Social Media Content Curation
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Social Media Content Curation
News, Trends, New Tools about Content Curation and Social Media: One Universe to allow people to get access to more specialized sources.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 27, 2011 5:01 PM!

Why Content Curation Is Here to Stay

Why Content Curation Is Here to Stay | Social Media Content Curation |
The debate over the rules of content creation and curation continues to rage. We spoke to some experts for their opinion on the issues surrounding copyright and monetization.

Content aggregation (the automated gathering of links) can be seen on sites like Google News. Overall, this type of aggregation has been seen as a positive thing for content creators and publishers, and up until very recently, it was left to technology. Content creation, meanwhile, was a human effort.

But all that changes with curation — the act of human editors adding their work to the machines that gather, organize and filter content.
By Mashable May 3, 2010
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 25, 2011 1:48 PM!

The Curation Economy and The Three 3C’s of Information Commerce | Brian Solis

The Curation Economy and The Three 3C’s of Information Commerce | Brian Solis | Social Media Content Curation |
I always appreciate when a very complex and important subject is simplified to ease understanding. Curation is no exception.
The truth is that for several years there were two kinds of people in social media, those who create content and those who consume it.

Historically, creators were among the digital elite, the so-called digerati, as only a small percentage was actively dedicated to creating. But there’s a world wide web out there and everyday people consuming social content dramatically outnumber the digerati.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 27, 2011 4:52 PM!

Future of Film | Filmmaking, Festivals, And Filtering The Flood

Future of Film | Filmmaking, Festivals, And Filtering The Flood | Social Media Content Curation |
The future of film can be found in curation - a new way to mix a professional point of view with the wisdom of your friends, neighbors and trusted sources.

What is Curation? Why does it matter?

Because content creation is going to continue to grow exponentially - film audiences are going to need to find new ways to filter the deluge of new content, and new ways to find and filter have the potential to create new audiences and new economics.

EDT By Steven Rosenbaum
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 24, 2011 9:20 AM!

Now Trending... Curation

Now Trending... Curation | Social Media Content Curation |
The explosion of information has created a need to group data in meaningful ways. Curation encourages users to form niche communities around their passions by sharing content that centers on their core specialty.

Rosenbaum says: "The new media moguls won't be makers; they'll be finders, endorsers and presenters."
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