Social Media Content Curation
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Social Media Content Curation
News, Trends, New Tools about Content Curation and Social Media: One Universe to allow people to get access to more specialized sources.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 25, 2011 4:34 AM!

Chirpstory: Create stories from Tweets

Chirpstory: Create stories from Tweets | Social Media Content Curation |
Twitter-focused curation tool, which lets you gather and share collections of tweets around a specific topic.
Popular news items, events, or trends may see thousands of related tweets, retweets and spam posts in a matter of hours: Chirpstory offers a way to curate and “summarize” related tweets in the form of a continuous or thematic narrative.
Launched on TechCrunch, Dec 22, 2010
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 25, 2011 3:31 AM!

Storify Collects Strands of News on the Social Web

Storify Collects Strands of News on the Social Web | Social Media Content Curation |
A Web start-up named Storify, which opens to the public Monday, April 25, 2011, aims to help journalists and others collect and filter all this information.

Storify aims to help journalists and others sift through the explosion of online content and publish the most relevant information.

Using the Storify Web site, people can find and piece together publicly available content from Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, YouTube and other sites. They can also add text and embed the resulting collages of content on their own sites
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