Social Media and its influence
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Social Media and its influence
Social Medias and its influence...
Curated by Gust MEES
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Rescooped by Gust MEES from Social Media | Apps, Tools and more...
September 20, 2012 7:20 AM!

Is Social Media Creating a Plagiarism Problem?

Is Social Media Creating a Plagiarism Problem? | Social Media and its influence |
Stolen content is an increasing problem, as people quote text that is not their own without attributing it to the original writer. Why is it that plagiarism is making its way into social media?


Stolen content is an increasing problem, as people quote text that is not their own without attributing it to the original writer. Examples can be found on Twitter where users steal other’s tweets or in blog posts that are plagiarized. Why is it that plagiarism is making its way into social media?


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Via donhornsby, John van den Brink, Tomas Jansma | FlexMind
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Rescooped by Gust MEES from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
April 10, 2012 10:15 AM!

Copyright, Plagiarism, and Digital Literacy

Copyright, Plagiarism, and Digital Literacy | Social Media and its influence |

What is copyright?


Copyright gives people the legal right to decide how original work that they have created can be used once it has been published. Contrary to popular belief, a copyright notice does not need to be attached to a piece of work for it to be copyrighted – as soon as the work is published, then copyright applies.


In other words, aside from a few notable exceptions (some of which we will touch on later) somebody owns the copyright to pretty much everything that has ever been published on the Internet.


===> It is not a free resource bank that people can dip into and use however they see fit! <===


- What is fair use?

Read more in the article...


- What about quoting from blog posts or online articles?

Read more in the article...


- What is meant by the term ‘public domain’?

Read more in the article...


- Where can I find resources that I can use for free?

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- What is creative commons?

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- Where can I find creative commons resources?

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- Tips for good practice when re-using other people’s work:

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- What is plagiarism?

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- What can I do if someone copies my work without permission?

Read more in the article...


(by Sue Lyon-Jones) – Teaching Village


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