Social Media and its influence
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Social Media and its influence
Social Medias and its influence...
Curated by Gust MEES
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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
June 29, 2013 7:45 AM!

Facebook's Android app leaks your mobile number, Symantec discovers

Facebook's Android app leaks your mobile number, Symantec discovers | Social Media and its influence |
A discovery about Facebook's official Android app once again puts into question if the social network's developers truly *get* security and privacy.


As Symantec describe on its blog, when its developers tested its new Norton Mobile Security product against some of the world’s most popular Android apps, they were disturbed to see a warning message claiming that the Facebook Android app leaks personal information without the device owner’s knowledge:


Gust MEES's insight:


As Symantec describe on its blog, when its developers tested its new Norton Mobile Security product against some of the world’s most popular Android apps, they were disturbed to see a warning message claiming that the Facebook Android app leaks personal information without the device owner’s knowledge...

Gust MEES's curator insight, June 29, 2013 7:42 AM


As Symantec describe on its blog, when its developers tested its new Norton Mobile Security product against some of the world’s most popular Android apps, they were disturbed to see a warning message claiming that the Facebook Android app leaks personal information without the device owner’s knowledge...

AnnC's curator insight, June 30, 2013 9:35 PM

Beware Andriod users!  Will a vpn protect your info?

Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
November 23, 2012 1:51 PM!

Facebook shows its support for joint EU-US online safety declaration

Facebook shows its support for joint EU-US online safety declaration | Social Media and its influence |
Sheryl Sandberg confirms Facebook's commitment to keeping people safe online with support for the joint declaration today between the European Commission and US Department of Homeland Security.






Check out ALSO 


My curation about "World efforts for a more secure Internet":




Read more:


Via Gust MEES
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Scooped by Gust MEES
July 26, 2012 4:47 PM!

10 New Ways Twitter Is Changing The College Lecture

10 New Ways Twitter Is Changing The College Lecture | Social Media and its influence |

Continuing our theme of using Twitter in education this week, we bring you a look at the ways Twitter is causing the current lecture model to evolve. The following analysis is brought to you by our content partners over at Online Universities.


Gone is the time when PowerPoint was the most impressive communication technology in the lecture hall. These days, students and professors enjoy the power of Twitter, a tool that allows for digital discussions to supplement and even guide lecture sessions. So how exactly is Twitter changing the college lecture as we know it?


Read on to find out about 10 different ways.


- Mobile devices are welcome in the lecture hall once again

- Lectures become a conversation

- Bashful students are speaking up

- More students get connected in large lectures

- Students stay engaged beyond the lecture

- Dorm discussions don’t happen as much anymore, and that’s OK

- There’s more information saved now than ever before

- Students think about lectures even when they’re not at school

- Review sessions happen anywhere

- Fewer classroom disruptions exist


Read more:



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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
May 15, 2012 8:47 AM!

Leedu - EUN's Learning Platform

Leedu - EUN's Learning Platform | Social Media and its influence |

Welcome to the SMILE online learning course - thank you for joining us!


By joining this online learning course, you will be participating in six units covering a variety of aspects on the use of social media in learning and education - see the course timetable to the left.


For each unit, you will be given an introductory video to view, along with a written commentary and additional sources of information. You will also have a list of links to explore and reflect on, and examples of interesting practice taken from both the education sector and beyond.


At the end of each unit are a series of tasks to help you deepen your understanding, and gain practical experience of many of the issues discussed.




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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
February 10, 2013 6:45 PM!

How much data privacy can you expect to have?

How much data privacy can you expect to have? | Social Media and its influence |
Experts say that the social media technology and the ability for companies to harness our personal information is moving faster than the laws in place to protect our privacy.
Gust MEES's insight:

Privacy matters and it should ALSO get taught in schools!

Check also:


Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
August 6, 2012 11:48 AM!

Twitter - A Necessity for Educators in 2012

Twitter - A Necessity for Educators in 2012 | Social Media and its influence |

A Necessity for Educators in 2012
“Twitter won’t change your life, but it might make your job more fun and a little easier” - NEA


What is Twitter? Twitter is an online social networking site which allows users to send and receive messages of up to 140 characters.


Why should I join Twitter? Twitter has really become an extensive online community for anyone to quickly share and gain ideas on any topic. It’s FREE and very easy to use.


What role does Twitter have in Education? Twitter is a really great way to communicate short and concise thoughts. Some great ways Twitter can be used in education are:


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Rescooped by Gust MEES from Digital Delights
May 24, 2012 11:13 AM!

7 Steps to Safer Social Media in the Classroom

7 Steps to Safer Social Media in the Classroom | Social Media and its influence |
How to create guidelines for responsible use of social tools.


1. Examine your school culture. Gain an understanding of how your community feels about social media.


2. Organize a team. Include both educators who use social media in the classroom and those who do not.


3. Research. Evaluate policies already in place at your school. Look around at other schools. See what they’ve done. Get a sense for what works and what doesn’t.


4. Write a draft and solicit feedback. This is the hard part, says Anderson. Gather the information you’ve collected and ask others to weigh in. Schedule meetings and talk to stakeholders face to face.


5. Have the draft vetted by the school attorney and school board. Make sure your policy does not violate any current laws, policies or ordinances.


6. Introduce the policy to the community. Every team member should be tasked with reaching out to different stakeholder groups, says Anderson. It’s important to be open and transparent.


7. Conduct periodic reviews. Your new social media policy should be “a living document that is revisited often.”


Gust MEES:


8. teachers and Educators need to learn the basics of #itsecurity also to understand why those 7 points were created, check out also:





Via Ana Cristina Pratas
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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
April 10, 2012 10:15 AM!

Copyright, Plagiarism, and Digital Literacy

Copyright, Plagiarism, and Digital Literacy | Social Media and its influence |

What is copyright?


Copyright gives people the legal right to decide how original work that they have created can be used once it has been published. Contrary to popular belief, a copyright notice does not need to be attached to a piece of work for it to be copyrighted – as soon as the work is published, then copyright applies.


In other words, aside from a few notable exceptions (some of which we will touch on later) somebody owns the copyright to pretty much everything that has ever been published on the Internet.


===> It is not a free resource bank that people can dip into and use however they see fit! <===


- What is fair use?

Read more in the article...


- What about quoting from blog posts or online articles?

Read more in the article...


- What is meant by the term ‘public domain’?

Read more in the article...


- Where can I find resources that I can use for free?

Read more in the article...


- What is creative commons?

Read more in the article...


- Where can I find creative commons resources?

Read more in the article...


- Tips for good practice when re-using other people’s work:

Read more in the article...


- What is plagiarism?

Read more in the article...


- What can I do if someone copies my work without permission?

Read more in the article...


(by Sue Lyon-Jones) – Teaching Village


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