Social Media Content Curation
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Social Media Content Curation
News, Trends, New Tools about Content Curation and Social Media: One Universe to allow people to get access to more specialized sources.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 25, 2011 3:22 PM!

The Future of Media: Storify and the Curatorial Instinct

The Future of Media: Storify and the Curatorial Instinct | Social Media Content Curation |
The explosion of real-time information through social networks like Twitter and Facebook has created an opportunity for "curation" tools such as Storify, which just launched as a public beta.

Tools like Storify allow anyone to perform the same kind of function, regardless of whether they have been trained as a journalist — or even think of what they are doing as journalism.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 20, 2011 6:13 AM!

Marketers have a new creative resource: Facebook Studio

Marketers have a new creative resource: Facebook Studio | Social Media Content Curation |
Facebook Studio is a place to celebrate marketers who are creating and innovating on Facebook.

This is a community where you can share your work, get recognized for your creativity, be inspired by your peers, and browse a collection of work that represents some of the best marketing on Facebook.

Check it out, and submit your campaign today.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 25, 2011 1:48 PM!

The Curation Economy and The Three 3C’s of Information Commerce | Brian Solis

The Curation Economy and The Three 3C’s of Information Commerce | Brian Solis | Social Media Content Curation |
I always appreciate when a very complex and important subject is simplified to ease understanding. Curation is no exception.
The truth is that for several years there were two kinds of people in social media, those who create content and those who consume it.

Historically, creators were among the digital elite, the so-called digerati, as only a small percentage was actively dedicated to creating. But there’s a world wide web out there and everyday people consuming social content dramatically outnumber the digerati.
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Scooped by Giuseppe Mauriello
April 18, 2011 3:23 AM!

33 Social Media Management Tools

33 Social Media Management Tools | Social Media Content Curation |
33 Social Media Management Tools
Social media management tools can help businesses listen to, manage, measure and respond to conversations about their brand on the social web.
With more and more social media management tools springing up on the market, it’s hard to keep track of what’s out there. So we’ve come up with a list…
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