact on twitter with other people I admire, or if I have some personal or geographic connection with them. But the most critical factor for me is whether they tweet about things that match my interests.

New tool to help see which topics a person tweets about most often. It also shows the other twitter users that are mentioned most frequently in their tweets. I call it the Tweet Topic Explorer. I'm using the recently described Word Cluster Diagrams to show the most frequently used words in their tweets and how they are grouped together.....

The entry field at the lower left lets you explore the tweets for any twitter user.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 25, 2011 4:34 AM!

Chirpstory: Create stories from Tweets

Chirpstory: Create stories from Tweets | Social Media Content Curation |
Twitter-focused curation tool, which lets you gather and share collections of tweets around a specific topic.
Popular news items, events, or trends may see thousands of related tweets, retweets and spam posts in a matter of hours: Chirpstory offers a way to curate and “summarize” related tweets in the form of a continuous or thematic narrative.
Launched on TechCrunch, Dec 22, 2010
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 24, 2011 6:43 PM!

Social Media Influence Measurement Tools: Klout vs PeerIndex

Social Media Influence Measurement Tools: Klout vs PeerIndex | Social Media Content Curation |
For the purposes of this test, I took the 50 accounts from the list of independent travel influencers.
I then created a spreadsheet in Excel and imported the following data for all 50 people on the list:
- Klout Score
- PeerIndex Score
- Number of Tweets
- Number of Followers
- Number of people following
- Ratio of followers to following
- Number of Twitter lists

I then plotted the data for Klout and PeerIndex scores vs the various metrics and put a trendline on the data with a corresponding R^2 value. A value of 1.00 would be a perfect correlation...
[read full story]
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